Saturday, March 4, 2017

February 2017 RP Ticker Quote Archive

"You've come to dance on the gravestones naked, haven't you?"

"In fact, fuck it. Give me ALL the soup! Give me all the SPICY soup!"

"Who really wants to read anything about math?

“Then we’re like, what, a Dollar Store Nerd Club?”

When one accompanies a young woman, particularly in the presence of her parents, there are some matters one simply does not bring up where they can be overheard. Dalliances. Indiscretions. Cannibalism.

... well, I won't be answering that.

"Wait, wasn't your favorite food 'Ramen' last month?"

Toinette began considering her “start fire, shut door plan”

"There’s no time to waste dilly-dallying on burgers! We must go onward! ONWAAARD!”

Addendum: It was not.

Although perchance one ought have said it as girl meats boy?

"Why couldn’t we go to Jersey"

"I wonder- did she mean an actual God of Machines looks out for our sort, or is she using the colloquialism for plot-interference by higher powers and machinations?"

“That was an unnecessary terrifying backstory.”

Warden Jones should have remembered to lock that door. But he was old

“BUT YOUR FOOD IS RIGHT THEEEEEEERE” she protested to her master

The number was not anywhere near the negatives. In fact, it was a nice, fat positive.

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