Monday, March 27, 2017

April Fool's

Gloria's Apartment

Another Saturday morning, another day of work to look forward to. Gloria began running the day's schedule through her head as she woke up: story time in the morning, a movie in the community room in the afternoon, an SAT prep class after that...thank goodness she'd hired some help to take care of those things. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she got out of bed...

Or rather, she tried to do those things, but found herself unable to move. She look to her right to see if Yamame was snuggled up against her again, but oddly the spider girl was gone. She'd left behind a stick web for some reason though, one that wrapped around the bed and trapped Gloria in place. She struggled, annoyed that Yamame was probably having nesting urges again.

"This isn't funny, Yamame. Let me up so I can go to work."

A sinister snickering came from above as Yamame, in her true spider form, watched from the ceiling.

"Hee hee can do, 'Cookie'."

Yamame lowered herself onto Gloria and began to drool.

"You see, the jig's up. My little ruse is at an end. You've been so eagerly eating up everything I've baked for you and then some that you've made this all too easy for me."

Yamame crawled off and gently caressed a large, spherical web in the corner.

"And your sisters were so trusting too! 'Come over for breakfast! Gloria's made a reservation for a swank restaurant and a show!' The moment they were in the door, web web web!"

The spider cackled as turned back to Gloria.

"And now? Now I get the feast of a lifetime!"

Yamame swung back and forth, trying to decide between several large bundles before landing back on top of Gloria, knocking the wind out of the librarian. She looked up, pleading with Yamame to end this as the spider leaned in close.

"April Fool's!"

Gloria gaped as Yamame changed into her human form and began undoing the webs, then began laughing hysterically before giving her girlfriend a big kiss.


Back in reality...

"...and then we'll go get real breakfast!"

Yamame smiled broadly at her cleverness. Her best friend Parsee simply stared for a few moments before shaking her head.

"That seems....excessive," Parsee said. "Maybe you could just web her down with her favorite book just out of reach?"

Yamame suddenly looked serious and nervous.

"Oh, no, that's sounds mean. Gloria wouldn't like that," Yamame replied.

Parsee sighed and ordered another mimosa. "Alright, we'll need to work on this prank then..."

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