Thursday, November 2, 2017

October 2017 Ticker Quote Archive

When your sword doesn't fit in Starbucks @Clashmarsello

"They can not not not not not not not not not know the truth."

"Can't pummel Monoxide without speeps."

"What happened to bad guys like Halley who at least TRIED to look cute?"

“Yo, Earth to Miu, I wouldn’t be so sure they’d wanna let you get all up in their junk,”

"Can we please name it something else?" "NO!"

Make a spicy, spicy, spicy meal. One that will make her regret being born.

Talk about a slow start.

Mega Awesome, Great Inspector Chubby Kitsune

"Or we could fuckin' punch him"

“Fuck it, I’m takin’ a nap.”

u jerk

"U don't scare me, Slaystation and Sintendo."

"There's no time to explain. I broke in because I have to"

The Radical Goat actually did something this time

In this case, that's... Nitori throwing a cucumber down the trapdoor to see what happens.

well, let's not mince words - it is her face.

"my peepizzizz"

"Be careful, it's an important hand!"


another fucking Bob Bifford clone

"YOU'RE DEAD?! Oh no!"

"puppy puppy puppy puppy puppyyyyy"


"RAAAAAAAAAAGH" cried a sledgehammer

no rules in this battle… save for the ones enforced by the referee


"it's all dumb CGI and puppets now."

"S0rry. Did- were you painting me?"

chocolate candy artillery strike


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