Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 7

This volume begins in the heat of battle with Kamen Riders Hime and Pluto fighting what looks like a combination of a Shiba Inu and a pistol named Doggunnit. Although the Riders are winning, they constantly cuss each out as they manage to get in each other's way. Doggunnit proposes postponing the fight until they work out their issues, but the two Riders shut him up with a double Rider Kick that destroys the beast. Hime sighs, looking at the charred and broken monster and remarking that they've got a long way to go. Pluto simply rides off, leaving Hime alone with her thoughts before she too rides off.

Cut to Parsee standing outside the ruins of the convenience store, which are being ruined even further as a bulldozer flattens the site and she's handed one last paycheck by her boss with a generous bonus from the insurance money. She sighs as someone walks up next to her and whistles at the sight, the handsome food critic Xavier. He remarks at how tough she's got it and is glad he doesn't work near monster-infest places. Her eyes briefly glow green with envy and she storms off. He follows, apologizing for his remark and offers to buy her lunch. She gladly accepts.

The next day, the Riders are battling another strange monster, Fistibuffs, a giant ball of muscled arms. The two Riders begin to work together, coordinating their attacks until Kamen Rider Hime slices it in half with her Envy Driver sword. This time, the two makes plans to practice fighting together at Satori's place. Hime looks at her wrist and begins leaving, announcing she has plans.

It turns out to be a simple date with Xavier at the movies, the two picking out a film and heckling it the entire time to the ire of the other moviegoers. They follow it up with Chinese food before Parsee drops Xavier off at his home. At soon as she's out of sight though, he walks away from the building and into a swirling violet portal.

Moments later, he arrives in the castle in his armor as Gluttony. All that is missing is his helmet, which he quickly places on his head before entering the throne room. Two knights, one in black armor with white and pink highlights and the second in navy, are reporting on their plan to seize the new Wrath they found in bridge city as he enters. The queen holds up a hand and orders Gluttony to give a quick report. He falls to one knee and announces his own finding.

A new Envy in Bridge City.

The queen cackles and claps her hands with glee. A most delightful finding, so fortuitous! She orders that Gluttony begin planning to capture this new Envy. All other efforts must go towards obtaining a new Wrath. All three knights finish their reports and exit. Gluttony turns to the other two, Sloth and Lust, and asks if they need anything from him. Only, Sloth answers, the use of his portal to Bridge City. He nods and opens it for them, admitting the two into Bridge City.

The next week continues much the same: Kamen Rider Hime, Pluto, or both would fight a monster by day while Parsee went out across the city with Xavier at night. Kamen Rider Hime even foiled one the Kappa Mob's capers. Despite the deadly specter of the Sins lingering over Bridge City, life seems to be stabilizing for Parsee until she receives a called from Kamen Rider Pluto: a massive turtle was trudging towards the Reiuji Power Plant. Parsee immediately transforms and rides, looking for a massive creature...and finding it rather easily.

The monster begins spitting fire at the egg-shaped power plant as Kamen Rider Pluto begins slashing its neck with claws. Pluto points to the entrance and shouts that two Sins have entered the building. Kamen Rider Hime nods and runs in, searching the facility until she sees Lust and Sloth performing some kind of ritual on a thick metal door. Lust orders Sloth to open the door while she prepares to bind the new Wrath. Hime rushes forward and Lust draws her sword. The door suddenly is thrown off its frame, slamming Sloth into the wall. Lust and Hime turn to see the cause as a six foot tall bird made of fire emerges from a massive chamber.

The view pans outside where Kamen Rider Pluto is evading the turtle's attacks, getting in several claw slashes of her own when she can when the side of the power plant explodes in a pillar of flame. The firebird rises from the hole and looks at the fight. The turtle turns and spits a gout of flame, an impressive burst that could melt Satori's tower.

The firebird is unharmed though and shoots back, vaporizing the turtle in one blast. Lust emerges from the building, carrying Sloth with one arm and fending off Kamen Rider Hime with the other. She sees the bird and quickly drops Sloth, attempting to complete her binding ritual, but Hime cuts her off with a Paru Paru Punch to the faceplate, staggering her. The knight picks up her comrade and begins to retreat, remarking that the Queen was going to throw a fit over this, but at least both Kamen Riders would die today.

Kamen Rider Hime scoffs as the knights flee. She looks to Kamen Rider Pluto and nods, making a joke about yet another monster to beat. Pluto falls to one knee and begins to shake, stating that Hime would have to do this one alone. When asked why, Pluto answers...

"She's my sister."

Kamen Rider Hime groans as the flames fade away, leaving a black haired girl with wings and a massive, glowing red eye on her chest. Hime cracks her knuckles ruefully and slugs the girl, growling that it felt like hitting a concrete wall. The girl punches Hime back, tearing a chunk out of Hime's helmet before slamming her in the face with a massive orange cannon. Pluto rushes forward and grabs the girl's arm, calling her Okuu, and pleading with her to stop her rampage. Okuu snarls and blasts Pluto, sending the Rider flying. Hime rolls in and begins punching Okuu as quickly as she can, dodging a bludgeoning strike from the cannon and managing to block a kick strong enough to crushed a car.

Okuu fires more blasts at the evasive Kamen Rider Hime, who gets ordered by Kamen Rider Pluto to distract "the Hell Raven" while Pluto goes for help. Hime questions who could possibly help, but Pluto is already gone. Hime summons Envy Driver and races away, firing danmaku at Okuu and taunting her into a pursuit to the outskirts of the city.

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