Monday, March 6, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 5

The fight between Kamen Rider Hime and Gluttony starts quickly with Hime rushing forward to throw a flurry of punches. Gluttony draws his sword though, slicing through the air quickly. Hime somersaults away, narrowly avoiding the sword. Gluttony presses his attack with slashes from all directions until his blade hits armor, biting in and drawing blood. Hime uses the opportunity to use her Paru Paru Punch dead-center in Gluttony's chest.

The Sin staggers back, his chest smoking and sizzling, glowing a bit from the heat of the attack. The armor is heavily impacted, a fist-shaped dent in it. Gluttony clutches his chest, each breath carrying a hiss of pain. He's still ready to fight though as he runs foward and lands a strong punch of his own, leveling Kamen Rider Hime. She still has the sword though and takes a swing, catching her foe in the shin. Gluttony kicks the sword away with his good foot and stomps on Hime, smashing her into the pavement. After a few stomps, Gluttony is hit from behind as Envy Driver runs him over.

Kamen Rider Hime uses the distraction to flip Gluttony away and get to her feet, commanding Envy Driver to transform into its sword mode for a finishing blow. The rocket-propelled blade arcs towards Gluttony, but the Sin retrieves his sword, parrying Hime's attack and sending Envy Driver flying. He mocks her poor swordsmanship and prepares to deliver a finishing blow when Hime's eyes glow bright green. The Rider roars and delivers a Paru Paru Punch to the Sin's chest again, though this time she doesn't announce the attack. The first punch is followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth, and so on until she feels her fist punch through his armor and into his chest.

"Astounding!" he gasps. "Where does this power come from?"

"As long as there is a single person to protect, I will never lose," Kamen Rider Hime answers before shoving Gluttony back.

"Then let us see how far you can get on power alone," Gluttony says.

The Sin lays still for a moment before rising to his feet, clutching his chest but otherwise showing no signs of the battle affecting him. He pokes his gaping chest wound and shrugs before walking off, disappearing into the night. Kamen Rider Hime looks at where he'd been standing a moment before, remarking that she'd used up too much power in one night. She returns home, nursing her wounds.

Over the course of two weeks, more and more monsters attack Bridge City, a rapping beatle, a machine that looks like the child of a car and a blender, another generic lizard, and more, each one increasingly more powerful. Kamen Rider Hime manages to emerge victorious, but each battle takes its toll as Parsee spends more and more of her time recovering from battles. At home, she quips that she feels like she just worked a ten-hour shift without the benefit of getting paid.

The first day of week three, another monster attacks. A furry creature that makes leaping spear attacks named Dragcoon is making a mess of the local police station, destroying police cruisers for fun until Kamen Rider Hime arrives, making a speech even as her body is wracked with pain. The fight begins simply enough with Hime throwing several energy blasts as Dragcoon ducks from car to car, rarely leaving cover for more than a second.

Frustrated, Kamen Rider Hime blows up a car that Dragcoon is hiding behind, following up with a rapid charge that sends a few of the monster's teeth flying. It spins the spear like a pro, deflecting several more punches before slapping Hime with the blunt side of his spear. Hime staggers back, preparing to use a spell, when Dragcoon leaps into the air. Dragcoon drives his spear into Hime's gut, piercing her armor enough to penetrate her skin. Hime manages to backhand Dragcoon, but the damage is done and she begins to bleed. Dragcoon leaps into the air for another strike, but is swatted out of the air by a flaming skull.

"How disgusting. Our city has a pest problem."

Dragcoon snarls as another Rider, armored in red, black, and silver, walks in front of Kamen Rider Hime, claws extending from its hands. Rider and monster charge each other, but Dragcoon seems outclassed this time, his fierce swings and lunges being deftly dodged until the Rider slashes down with its claws bisecting the spear and then cutting deep into the monster's chest.

Dragcoon staggers back, spitting curses as its regains its composure. The new Rider doesn't intend to let Dragcoon recover though.

"Death's Head Fracture!"

In a flash, the new Rider rushes forward and strikes, dropping its heel onto Dragcoon's head, followed by a punch to the chest and then an elbow to the back. After each blow, more and more glowing cracks spread across Dragcoon's body. The Rider then snaps its fingers, prompting the monster to shatter and crumble to dust.

Kamen Rider Hime gets to her feet with a Herculean effort and raises a fist, ready for a fight. The Rider shakes its head.

"I'm not your enemy, Kamen Rider Hime. In fact, I'd like to be your ally."

Kamen Rider Hime staggers a bit. "Ally?"

"Indeed. Your enemy is my enemy and has been for some time."

The Rider snaps its fingers and a massive, jagged-looking motorcycle pulls up. To Kamen Rider Hime's surprise, Envy Driver suddenly converts into a sidecar that hooks up with the new bike.

"By the way, you can call me Kamen Rider Pluto. Now hop in and you can meet my sponsor."

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