Monday, March 27, 2017

April Fool's

Gloria's Apartment

Another Saturday morning, another day of work to look forward to. Gloria began running the day's schedule through her head as she woke up: story time in the morning, a movie in the community room in the afternoon, an SAT prep class after that...thank goodness she'd hired some help to take care of those things. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she got out of bed...

Or rather, she tried to do those things, but found herself unable to move. She look to her right to see if Yamame was snuggled up against her again, but oddly the spider girl was gone. She'd left behind a stick web for some reason though, one that wrapped around the bed and trapped Gloria in place. She struggled, annoyed that Yamame was probably having nesting urges again.

"This isn't funny, Yamame. Let me up so I can go to work."

A sinister snickering came from above as Yamame, in her true spider form, watched from the ceiling.

"Hee hee can do, 'Cookie'."

Yamame lowered herself onto Gloria and began to drool.

"You see, the jig's up. My little ruse is at an end. You've been so eagerly eating up everything I've baked for you and then some that you've made this all too easy for me."

Yamame crawled off and gently caressed a large, spherical web in the corner.

"And your sisters were so trusting too! 'Come over for breakfast! Gloria's made a reservation for a swank restaurant and a show!' The moment they were in the door, web web web!"

The spider cackled as turned back to Gloria.

"And now? Now I get the feast of a lifetime!"

Yamame swung back and forth, trying to decide between several large bundles before landing back on top of Gloria, knocking the wind out of the librarian. She looked up, pleading with Yamame to end this as the spider leaned in close.

"April Fool's!"

Gloria gaped as Yamame changed into her human form and began undoing the webs, then began laughing hysterically before giving her girlfriend a big kiss.


Back in reality...

"...and then we'll go get real breakfast!"

Yamame smiled broadly at her cleverness. Her best friend Parsee simply stared for a few moments before shaking her head.

"That seems....excessive," Parsee said. "Maybe you could just web her down with her favorite book just out of reach?"

Yamame suddenly looked serious and nervous.

"Oh, no, that's sounds mean. Gloria wouldn't like that," Yamame replied.

Parsee sighed and ordered another mimosa. "Alright, we'll need to work on this prank then..."

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 8

Two hundred years ago, a younger Satori was walking through a forest towards a cave, carrying a jug of water and a small bag of food. She had heard legends of some kind of spider creature living inside, waylaying travelers with riddles, devouring the ones who guessed incorrectly. She herself knew not what she intended to do if the rumors were true and she met such a creature, but that was on secondary concern.

What was of primary concern was the young-sounding scream from her destination. Satori continued walking at her own pace though, watching with interest as the sight of a massive spider - far larger than an ox-drawn cart for sure - towering over two children became more and more clear. The monster laughs and drools as one of the children - a youkai with cat ears - hisses and protects the other from harm, swiping with tiny claws whenever the spider reaches in.

She stops approximately ten feet away from the scene, crossing her arms judgmentally.

"Can I help you?" the spider asks.

"No. I need competent assistance." Satori answers.

The spider's attention is drawn away from the children. It towers over the pink-haired wanderer.

"Watch your tone, Miss. I'm the Tsuchigumo of Kurodani and-!"

Mid-sentence, the spider is blasted away. Satori turns to leave when she feels a tugging on her dress. She looks down to see the children, - the other clearly had wings now that she wasn't hiding - grabbing her and looking on in awe.

"Can we come with you?" Cat-Ears says.

"No." Satori answers.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?" the two children press.

"......okay. But you're walking yourselves." Satori agrees.

Two hours later, Satori returns home, burdened by the weight of two sleepy children.


In the present, Kamen Rider Hime continues to shout insults and throw beams at the raging Okuu, swerving back and forth as the raging Hell Raven tries to gun her down. The two continue to exchange barrages until Hime hits a pothole, causing her to spin out of control and right into one of Okuu's blasts. Envy Driver explodes as Hime leaps into the air. She's quickly tackled and slammed into the road below. She quickly rolls as a heavy cement boot buries itself a foot into the street where Hime's head had been, allowing the Rider to stand and elbow the bird in the gut, followed by an uppercut.

Okuu staggers a bit, foot still trapped, but she swings her cannon wildly, stunning Kamen Rider Hime long enough to free her foot. Hime manages to stay one step ahead, avoiding powerful-but-slow blows while continuing to get her own jabs in, verbal and physical. Okuu's eyes, all three of them, fill with fire as she unleashes a wave of flames all around her.


Cat-ears and Wings, now Orin and Okuu, are bust doing chores around Satori's house, cleaning up in anticipation of their mother returning home from a trip to a mountain to verify the existence of rumored creatures called Kappa. A loud pounding comes from the door and Orin walks over to open it. A dark-haired woman in battered, colorful European-style armor stands before her and bows. Orin returns the bow and asks her business. The knight begins to introduce herself, stumbling between two names, before finally calling herself Vanessa. She asks if the lady of the house is home, but Orin shakes her head. Vanessa sighs and says she will wait for her, sitting down outside the home with her eyes shut.

Hours later, Satori returns home, shocked at the visitor. Satori and Vanessa stare at each other, something going unsaid. Satori eventually orders Vanessa to follow her into the house and into her private study, telling her daughters to prepare four places at the table. The two talk for hours, rarely raises their voices loud enough to be heard outside despite Orin and Okuu's best efforts. They eventually emerge for dinner.

At the meal's end, Vanessa asks where a forge might be. Satori leads her and her daughters to the nearest blacksmith shop. Vanessa produces a generous sum of gold in exchange for the use of a forge. She asks for a fire, which Okuu generously provides, sticking her arm in the forge and causing it to erupt with flames. For hour, Vanessa works with the forge, melting down her armor until it's unrecognizable, at which point she removes it and begins to force the massive glob of metal into a new shape: a metallic belt with the word envy on it: 羨望.


That same belt is wrapped around Kamen Rider Hime's waist as she manages to force Okuu back with a headbutt. She lets off a sick burn that buys her a moment, but she can feel herself tiring quickly. Every hit, even her own, hurts and she's quickly running slow on strength. She gestures arrogantly and assumes a fighting stance. Hime is sent flying as Okuu plants her cement boot firmly in the Rider's chest. Hime gasps for air, throwing a danmaku as she stumbles.


Vanessa leaves as soon as the belt is finished, telling Satori only that she's turned her power into something she can hide but still have when needed. She looks over her shoulder one last time before recommending Satori do the same. She then says "Good bye, old friend." and the two never see each other again. That night, Satori announces to Orin and Okuu that they will be moving. The two daughters question leaving their fine home and community, but Satori answers that they are no longer safe on the surface and they will build a new home underground. Confused but obedient, they begin packing. As much as they can carry is loaded onto a spider-drawn cart and the three make their way underground.

Though there is no natural light underground, young Okuu is able to produce enough for the family to see as they cross a massive underground bridge. Satori shivers a bit, reminded of stories from her youth about a bridge to Hell. She mutters to herself that her situation seems to warrant such an analogy. Eventually, they reach a massive cavern. Large enough at least to build their new home. Satori releases the spider from her service and gets to work, channeling ancient magics that she had almost forgotten.


Present-day Satori glowers at Kamen Rider Pluto for being at her tower instead of at the power plant, but once the situation is explained, she orders her Rider to take her to Okuu at once. The two hop on Pluto's motorcycle and race off for the edge of town.

Kamen Rider Hime briefly wishes she weren't wearing a helmet so she could spit out the tooth Okuu's last punched knocked loose. She manages to land a few strong punches and a chop on Okuu, but the Hell Raven seems unphased and clobbers Hime with her cannon. Hime lashes out, kicking at Okuu's knee, but Okuu grabs the Rider's leg and slams her to the ground, raising her cannon.


Twenty years after moving underground, Satori has managed to build a small community around her as she began to tame the wild underground, bringing peace to the youkai who bickered and battled constantly. She smiled, watching workers set up some magical lights so they could see better. She felt content for the the first time in years, but it wasn't enough. More youkai were beginning to hear about the new Bridge City and were flocking towards it. Resource production wouldn't be able to keep up and quite possibly the peace would break. She sighs and tells herself to stop talking to herself. She shakes her head and gets back to work, but not before Okuu and Orin overhear.

The two discuss the issue throughout the day, trying to come up with ideas on how to provide for everyone. A voice from behind them makes a suggestion: on the surface, there is a god who can provide them with sunlight they can bring underground so they can grow food. The sisters turn, greeting the purple-haired speaker. Orin dismisses the woman as a quack and goes back to her own chores, but Okuu stays to listen.

"Amaterasu," the woman says. "Seek him out and devour him. Then the power of light and life will be yours."

Okuu asks who the woman is and she remarks that she is simply an out of work goddess who still tries to do something good from time to time before she is gone. Okuu considers the goddess' words and leaves for the surface immediately. She is not missed until lunch when she doesn't show. Satori idly wonders if she's gone off looking for angels again when Orin mentions the purple-haired woman.

Satori stiffens, demanding details before heading off to the surface herself.

It's the dead of night when Okuu arrives at the mountain where Amaterasu is said to be. She begins to search, finally coming across a strange, giant eye in the midst of slumber. She wonders if this is Amaterasu, but remembers the goddess' words and simply swallows the thing whole, its eye opening before it can save itself. Okuu stumbles to the ground, clutching her stomach and passing out. Satori manages to find her later, muttering that she should have brought Orin as she begins to carry Okuu back to Bridge City.

Weeks pass and Satori spends much time examining Okuu for side-effects to eating the Amaterasu. She radiates heat and she has a shorter temper, but seems no worse for wear. Satori begins looking into ways to harness Okuu's energy.

Weeks pass, Okuu's energy grows, and Satori finds a way to turn that into fuel for an artificial sun, allowing the youkai to begin establishing farms to feed themselves. All is well.

At least, all is well until Okuu blows up a house after the owner accidentally bumps into her. She rages at the youkai until Orin drags her off. Satori sees the incident and grows concerned.

Okuu's temper flares with violent results over the course of weeks. Complaints about her behavior pile up and Satori is stuck between a rock and a hard place as she tries to find the cause of Okuu's increasing rage and power. She finally links it to the god she ate, still living furiously within her and causing her to lash out at the world.

Events come to a head as Okuu's fury threatens to destroy Bridge City. Okuu is in the middle of a field, ranting and raving about getting the respect she deserves for bringing light and heat to the underground. Satori tries to calm her down, demonstrating that many of the people do in fact hold her in high regard for her contributions. Okuu snarls, raising her hand as a massive cannon forms around it and a ferociously red eye appears on her chest. Okuu fires searing heat into the middle of a field. Satori is frozen in place, shocked into inaction until Okuu's fury seems to turn upon Orin.


Kamen Rider Pluto remarks at how hot it's beginning to get as she drives past the ruined power plant. Satori grits her teeth, trying to steel herself for what she must do to bring an end to the threat her daughter poses. Flashes of light and explosions come from the distance, the wreckage of Envy Driver still smoldering. Pluto stops her bike and rushes forward in time to stop Okuu from vaporizing Kamen Rider Hime and begins to plead with the Hell Raven to cease her attack, to remember who she is. Okuu backhands Pluto and turns her fury on the other Rider, relentlessly thrashing and trading blows, slowly whittling away at a Rider who hesitates to fight back.

The beating continues until Satori says a single word.




With a single word, Satori brings Okuu's rampage in old Bridge City to a halt, prompting daughter to turn on mother with a blast. Satori deflects it with a magical barrier and begins throwing rings around the rampaging raven's limbs, attempting to bind her but Okuu manages to break out of each one, though it takes more and more effort with each consecutive ring. She continues spewing vitriol and fire though, causing massive destruction even as Satori is slowly bringing her under control.

Finally, Okuu falls asleep, her strength expended even as Satori continues binding her. Orin tearfully rushes over to comfort her sister, but Satori halts her with a gesture.

"She is not the Okuu you once knew," Satori says. "The god inside her has corrupted her into a vile kind of demon, a Hell Raven."

"What can we do?" Orin asks.

Satori looks down sadly and shakes her head. "She must sleep until I can find a cure."

That evening, Satori and Orin construct a chamber covered in runes to contain the beast within. Satori looked at the community, already beginning to rebuild and muttering grateful praises to Satori for stop the rampaging beast and sealing her away. Satori glares, angry that nobody but Orin seems to understand what this "victory" has personally cost her. She begins building her tower the next day, growing it ever larger as the chamber becomes the Reiuji Power Plant and Bridge City grows into the bustling community it is today. Shortly after Okuu is contained, Orin begins walking around with a new belt.


In the present, Satori and Okuu stare at each other. The air flickers as it suddenly grows hotter. The concrete begins to melt and nearby vegetation erupts in flames as the Hell Raven begins walking towards her mother. Satori stands her ground, eyes not leaving Okuu's gaze even to blink. The two are soon next to each other as Okuu looks down at Satori, berating her for locking her away and using her like a tool for centuries. Satori nods and agrees. The taller woman snarls and lifts her cannon, preparing to vaporize Satori "like she should have done centuries ago", but Kamen Rider Hime intervenes, tackling Satori out of the way..

"Weakness. Now." Kamen Rider Hime demands.

"I won't help you kill my daughter," Satori counters.

"Then give me another way!" Hime says. "Something! Anything!"

After a moment, Satori sighs. "The third eye. It is the source of her power."

Kamen Rider Hime cracks her knuckles and rushes forward again, rain punches upon the bright red eye that burn her even through her armor, though Okuu is visibly staggered. The Hell Raven clubs Hime and prepares to blast her when a SECOND Hime grabs her from behind. The first Hime remarks how much she hates cloning herself in a fight, but what is she going to do?

She's going to leap into the air, that's what, and, while Okuu breaks free and destroys the second Hime, deliver her Stars Above Kick to Okuu's third eye, causing huge cracks to form in it. Okuu immediately drops to her knees, gasping for breath as she clutches the bright red eye. The air immediately cools as Satori walks over.

Okuu looks up at her mother, tears in her eyes, begging not to be sealed away again. Satori kneels and wraps her arms around her daughter. Nobody will be sealed away, she says. She knows better now, chanting an incantation and plucking the broken third eye from Okuu's chest and sealing it away. Kamen Rider Pluto stumbles over, remarking that with the Amaterasu's Wrath sealed away, the power of Pluto is fading, leaving only Orin behind.

For the first time in centuries, the family is reunited in a loving embrace. Kamen Rider Hime shrugs and begins walking back to Bridge City, more than a bit envious at their love.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 7

This volume begins in the heat of battle with Kamen Riders Hime and Pluto fighting what looks like a combination of a Shiba Inu and a pistol named Doggunnit. Although the Riders are winning, they constantly cuss each out as they manage to get in each other's way. Doggunnit proposes postponing the fight until they work out their issues, but the two Riders shut him up with a double Rider Kick that destroys the beast. Hime sighs, looking at the charred and broken monster and remarking that they've got a long way to go. Pluto simply rides off, leaving Hime alone with her thoughts before she too rides off.

Cut to Parsee standing outside the ruins of the convenience store, which are being ruined even further as a bulldozer flattens the site and she's handed one last paycheck by her boss with a generous bonus from the insurance money. She sighs as someone walks up next to her and whistles at the sight, the handsome food critic Xavier. He remarks at how tough she's got it and is glad he doesn't work near monster-infest places. Her eyes briefly glow green with envy and she storms off. He follows, apologizing for his remark and offers to buy her lunch. She gladly accepts.

The next day, the Riders are battling another strange monster, Fistibuffs, a giant ball of muscled arms. The two Riders begin to work together, coordinating their attacks until Kamen Rider Hime slices it in half with her Envy Driver sword. This time, the two makes plans to practice fighting together at Satori's place. Hime looks at her wrist and begins leaving, announcing she has plans.

It turns out to be a simple date with Xavier at the movies, the two picking out a film and heckling it the entire time to the ire of the other moviegoers. They follow it up with Chinese food before Parsee drops Xavier off at his home. At soon as she's out of sight though, he walks away from the building and into a swirling violet portal.

Moments later, he arrives in the castle in his armor as Gluttony. All that is missing is his helmet, which he quickly places on his head before entering the throne room. Two knights, one in black armor with white and pink highlights and the second in navy, are reporting on their plan to seize the new Wrath they found in bridge city as he enters. The queen holds up a hand and orders Gluttony to give a quick report. He falls to one knee and announces his own finding.

A new Envy in Bridge City.

The queen cackles and claps her hands with glee. A most delightful finding, so fortuitous! She orders that Gluttony begin planning to capture this new Envy. All other efforts must go towards obtaining a new Wrath. All three knights finish their reports and exit. Gluttony turns to the other two, Sloth and Lust, and asks if they need anything from him. Only, Sloth answers, the use of his portal to Bridge City. He nods and opens it for them, admitting the two into Bridge City.

The next week continues much the same: Kamen Rider Hime, Pluto, or both would fight a monster by day while Parsee went out across the city with Xavier at night. Kamen Rider Hime even foiled one the Kappa Mob's capers. Despite the deadly specter of the Sins lingering over Bridge City, life seems to be stabilizing for Parsee until she receives a called from Kamen Rider Pluto: a massive turtle was trudging towards the Reiuji Power Plant. Parsee immediately transforms and rides, looking for a massive creature...and finding it rather easily.

The monster begins spitting fire at the egg-shaped power plant as Kamen Rider Pluto begins slashing its neck with claws. Pluto points to the entrance and shouts that two Sins have entered the building. Kamen Rider Hime nods and runs in, searching the facility until she sees Lust and Sloth performing some kind of ritual on a thick metal door. Lust orders Sloth to open the door while she prepares to bind the new Wrath. Hime rushes forward and Lust draws her sword. The door suddenly is thrown off its frame, slamming Sloth into the wall. Lust and Hime turn to see the cause as a six foot tall bird made of fire emerges from a massive chamber.

The view pans outside where Kamen Rider Pluto is evading the turtle's attacks, getting in several claw slashes of her own when she can when the side of the power plant explodes in a pillar of flame. The firebird rises from the hole and looks at the fight. The turtle turns and spits a gout of flame, an impressive burst that could melt Satori's tower.

The firebird is unharmed though and shoots back, vaporizing the turtle in one blast. Lust emerges from the building, carrying Sloth with one arm and fending off Kamen Rider Hime with the other. She sees the bird and quickly drops Sloth, attempting to complete her binding ritual, but Hime cuts her off with a Paru Paru Punch to the faceplate, staggering her. The knight picks up her comrade and begins to retreat, remarking that the Queen was going to throw a fit over this, but at least both Kamen Riders would die today.

Kamen Rider Hime scoffs as the knights flee. She looks to Kamen Rider Pluto and nods, making a joke about yet another monster to beat. Pluto falls to one knee and begins to shake, stating that Hime would have to do this one alone. When asked why, Pluto answers...

"She's my sister."

Kamen Rider Hime groans as the flames fade away, leaving a black haired girl with wings and a massive, glowing red eye on her chest. Hime cracks her knuckles ruefully and slugs the girl, growling that it felt like hitting a concrete wall. The girl punches Hime back, tearing a chunk out of Hime's helmet before slamming her in the face with a massive orange cannon. Pluto rushes forward and grabs the girl's arm, calling her Okuu, and pleading with her to stop her rampage. Okuu snarls and blasts Pluto, sending the Rider flying. Hime rolls in and begins punching Okuu as quickly as she can, dodging a bludgeoning strike from the cannon and managing to block a kick strong enough to crushed a car.

Okuu fires more blasts at the evasive Kamen Rider Hime, who gets ordered by Kamen Rider Pluto to distract "the Hell Raven" while Pluto goes for help. Hime questions who could possibly help, but Pluto is already gone. Hime summons Envy Driver and races away, firing danmaku at Okuu and taunting her into a pursuit to the outskirts of the city.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dinner Time: A ZFRP Story

The Ciansion

The front door creaked open, thrust with all the strength Parsee Mizuhashi could muster after a 12+ hour day overseeing business as usual as well as finalizing negotiations to jointly purchase the old NBN building with Kawashiro. Nitori might have more brains for engineering than business, but she had a ruthless team supporting her whilst the new Dra Co CEO only had she, herself, and I on her side. The top floors with the abandoned NBN portal technology would be shared between the two corporations and the Kobbers, but at least Parsee got the rest of the top portion of the building, even if it was only 45% of it.

Her new office was going to have a great view once all the broken glass was replaced. Maybe she could get Meiling to pay for it since she was likely the one who broke it?

Ha, no.

The biggest trial of the day had come from promising to bring home dinner. She'd gotten an e-mail with a list that looked more like the incoming supply manifest for a battleship that, thankfully, she was able to order three hours before she could pick it up. But, be it ever so humble, she was finally home for the night.

And then they descended, like vultures smelling blood. Or hungry Prinnies smelling freshly-sliced deli meats.





And so on, Parsee handing out each sandwich perfectly and giving Cian his personal party platter. It all went amazingly well, all things considered, until...

"d00d where's my corned beef?"


Parsee dug around the bag. All that was left was her own sandwich and it was definitely not corned beef.

"I swear it was in here. I made extra sure to check..."

Parsee then looked to her left and quickly pulled off Cian's head, grabbing the precious sandwich the moment it dropped out of Cian's neck. Hashihime and Prinny stared at the sandwich with something akin to dull resignation.

"thanks d00d"

Corned beef was corned beef and it had barely been chewed. The Prinny took off while Parsee looked her prisoner in the eye.

"What am I going to do with you?"

Cian grinned impishly.

Parsee glared.

Then smooched him.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 6

Note: This one's gonna differ from previous posts since it's an exposition-heavy volume.


This volume opens up with Kamen Rider Hime sitting in a luxurious private study wrapping torn pieces of scarf over her wounds. Kamen Rider Pluto stands at attention nearby, watching curious as Hime ignores the first aid kit with actual bandages that has been left for her to use. The two Riders sit in silence for nearly an hour until the door opens, admitting a slight, pink-haired girl. Hime looks up for a moment, dismissing the newcomer while Pluto stands stiffly at attention. The girl walks up to Hime and looks at her intently.

"Are you going to stand up?" the girl says.

"Should I?" Kamen Rider Hime asks.

The girl almost smiles. "You ought to. I'm the one who asked that you be brought here. My name is Komeji. Satori Komeji. You may call me Lady Satori."

Beneath her helmet, Kamen Rider Hime's eyes bulge. The infamous shadow boss of Bridge City herself was standing before her and had a Kamen Rider at her beck and call? Hime slowly stands.

"Then I owe you my thanks, Lady Satori." Hime says. "Kamen Rider Pluto saved my life."

Satori nods. "Under ordinary circumstances, I wouldn't have sent her. I've been watching you for years, leaving you to your own devices as you haven't needed any assistance. Things have changed though."

Satori walks over to a bookshelf, searching for a specific book. Hime watches, sitting back down.

"Your enemies this time aren't militant environmentalist humans or greedy Kappa bank robbers this time. They're a group of immortals from another part of the world called Greece. They call themselves the Sins."

Satori finds the book she was looking for and levitates it over to Hime with a particular page open: a fable called Pandora's Box.

"I think I've read this before," Hime says. "What's the point?"

"Pandora wasn't a person, like in the myth. It was a school for sages," Satori explains. "The wisdom of the greatest philosophers being taught to children gifted with the power of the gods in the hopes of creating a class of leader with the wisdom to rule responsibly and the power to defy any evil."

"Sounds good so far," Hime says with a nod. "What happened?"

"The philosophy was of no interest to one student; she only wanted the power. She secretly dabbled in forbidden tomes, knowledge only the most experienced sages were allowed to read," Satori answers. "She learned a ritual that could give her the power she craved at grave cost. Sin was nothing new at the time, but she befriended seven students who exemplified each sin, unwitting pawns to use in her bid for power."

The floor lights up showing eight figures: one in the center surrounded by the other seven. The middle figure, a short girl in an elaborate costume, is reading from a book, increasing the intensity of the glow. Finally, she shuts the book, causing an explosion of light. The other figures scream silently and writhe as mist flows from them to the girl in the center.

"Once the ritual was over, she crowned herself the Queen of Sin and ordered her Knights to slaughter the academy and its students. It was a blood bath; the ritual had given the Knights incredible power but bound their souls to the Queen's will. By the end, only the eight Sins remained."

Kamen Rider Hime flinched as the display suddenly vanished.

"Amazing tale. How do you know all this?" Hime says.

"It was told to me in passing by one of the Knights." Satori answers. "Centuries again when she first arrived in this land."


"I don't know what she was doing in Gensokyo. We only met once. I have tried to keep an eye on her descendants though."


Satori nods. "Indeed. The Hashihimes. They began appearing shortly after I met her and radiate the same Envious energy as she did."

Kamen Rider Hime freezes as Satori walks up to her.

"I expect you would know more about the Hashihimes than I would, Kamen Rider, so why don't you fill in the gaps for me." Satori says.

"It's a family secret." Hime counters.

"You do owe me one since I've shared with you," Satori says back.

"...alright, fine." Kamen Rider Hime stands and begins to pace. "The Hashihimes have been fighting injustice for centuries using the power of Kamen Rider Hime, a magical talisman passed down from mother to daughter for generations. We're excessively jealous - it's in our blood - and we can use that power for our danmaku and spell cards, but we need the talisman to bring forth the power of the Rider."

Satori nods. "Likely a legacy of the original Envy. At your peak, you can fight one of the Knights on even footing - as shown when you killed Wrath, though he had been severely injured prior to your battle - but any less than your best and you get overpowered, like when you were nearly defeated by Gluttony."

Hime turns to face her host. "Alright, I've given you a secret for yours. Now...why not tell me why you brought me here. "

"Of course. I've brought you here because I wish to join forces with you." Satori says, staring back. "I have....good reason to believe that the Sins are here for something of mine but they won't hesitate to ruin this city to get it. Neither of us wants them to succeed."

Kamen Rider Hime turned to Kamen Rider Pluto, who nodded back.

"Very well, Lady Satori. I accept. Just one more question: who is Pluto?"

Satori smirked. "Are you sharing YOUR identity?"


"Then Pluto's is a secret too. Visit my physician before you leave. We'll be in touch."

As quietly as she entered, Satori left, leaving the two Riders alone.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 5

The fight between Kamen Rider Hime and Gluttony starts quickly with Hime rushing forward to throw a flurry of punches. Gluttony draws his sword though, slicing through the air quickly. Hime somersaults away, narrowly avoiding the sword. Gluttony presses his attack with slashes from all directions until his blade hits armor, biting in and drawing blood. Hime uses the opportunity to use her Paru Paru Punch dead-center in Gluttony's chest.

The Sin staggers back, his chest smoking and sizzling, glowing a bit from the heat of the attack. The armor is heavily impacted, a fist-shaped dent in it. Gluttony clutches his chest, each breath carrying a hiss of pain. He's still ready to fight though as he runs foward and lands a strong punch of his own, leveling Kamen Rider Hime. She still has the sword though and takes a swing, catching her foe in the shin. Gluttony kicks the sword away with his good foot and stomps on Hime, smashing her into the pavement. After a few stomps, Gluttony is hit from behind as Envy Driver runs him over.

Kamen Rider Hime uses the distraction to flip Gluttony away and get to her feet, commanding Envy Driver to transform into its sword mode for a finishing blow. The rocket-propelled blade arcs towards Gluttony, but the Sin retrieves his sword, parrying Hime's attack and sending Envy Driver flying. He mocks her poor swordsmanship and prepares to deliver a finishing blow when Hime's eyes glow bright green. The Rider roars and delivers a Paru Paru Punch to the Sin's chest again, though this time she doesn't announce the attack. The first punch is followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth, and so on until she feels her fist punch through his armor and into his chest.

"Astounding!" he gasps. "Where does this power come from?"

"As long as there is a single person to protect, I will never lose," Kamen Rider Hime answers before shoving Gluttony back.

"Then let us see how far you can get on power alone," Gluttony says.

The Sin lays still for a moment before rising to his feet, clutching his chest but otherwise showing no signs of the battle affecting him. He pokes his gaping chest wound and shrugs before walking off, disappearing into the night. Kamen Rider Hime looks at where he'd been standing a moment before, remarking that she'd used up too much power in one night. She returns home, nursing her wounds.

Over the course of two weeks, more and more monsters attack Bridge City, a rapping beatle, a machine that looks like the child of a car and a blender, another generic lizard, and more, each one increasingly more powerful. Kamen Rider Hime manages to emerge victorious, but each battle takes its toll as Parsee spends more and more of her time recovering from battles. At home, she quips that she feels like she just worked a ten-hour shift without the benefit of getting paid.

The first day of week three, another monster attacks. A furry creature that makes leaping spear attacks named Dragcoon is making a mess of the local police station, destroying police cruisers for fun until Kamen Rider Hime arrives, making a speech even as her body is wracked with pain. The fight begins simply enough with Hime throwing several energy blasts as Dragcoon ducks from car to car, rarely leaving cover for more than a second.

Frustrated, Kamen Rider Hime blows up a car that Dragcoon is hiding behind, following up with a rapid charge that sends a few of the monster's teeth flying. It spins the spear like a pro, deflecting several more punches before slapping Hime with the blunt side of his spear. Hime staggers back, preparing to use a spell, when Dragcoon leaps into the air. Dragcoon drives his spear into Hime's gut, piercing her armor enough to penetrate her skin. Hime manages to backhand Dragcoon, but the damage is done and she begins to bleed. Dragcoon leaps into the air for another strike, but is swatted out of the air by a flaming skull.

"How disgusting. Our city has a pest problem."

Dragcoon snarls as another Rider, armored in red, black, and silver, walks in front of Kamen Rider Hime, claws extending from its hands. Rider and monster charge each other, but Dragcoon seems outclassed this time, his fierce swings and lunges being deftly dodged until the Rider slashes down with its claws bisecting the spear and then cutting deep into the monster's chest.

Dragcoon staggers back, spitting curses as its regains its composure. The new Rider doesn't intend to let Dragcoon recover though.

"Death's Head Fracture!"

In a flash, the new Rider rushes forward and strikes, dropping its heel onto Dragcoon's head, followed by a punch to the chest and then an elbow to the back. After each blow, more and more glowing cracks spread across Dragcoon's body. The Rider then snaps its fingers, prompting the monster to shatter and crumble to dust.

Kamen Rider Hime gets to her feet with a Herculean effort and raises a fist, ready for a fight. The Rider shakes its head.

"I'm not your enemy, Kamen Rider Hime. In fact, I'd like to be your ally."

Kamen Rider Hime staggers a bit. "Ally?"

"Indeed. Your enemy is my enemy and has been for some time."

The Rider snaps its fingers and a massive, jagged-looking motorcycle pulls up. To Kamen Rider Hime's surprise, Envy Driver suddenly converts into a sidecar that hooks up with the new bike.

"By the way, you can call me Kamen Rider Pluto. Now hop in and you can meet my sponsor."

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Checking Out

Suitcases packed? Check.

Tearful good byes? Check.

Promises to call once she found a giant lobster? Check.

Leaving instructions for Sakuya to water Patchouli twice a week and to check for a pulse once a day? Check.

Saying something that caused Meiling to blush? Surprisingly....check.

Check, check, check check.

The stars were aligned and everything was in place for Koakuma, the little devil, to leave the Scarlet Devil Mansion behind (for now) and make for the fabulous island of Kuwahawi. Seeing as, aside from a brief meeting with Sakuya's boyfriend and getting punched in the face by a youkai during their time in Las Vegas and watching the Big Bar Brawl with Mistress Flan, she hadn't had much contact with the Kobbers and it was most certainly her turn to take a few months off from her duties to broaden her horizons.

In fact, there was only one thing left for her to do and then she actually would be leaving. A quick trip to the Human Village, complete with a large hat and robe to hide her more demonic features, was all she required.

Suzunaan, an old-fashioned book renter/store, paled in comparison to the library of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but it was superior in one aspect: it was better at dying one of the workers had amassed a collection of demon books, a broad category of literature whose only common trait was that the authors were youkai. The few demon books at the mansion would never leave there as long as Patchouli still drew breath (once a week) so Koakuma, knowing that such tomes might be useful in as weird a place as the King of Beasts, had sought out the collector, a young woman called Kosuzu Motoori.

The door had a large CLOSED sign on it. That was expected though. Koakuma entered with but a single knock.

"I'm sorry, we're closed for the day," a young woman with brown pigtails and a checkered dress said, not looking up from her copy of Aqua Princess Rita.

"I know; we have an appointment," Koakuma answered, waiting.

The woman, Kosuzu Motoori herself, looked up. "You're Ophelin?"

"Please, call me Ko," Ko(akuma) said.

Kosuzu nodded and reached behind the counter, grunting as she set a heavy metal box on top of it.

"As requsted, four demon books chronicling the existence of various youkai. You want the caretaking instructions now or after you pay?"

Koakuma thought about it. "Now would be fine."

The shopkeeper dug into a pocket and pulled out a small notebook, handing it to her customer.

"It's a little more detailed in there, but the gist of it is don't open the box outside of a consecrated space, supervise any use of ANY of these books, keep a priest of the premises at all times in case of possession, and don't listen to a thing they SAY, just what's on the pages. Especially Weiss - he'll talk your ear off."

"That's GRIMOIRE Weiss!" the box said.

Kosuzu slapped the side and shook her head. "Anyway, you have money, right?"

Koakuma pulled out a slip of paper of her own: a blank check from the Zoofights Corporation for her to fill out. "How much?"

"Twenty-thousand, forty if you don't have insurance-"

"We do."

"Twenty-thousand it is and bring them back IN THIS BOX. I had the Moriya Shrine maiden bless it for me last week so I know it's safe."

Koakuma finished filling out the check and hefted the box, wishing she'd brought a cart. "Thank you much. See you in eight months."

Kosuzu nodded and went back to her comic as the little demon left.

Koakuma grunted as she hefted the heavy box; she only needed to get it to the edge of town where her ride was waiting. No problem, right?

One of the indignant books inside the box began to rant and thrash, causing Koakuma to sigh. This would be almost as difficult as helping Lady Patchouli.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

February 2017 RP Ticker Quote Archive

"You've come to dance on the gravestones naked, haven't you?"

"In fact, fuck it. Give me ALL the soup! Give me all the SPICY soup!"

"Who really wants to read anything about math?

“Then we’re like, what, a Dollar Store Nerd Club?”

When one accompanies a young woman, particularly in the presence of her parents, there are some matters one simply does not bring up where they can be overheard. Dalliances. Indiscretions. Cannibalism.

... well, I won't be answering that.

"Wait, wasn't your favorite food 'Ramen' last month?"

Toinette began considering her “start fire, shut door plan”

"There’s no time to waste dilly-dallying on burgers! We must go onward! ONWAAARD!”

Addendum: It was not.

Although perchance one ought have said it as girl meats boy?

"Why couldn’t we go to Jersey"

"I wonder- did she mean an actual God of Machines looks out for our sort, or is she using the colloquialism for plot-interference by higher powers and machinations?"

“That was an unnecessary terrifying backstory.”

Warden Jones should have remembered to lock that door. But he was old

“BUT YOUR FOOD IS RIGHT THEEEEEEERE” she protested to her master

The number was not anywhere near the negatives. In fact, it was a nice, fat positive.