Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Your Typical Day as a Planeswarden

Planeswarden Luxendarc Chapter, February 2017...

It was a quiet afternoon in Ringabel's office as he read the latest intelligence briefing. A few more potential threats in neighboring sectors neutralized, his own followers reporting in on investigations, and the latest council meeting minutes. Another discussion devoted to the Earth chapter? Duer was probably tearing his gravel out.

He'd send some encouragement later, maybe quietly ask Magus if there was more to the story. In any case, business could wait until after coffee. Dia, the lovely lass, had sent him some delightful new blends from this new hangout of the Earth Chapter, Kuwahawi. It smelled bold, yet relaxed. The beans had a nice color and had ground nicely. He got out his favorite mug and-

"Commander Ringabel, sir! Urgent!"

Blast. One of his newest recruits had just barged in, distress evident on his face.

"Settle down, Fenton," Ringabel said his usual cool. "Report."

"Yes, sir." The rookie took a moment to compose himself. "Interdimensional rift detected within the base. We've sealed the area, but..."

Ringabel nodded. "But what?"

Fenton gulped. "They're in your quarters, sir. We can't get in without your code."

Ah. Very interesting. Some enemy of the Planeswarden had found this base but went for his quarters instead of his office? The tactics we're as intriguing as they were bad. Very curious.

"And what is our invader doing?"

"As far as we can tell, they're... they're taking a shower."

Ringabel quirked an eyebrow as he activated his Dark Knight asterisk.


Sword in hand, Ringabel entered his quarters. The other Planeswarden flanked the entrance, armed but not moving without orders or a threat. He looked about: desk organized, clothing folded, not a thing out of place. Clearly the intruder had...

...cleaned his room?

He glanced at the only odity in the room: a pile of green armor. It looked familiar, somewhat. His ear perked at the sound of running water. Fenton had been correct; his intruder was using his shower. Or were they maliciously cleaning the tub? The fiend.

Still, Intruders were Intruders, so he kept his sword in hand as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Just a minute!"

And so Ringabel waited patiently. Should he ready a Thundaga or was that too harsh before knowing who was there? Blizzara to freeze them in their tracks? He opted to go with Stop in case they weren't malicious. The door swung open...



He certainly hadn't been expecting his robotic sweetheart to be here, let alone showering. With a towel wrapped around her hair and her torso, she leaned forward into a hug. Ringabel wanted to return it, but first he had a question.

"No offense intended - you know as well as anyone how much I appreciate finding a beautiful woman in my quarters - but how do I know you're the real Labrys?"

"Is Duer still folding your socks like I told him too?"

He answered by wrapping his arms around her waist and twirling her about with a kiss. Their embrace lasted both an eternity and a heartbeat as they ended up on his bed in a heap.

"No, seriously, is he? I paid him."

Ringabel blushed and stood. "Never mind that, my dear, we have other things to discuss."

Labrys got up too, realizing she was getting the bet wet. "Like what?"

Ringabel dropped to one knee and kissed her hand. "Like how my lovely lady returned to after months of missing!" He grew a bit more serious. "And why you're missing some fingers."

It was Labrys' turn to blush as she flexed her seven fingers awkwardly. "Alright, go grab a notepad. I'll tell you the entire story while I give myself a tune-up in your workshop."


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