Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Christmas Quandry

 Kiketsu Family HQ, Whalestrand, Christmas Eve...

"So what are you getting David for Christmas, Tara?"

Tara Skew, attorney at law and presently a ghost, looked up from her work studying the Glasetera legal code for the Kiketsu Family's move into the region, not as Kobber antagonists again but this time as potential allies. At the very least, it was a comfortable place for the goddess Aqua Moriya to try being a heroic goddess without botching some Gensokyo incident. The lawyer looked up at said goddess with a raised eyebrow.

"I got you and Darkness each something. Why do I need to get something for David?" she asked tersely.

Aqua grinned. "Oh, come on! He nearly kills himself to keep you alive and then feels really sad and pouty when you died? Don't tell me you haven't noticed?"

"I've noticed, but I'm neither a human or - as noted - alive. I don't want to lead him along thinking I share his feelings," Tara countered, getting back to work.

"He's been very respectful of your personal space, moreso than anyone else. I don't think he's a bad guy either," the goddess continued, pacing casually. "At the very least, you ought to send him a card."

With a chilly glare, Tara looked up. Aqua pretended not to notice and started walking off, already yelling something to her bodyguard before the attorney could get in one last word. One peevish grunt later, Tara was back to work, going through page after page of dry legal code, all in the original language so she couldn't misinterpret anything due to translation issues. The sounds of laughter echoed down the hall; they'd do a gift exchange in the morning and have drinks with her cousin Yachie in the evening. Even their...*ahem*...legitimate businesses stopped working for a day to celebrate. What else did she need to do, especially after a trio of ghosts had tried bullying her into being more celebratory? It turned out ghosts weren't immune to another ghost's fire breath.

The recently deceased dragon did lean back in her chair slightly, deep in thought. She drew upon everything she knew of David, probably not as much as she could considering she'd only known him a few months, but it was...enough, at least. A noble fellow from another world who'd saved the life of a dragon who'd just claimed to destroy a village? He'd also shown quite a bit of respect for personal space, a very - no pun intended - touchy subject since everything that had happened with the Cardholders. Dying had ironically been the best thing to happen to her in that regard in a long time.

"Hmm." Tara paused and reached for a phone book, her hand phasing through it before she remembered her 'touching things as a ghost' lessons and flipped through it until she found a specific ad, dialing up the number on her phone.

"Pawn Shop of Doom. How many I help you?"

Tara paused for a moment to wonder how a skeleton could talk without lips, but decided it was unimportant.

"Yeah, I'm looking for something to let a person touch ghosts."

"Ah, yes. I do happen to have such a thing! A priceless Ghost Touch Amulet!"

"That's...convenient," Tara said, slightly incredulous.

"Our guarantee is to somehow have something you want or we offer you an apology FREE OF CHARGE!"

"...alright then. How much?"

"Ten dollars."

"Perfect. I'll be there in...ten minutes. Okay?"


Wherever the Earth Sect Planeswardens currently live on Earth, Christmas Day...

It wasn't the prettiest parcel ever, but it was currently sitting in the middle of a room with a large "To: David From: Tara" tag on it. The object inside wasn't actually that nice, though it had gotten polished before delivery, but it had a hand-written card inside.

"'A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. An incorporeal creature’s 50% reduction in damage from corporeal sources does not apply to attacks made against it with ghost touch weapons. The weapon can be picked up and moved by an incorporeal creature at any time. A manifesting ghost can wield the weapon against corporeal foes. Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as both corporeal or incorporeal.'

That's what instruction manual said. I don't know what nerd wrote that but the gist is you can touch a ghost while wearing this. Merry Christmas.

-Tara Skew"

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October 2022 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: *Kids and old people not allowed


3rd: “Eugh! After all that he doesn’t even taste decent. Figures.”


5th: "Gonna party for a day or two and then I'm gonna grow more Shattermold. Become the queen of Shattermold. Put it on my GODDAMN CHEERIOS."

6th: Things could get worse, but it didn’t mean they WOULD…

7th: "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a spiteful old wartbag and I take every opportunity to exercise that right."

8th: she wants CHAOS GOLF!

9th: Hoshii Holdings won by doing nothing at all.

10th: the woman rises out of her seat, her gaze already spewing hypocrisy

11th: "Mr. Spamton, sir, may I please use your controls to fire beams at Ebisuwaru?"

12th: "One year for my birthday they took me to a nuclear containment zone. That was a nice present."

13th: THE COSINEAU QUARTET (The Dawnlings)


15th: She summons more dutch ovens around her

16th: "With military tactics like mine, who needs war crimes?"

17th: "Best I blend back into the background, as well, as one does as a silent hero." "But aren't you talking right now?"

18th: "Turn back into a lady or else."


20th: "I’m missing out on some top-tier shitposts on Flutter, I just know it."


22nd: the elements of clownery

23rd: "My guns have been useless all season! I need to fight more bad guys who are weak to bullets." Cordie huffs.

24th: And now Venti is playing La Hee. Horribly. Blasphemous.

25th: Beach Episode, make a plush.

26th: Nicely done, Valerio. You're a natural at this Ultra stuff.

27th: the first stools they sit in were already too powerful to escape!

28th: Arceus thought of the Wobbuffets again.

29th: "bungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerbungerBUNGER!"

30th: "In my perfect world, I kick your butt! FOR REAL!"

31st: Reines waggled her eyebrows before she turned into a goat, then back into a girl.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Dracoplot 2022 Thoughts

 What a crazy year for plot! When I finished with my plot last year, I promised myself that I would tone down the stakes so it wasn't just year after year of potentially world-ending threats. I don't think I succeeded on that front in the end, with giant clown monsters who wanted to go eat enough energy to destroy the universe. Of course, when I initially conceived of my plot for this year, it was originally SUPPOSED to be two shorter, unrelated plots. One plot about Silvania and one about Sanae and Suwako being harassed by big business and more fucking dragons that turn into cute girls.

Someday I'll do a plot that lacks robots, kaiju, and dragon maids. Probably. Not.

And starting off with the biggest twist of them all: there were originally NO CLOWNS AT ALL.

I did the teaser of them laughing at near-dead Momoyo and people started getting interested in what they'd do, so...uh...I worked them into the plot and I think that at least worked out for the best. They did naughty things that helped push the plot and made for a more interesting finale that what I'd initially planned. Not that I had a ton of planning for the Moriya/Griff plot before the season started. Let's talk about Silvania first!

Silvania Véulunar, This is Your Life

My turn to finally create the bartender and the bar itself. I talked about Silvania and The Accidental Hero in my blogpost about my 2021 RP so I don't need to cover again what I'd written back in April. (Hopefully I don't write blogs for two years' of RP in the same year again like this.) This plot was meant to explore the origins of The Silver Tribute and how Silvania came to be the captain, the result of an adventure gone terribly wrong when she and her companions were vastly unprepared for what they found beneath the Magicite mine and dealing with the consequences of it while there was a group who had the ability to do so.

The Scorchbeast from RP is the Scorchbeast Queen from Fallout 76. I'm wringing every last drop out of that game bit by bit; who knows, we may see things from its newest update next year! Maybe. I altered its origins a little, instead of being awoken by nuclear missiles it was awoken by exposure to magic after lying dormant for however long it's been since The Deck visited Earth and ate the magic. A later addition to its origins that I forgot to/didn't have a good time to bring up is that the Scorchbeast was a Dorat spawned by Ghidorah's tooth back in Ye Olde Days. I really liked it as a villain, being a menace that really absolutely needed Kobber intervention to destroy since magic is so prevalent in Agama's technology that it's called Magitech.

This plot was always intended to be three events long. The first event, Silvania introducing the Kobbers to the Scorchbeast, and the third event, a huge battle against the Scorchbeast, went more or less as I'd intended and were a lot of fun, I think. Our story-loving bartender finally had to tell a story about herself and we got to find out she hated telling hers because the last one was a traumatic experience for her and then we got to have a cool battle to save Agama and free Silvania from the burdens of her past.

The second event was originally going to be much, MUCH different. At some point between "This is Your Life" and "Bulette Tank", Goops had correctly guessed in private what the original second event was going to be: a fight between the Kobbers and Silvania and Goldlewis, with a new "Company of Heroes" (a name I shamelessly took from Final Fantasy 14) consisting of Ningguang (Silvania's niece, daughter to a couple of her old comrades), Steve, Ochako, and Panserugelbjorn. The reasoning for the fight being that if the Kobbers couldn't beat them, they wouldn't stand a chance against the Scorchbeast. Silvania would have used her magical connection to The Silver Tribute to make a huge platform in the sky the battle could take place on and would have consisted of Silvania playing a support role for the first couple of rounds, buffing and healing the others, before joining the fight herself.

What ended up happening though was me selling the threat a bit too well to a crowd of less-impetuous people! MY plan for a cool fight was swept aside as cooler heads said the government needed to get involved, leading to a huge lump of cut content that I'd originally commissioned the Silvania In Armor picture for! She was going to Brawl anyway though, so no loss. Ironically, cooler heads leading to getting the government involved also led to Silvania, Goldlewis, Ningguang, Constable Mole, and every unnamed conspirator either getting arrested or going into exile, because whatever the reason no government likes being embarrassed like this and tends to sweep these things under the rug. So we got a couple months of Bartender Steve.

Bulette Tank (a play on Bulettes also being called Land Sharks in DnD and the TV show Shark Tank) had the benefit of introducing Griff and his associates to the Kobbers though, Griff Enterprises being called in to serve as an alternative to solving the Scorchbeast crisis. Yes, I would have let Griff win that if your ideas hadn't been convincing and the third event would have been something else entirely, like Kobbers having to fight Scorched Miners trying to break out to help the Scorchbeast. We also got three Agaman characters out of it who otherwise wouldn't have existed: Mage General Michaela, Senator Ratbat (who, spoilers, was Griff's government contact), and Rangers the Ranger. Michaela and Rangers I came up with over the weeks between events (Michaela being a face claim from Helltaker and Rangers being from Arknights) while Ratbat I thought of including the day of Bulette Tank. Decepticons had already been established as living in Agama and I needed a slimy finance guy, so he worked out perfectly.

Michaela being the daughter of Silvania's fiancé was something I came up with after the face to explain why Silvania especially would get hounded for jail time. Coyote going to jail ended up being a good way to get Silvania out of jail. No offense intended, but nobody seemed too eager to get her out besides JRM even after I said "I don't have plans to get Silvania out of jail." and I liked the idea when I got it. More on that later though.

I'd intended to do more posts about Silvania's exile, but didn't get around to much more than doing a few good scenes between her and Reines. Those were enjoyable scenes to do though and I thank Brine for letting me turn his posts into sudden collabs.

Aside from Silvania's exile, going the...uh...Responsible Route also had the unintended side effect of putting Goldlewis and Ningguang on a bus trip they couldn't return from, so I sadly didn't get to do anything else with them. There'd been a bit of interest in chat of seeing Goldlewis Brawl, but there was just no way he'd be let back into Agama to do anything without getting arrested on the spot. He and Ningguang weren't Kobbers, so there wouldn't be the "Help ZFPD" option. So they're maybe helping in Egypt with the Oasis.

Moriya Shrine vs Kiketsu Family

I really don't have a better name for this plot, so let's just go with that since it's what the plot essentially boiled down to: Yachie trying to use Griff to get back at Suwako for something that happened back in Season 5 while Kanako was forcing Youkai Mountain to be in Nevada for cult reasons. I'm going to start with some cut content though.

An event I had considered for VERY early in the season, potentially Day 2 even, was a prototype for what would become the fight with Tara Skew. I'd decided to make Tara's card performance-themed prior to the season starting at least and she would have exposed herself as a Cardholder by 'challenging' the Kobbers to a duel in the hotel's parking lot, where a stage was being set up by her subordinates, including otters handing out Nerf weapons to those who accepted as they left the bar. The Card's power would have been used to create special effects, like turning a giant dragon puppet into the Grima dragon from the Fire Emblem games, making the Nerf weapons feel real, and foam lightning bolts hurled by otters seem like actual magic. Nobody would actually have been hurt, but it would have LOOKED real, all so Tara could make a point like "Don't let appearances deceive you; we're just a business" as part of her strategy to fight the Kobbers by...not fighting them.

The second cut event was my original plan for the finale, which would have involved no jesters at all and barely any giant monsters. Probably just a one-day thing too. Instead of the Spell Card Duel being a team event, it would have been strictly Sanae vs Aqua over Shrine ownership while the Kobbers and the Kiketsu Family protected Moriya Shrine and Youkai Mountain from Griff Enterprises mercenaries, robots, and the Cybersaur, which would have been piloted by Coyote with Griff himself supervising from inside. If it HAD been a two-day thing, Day 1 would have been fighting the army (beefed up with some mechs) and Day 2 would have been stopping the Cybersaur from using a giant cannon to blow up the mountain and get to Hollow Earth. This got axed because, simply, Coyote got arrested and I wasn't about to tell anyone that no they couldn't arrest Coyote and I definitely wasn't going to just break her out of jail; I only even did the Coyote/Silvania swap after asking permission with the assurance that Coyote wasn't going to do anything else in plot. Without Coyote to lead his 'security' troops though, there was never going to be a chance of Griff joining in a battle.

There were a few other small things that got cut because I never got around to writing them or couldn't find a good way to actually do them. One idea I had was a potential event against Yachie where she'd be tricked into fighting Chao's Saki somehow and there would have been a flooded dome so Yachie could fight as a dragon turtle. I ended up going with the Suwako assassination as part of the plot instead. Another idea cut because I couldn't think of a great way to do it was having the RX Group distract Sanae from going after Aqua by occasionally showing up in Agama with their own giant robot, the Beck Victory Deluxe, older brother to the RX-3 Chao introduced during the Olympia years.

In addition to being the same gaudy gold as the Cybersaur, there aren't many groups in Agama with access to giant robots, so it would have been pretty obvious who was behind it, which could have led to more conflict with Griff being accused of having giant robots try to kill Sanae. But it also would have been grossly against Tara's "don't break the law in a Kobber-provoking way" strategy. The RX Group in general ended up being really underutilized this year, I feel.

Cut content aside, let's talk characters, starting with the star of the show.

Tara Skew, for better or worse, stole the show by being the most developed antagonist outside of the jesters. While I feel like I developed Yachie's backstory about as well, Tara had an advantage over the other antagonists in that she had more and better moments to interact with the Kobbers. Aqua couldn't go to the bar because in-universe Tara and Yachie feared for her safety (with people like Julia, a very reasonable concern) and out-of-universe I didn't want to strain the "villains in the bar are untouchable" rule too much. So Tara got to sometimes hang out with the Kobbers even before her fight event. I really liked her as a bad guy because she tried a strategy rare amongst the Kobber rogues' gallery: she kept Griff away from the Kobbers and steered any trouble Griff Enterprises caused towards being handled by Agama. This was a very smart strategy...and ended up making it difficult for me to really do the plot because Kobbers just going after Griff makes them look bad because they're either going after innocent (in the 'not breaking laws' sense) or they're making a problem out of something the Agaman government has handled. So the trouble had to happen while she wasn't looking.

Tara was always going to be a theater geek though. The teaser of her in 2021 had her writing a speech and as mentioned earlier she almost had a whole event that would have been her staging a fight (literally) with the Kobbers. She got a few solo posts throughout the year alluding to this, including a jokey reference to the Phoenix Wright games (Los Japangeles is a joke I've heard associated with the series) and her battle event ended up being one big stage show. Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil, she dislikes violence because it's all her abusive family wanted her to do, but she is not a pacifist; she just chooses when she wants to be violent, like her event or attacking Pirouette or Ebisuwaru. It took me awhile to decide on her Card being stage-based instead of something more combative; the Card couldn't be lawyer-themed because her pride in her intelligence wouldn't allow her to use a crutch like that.

Tara's quest for wanting dragon-sized furniture and stuff is me making a Trans allegory, wanting to live as herself and not what she needs to be to fit in with society. She's forced to be a human most of the time because that's what society is built around. If I recall some comments came up during her event about her just living as a human and at the time I wanted to comment "Would you tell a Trans Guy he needs to just live as a woman?" but that'd kind of heavy-handed and blunt of me.

Next up, Griff. Initially conceived of as a rival to my first original character in RP, Gentleman Draco, he actually appeared in a short blogpost I did back in 2015. Even I had to look it up to make sure I'd actually put him in something instead of just thinking of ideas. Comparatively down on his luck until his partnership with Yachie and Tara, eager to get ahead and one-up his old rival or - in Draco's absence - his allies the Kobbers, never able to get the satisfaction he wanted though while his 'conscience' Tara was watching. I don't regret not having him be more active in the plot since he fancied himself a schemer and an unseen power kind of boss. He got to be plenty loathsome though, didn't he? Ordering hits, getting his subordinates to off himself, etc, all the while actually being a spiteful coward who would never get his own talons dirty. I consider him to be one of the highlights of the plot. Maybe this isn't an entirely accurate observation, but it felt like there were far more people interested in making sure he got punished than there were people interested in trying to get Silvania out of prison.

The unsung heroes of the plot are the Moon Rabbits: Seiran, Ringo, and Reisen. Why? Because the Lunar Capital in Touhou lore is obsessed with 'impurities' (I'm not entirely certain what those are beyond 'Not Moon Things') so it was easy to just have them go to Earth, not care about Agama law, and go be terrorists. Funny trivia: they were always planned to appear this year doing an event where they attacked Clownpiece, but the assault on Clownpiece in the park was going to OCTOBER. Originally, I had planned to wrap up the event at Moriya Shrine early in the month and then do THE SINISTER MOON COUNTER-LANDING!!! in mid-October as a set-up for Season 13, but they were perfect for provoking conflict between Griff and the Kobbers. I even asked Chao ahead of time if he was cool with me using them. The named ones got to go on some plots even afterwards before joining forces with Yachie to get all those Touhous out of Agama. I might've used them a bit more but there seemed to be hostility towards them, no offense, so they stuck to getting some barposts, appearances in SK and Sheep's plots, and then Seiran being tapped to join the bad guys in Part 1 of the finale.

Yes, I do like Seiran more than Ringo, Chao. I admit it.

Rolling on over to Darkness, she did everything she needed to be. She guarded Aqua. Good job. I didn't go into her origins too much aside from saying she gave up a sports career to be a bodyguard and showing that she has a Stand, [One Tin Soldier], which got some explanation in Part 1 of the Spamtonplot finale. The extended take of Darkness' backstory is she played a lot of sports for awhile and got her Stand while playing American Football. It manifests by appearing as a bigger, stronger version of herself, but it only works while she's protecting someone else and not herself. Attacks against whoever she's protecting barely scratch her, but attacks against her are regularly effective, so she wears some high-tech Griff Enterprises armor so she can take a lot of damage. She was great and deserves rewards.

On to Aqua, who was cut content last year! She was originally slated to be a goddess-descended student of the Magitech Academy who was snotty, arrogant, and mostly useless. Her role in 2021 was taken by Sucy, who was just arrogant. Always intended from the conception of this plot to be another descendent of Suwako, Aqua is supposed to be Evil Sanae: a goddess able to access her powers already, not very helpful, and pretty useless outside of her water power niche, not having a great family life growing up like Sanae had with Suwako and Kanako. As Goops once put it though, she's not really THAT evil, more like Team Evil's cute mascot...who could actually be dangerous if she wanted to be. I wish I'd come up with a few more excuses for her to go on plots or do some other things, but after the attempt on Suwako's life, it just felt like it wouldn't be safe for her to be around Kobbers and, as mentioned earlier, throwing her in the bar even after that would have felt like violating the "no villains in the bar" rule. Also, she didn't actually pilot the El Dora Five herself; she had the RX Group do it while she was on the radio talking.

I thought Yachie Kicchou, actual Touhou, was going to play a much larger role in the plot early on and she did have a decent role in it. Babysitting Griff meant she didn't have as much freedom to act as Tara did, but she still got to go on a Cardholders plot with her cousin, Sapphire. Looking back, the scene I wrote of them meeting in the marketplace was a lot more antagonistic than their relationship actually ended up being. If I had any regrets about Yachie, one is not writing out the Suwako-vs-Yachie flashback post sooner in the year to help explain their rivalry and two is that I never got around to having her interact with Saki until the finale; I'd tossed a few ideas to Chao about Yachie trying to screw with Saki by giving Futo ideas for pranks. It was hard finding a good dragon turtle image to use for her though; most of the pictures were either from Pathfinder/DnD or were of statues that had legs instead of flippers. I did enjoy writing the occasional scene of her and Tara meeting in random diners across Agama for secrecy purposes.

Not much to say about Coyote Williams, but she deserves to be spoken about regardless. She was a character I made for Del's one-shot Lancer game and I liked her enough to bring her into ZFRP in largely the same role, though without the mech. In an early draft of her ZFRP incarnation, she could use her power to make guns out of anything to make a mech, which would have been used to try and duel with Sanae in her GaoGaiGo. A mech fight would have been cool, but I think the battle with her that happened made more sense storywise.

When Chao started passing out Cards, she was the first character I considered giving a Card to, though in an ironic twist I'd claimed the Blue 6 before I also said I'd take the Blue 9, which ended up being Coyote's card. The Blue 6 went to Tara.

It's funny; I say there's not much to say about Coyote, but then Coyote ended up being the cause of a huge change in my plans. As JRM said, exposing her to you was a risk. She got beat up really badly, inflicting more pain upon herself just to keep information on what was happening in the Griff tower from getting out, and I was expecting her to just get left behind to die. Then y'all decided to arrest her and I was nodding my head letting it happen and silently screaming inside because...well...the MOMENT the Kobbers left, healers were going to show up and cure her so she could resume her job, but she went to jail and stopped being useful to Griff, which led to her being coerced into killing herself for a huge payout to her family. And just FYI, Griff DID send Coyote's family the money. Without Coyote though, there couldn't be a huge Griff assault on Moriya Shrine to secure a passage to Hollow Earth because Griff wasn't going to risk himself and Miss Black General wouldn't have done it, which threw a huge wrench in my plans! lol

The general structure of the plot was decided upon pretty early in development. I was initially trying to do a plot where the stakes weren't something world-shattering like the Zonders and Bergman had been. At worst, the stakes were originally just supposed to be "Suwako and Sanae get kicked out of Moriya Shrine and Griff makes tons of money". Side note: Griff would have gotten away pretty well if it hadn't been for the post-Tara push to #Comeuppance Griff Enterprises. The mining facility was originally going to be Griff trying to dig his way through the path of least resistance to Hollow Earth in Agama while the Moriya Shrine takeover was intended to give Griff Enterprises a known way to get to Hollow Earth. Yachie getting to Hollow Earth during the events of Harpy's 2015 event "Have Faith in Me" in which Kanako Yosaka moved Youkai Mountain from Gensokyo was an early element of the plot as part of its backstory; as mentioned earlier, I wish I'd either made this a blogpost during the off-season or something posted much sooner than I did, though it was until Dimentio that I had an explanation for how Yachie knew about Hollow Earth. The list of characters was pretty much the same from early plans to execution, though the RX Group was probably the last group of characters added to the plot.

I wanted this to be a story more about Sanae than Suwako. She'd gotten a taste of being a hero and doing good deeds back in Olympia, but this was a year about her personal growth, her doubts at being a good Shrine Maiden and growing into the responsibilities of being a fully-fledged god. The Mirror of Rebirth scene underwent a few changes from the original version, which would have still featured Sanae fighting a fake Sanae, but instead of a Gensokyo where Moriya Shrine ruled the island would have appeared as a Gensokyo covered in sludge, a crazed Sanae having contained a Dark Matter-ed Hedorah there under the assumption that only she as a Moriya god could have done it. This fake Sanae and her Hedorah would have attacked Sanae before Yoshiko teamed up with her to do a team Sekiha Tenkyoken. That would have been cool, but I do like the "I'm everything you fear about being a god" angle better. Piecing together the clues that Aqua actually was a descendant of Suwako's and forgiving her for trying to take the Shrine was a good ending to her journey this year. The original one-on-one duel would have largely gone as it did in Finale Part 1 (including Sanae raging at Gensokyo itself), but would have featured this FF14 song (warning: spoilers for Endwalker) because the lyrics are really good for Sanae. Note: the Mirror of Rebirth is based on items of the same name from the Lost Word mobile game; collect 1000 for a character and you could reset their level to 1 but their stats would be higher by the time they were back at 100.

Overall, I am maybe 70-75% satisfied with how the Moriya Shrine vs Kiketsu Family plot came out. I whipped it into a fairly coherent plot, but I should've done a lot more planning ahead of time instead of really bringing it together in early July.

Since I brought it up in chat recently (as of when I write this statement) I had some issues with what I did with Momoyo this year. I meant to explain a few things, like how she got to be 'working' for Griff to begin with. The short version is the Jesters did it. The long version is she was an artificially-created superweapon who was sent to fight the original Ghidorah five minutes after being born, two multi-miles long titans duking it out so long ago there was one continent and no life on land, who then eventually hibernated until modern-ish Agama and someone gave her intelligence in exchange for not crushing Agama and Pepsi, only for the Jesters to take that intelligence away so she could be used as a brainless animal to dig up Ghidorah teeth with. I wish I'd thrown her in the bar more so the characters would have reason to notice she was gone.

The Trio of Insanity

The other saving grace of the plot, the Trio of Insanity wasn't even supposed to be part of this plot originally! The name's based on a remix that combines their themes and Clownpiece's called The Quartet of Insanity. Jevil cameo'd back in Olympia, placing a Brawl bet and then talking to Clownpiece during Moonface's finale, then the other two showed up at the end of Season 11 for a teaser. People seemed really excited about them though, so I felt like I had to bring them in and I think it improved the plot for the better. They provided me with an excuse for how Yachie knew about Hollow Earth (clowns told her) and for how Griff got hold of Momoyo to dig up stuff (clowns stole her brain) and made for some of the plot's best moments (arranging for Clownpiece to be chaos honey to draw in more of them to Earth). Randomly having them appear in other plots was fun too, fitting in their search for Chaos.

Claire, I think, described them the best. They were master-less Dorats, essentially children who lost their parents before they had the emotional maturity to be on their own, like Lord of the Flies except murderous clown dragons, trying to make their way in the universe the only way they knew how. Clownpiece avoided this fate by getting adopted by a different kind of chaotic, three-headed Master before she could do more than attack the Lunar Capital once out of boredom, hence why Moon Rabbits hate her. Their goal would ultimately have led them to having a battle to the death to see whose dream would come true in the end. They each had a different dream they might have used a Card for, but when they showed up to fight over the Card it was really just to get to fight someone. Each Jester had their own dream for Chaos too.

Marx was a brute who would have just gone around the universe being a stereotypically-violent Ghidorah, devouring all life in his path, mindlessly smashing things.

Dimentio was going to destroy the universe and make a new one that was like him: amoral and dangerous, where everything was out for itself.

Jevil had the most interesting wish, in my opinion. He was going to remove Chaos from the universe to see what would happen without it. No decay but no growth, people unable to die and unable to heal. And he'd go around observing the aftermath for awhile before giving back Chaos.

They were all undeniably evil, willing to put others in danger for their own goals, but ironically they were only able to obtain giant monster forms thanks to Clownpiece, because she showed them that they didn't need to get power from their Masters, the biggest thing keeping them from going to Hollow Earth themselves. As explained in one post and shown in another, they went around Agama feasting on various forms of chaos, like breathing it in at the Brawl or going to ruins to devour Children of Leng. For Marx and Jevil, I'd initially gone looking at Ultraman kaiju for their monster forms, but I didn't find anything that satisfied me; shockingly few three-headed dragons in Ultraman, so I picked the coolest not-Ghidorah dragon I could find and grabbed a giant bat I knew of for Marx.

Ironically, I felt they ended up making Part 2 of my finale a big TOO chaotic. The horde of DALL*E Ghidorahs was a rather last-minute addition that perhaps wasn't well appreciated when it was revealed that it was...not a "Gotcha" but a negative reveal. I'd made those back in June to use at some point this year or next. And then Jevil/Orochi's first round attack...I wanted to try doing something CHAOTIC for an attack and not just a monster attack, so his attacks were initially going to be him manipulating reality to disorient and confuse characters, but it seemed to be too obtuse so I gladly let Hope stop the Jester from doing that again. I guess I would say I'm both satisfied and dissatisfied with how things went.

Gooper made a comment that day that bears that bears a bit of explanation: "I was actually expecting Keizer Ghidorah tonight and even told Goopsmom that's who we were fighting :V There wasn't really room for Dimentio to get a second form with all the other stuff going on, though."

Dimentio was originally slated to be coming back in Season 13 as the big bad villain, but the morning of the Part 2 I realized that tricking baby monsters into being his army was such a big enough sin that it would be incredibly dissatisfying for him to escape, even if he would get eventual #COMEUPPANCE. Dimentio would find a way to become Keizer Ghidorah at some point next year to be overcome somehow. Instead, he got his #COMEUPPANCE by being betrayed by one of the two guys he badmouthed for not being super-sinister schemers like him. Good thing I have a few months to plan, eh?

DOOMCHRIS and the Mole Princess

Chris and Kirika get a section of their own due to being probably the only significant RP thing I did this year outside of my own plot. Pablano and the Peppers doesn't count because Sanae was plot-related. Their rivalry with the EMMIs - and by extension the Cardholders - wasn't really planned on my part and admittedly the impetus for it going further than the initial EMMI fight is because prior to the season I had a rough time trying to play Metroid Dread and still blame it on the EMMIs.

If I remember correctly, Chao was telling me before the season about his plan to have the EMMIs be a series of powerful, nigh-invulnerable opponents that couldn't just be swarmed into submission, so it eventually got me thinking. If the EMMIs would adapt after each encounter, why not the heroes? One EMMI wasn't enough to get it started because lots of things get fought once and never again. Twice, surprising but not IMPOSSIBLE. Third time was the charm though, getting Chris working on a problem and trying to solve it the best way she knew how, devoting a lot of her time and energy to finding ways to beat them when they couldn't just be crushed, her quest eventually resulting in the creation of X-Drive. I never intended X-Drive to be the "Oh, look. It's EMMI. Win time" button, but rather a way to put Chris and Kirika on equal terms with the robots. As shown by EMMI Orange, just having X-Drive didn't guarantee Chris wins; she fought badly and lost because of it.

In hindsight, if I'd known the EMMI immediately after debuting X-Drive was going to be "Kobbers get shrunk in the middle of a field" I probably would have said no to Chao's idea that the EMMI upgrade was a hard "shut off X-Drive". He'd asked in private and I said yes thinking the next EMMI would be fought somewhere they'd be able to use the environment to their advantage, not a grassy field with jack all Chris and Kirika could use. It made for a good moment where Chris had a breakdown at her planning just getting shut down hard, but it felt mean after that event.

X-Drive was also meant to be the anti-EMMI thing, so I didn't really WANT to use it in non-EMMI events, even if I did so Kirika could X-Drive the crazy robot-loving Cardholder or so Chris could do something against Famardy's ship. Yes, they COULD have used it in everything besides Cardholders, but does an arsonist weasel really merit cruise missiles?

If you'd asked me before the season started if I'd intended for Kirika to end up in a pairing, I would have told you maybe. Chao floated the idea of Annie wanting to ask Kirika out after they'd done some hanging out in Season 11 and I thought it cute that the Ace robot would give dating a shot because it was a friend asking. It was also funny to have her almost not get what Annie meant by "I like you"; the picture of the guy making half a heart with the cat girl giving a thumbs up came to mind. We also got to see a new mode for Kirika's gear, her Gigan-based Kaiju Gear that is really cool and I wanted to use last year. She got to use it this year though and it was good. 

The band is probably getting broken up though. Chris will likely follow the Kobbers to Whalestrand to do things while Kirika stays in Agama with Annie. Though if Lord Var sticks a Church of Anime portal in the Whalestrand bar, it's just a quick jaunt to the ol' Accidental Hero for Mole Monday, eh?


As of this moment, the season isn't over quite yet, but I decided to get a head start on writing this since my blog about 2021 went up barely before Season 12 started. I had thought to get out, so I did. If in these last days, I think of something else I need to say, I'll make a comment response below, and if there was anything I forgot to cover that you're burning to know about, just ask and I will do my best to satisfy your curiosity.

Thanks again for joining me on yet another monster-filled plot! Maybe someday I will do a plot that DOESN'T feature them! ;V

Sunday, October 2, 2022

September 2022 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: "Lousy youngsters. All they know is how to eat hot chips and lie!"

2nd: "Apparently, threats don’t constitute ‘effort’"

3rd: "Did I say something, fox buddy?" "Yeah, uh, you said something about making dango and if it's illegal!"

4th: POWER 65: Create Iron Bowl: Create a large iron bowl.

5th: Bloodderball, Roseblood, Mudblood, Blooddha, and B-Dawg (the B stands for Blood)

6th: M O N K E Y :D !


8th: It's a relatively quiet day today!

9th: 'We've been trying to reach you about your flying battleship's extended warranty'

10th: "Phew, I saved the centipede!" Kogasa was quickly defeated by the centipede.

11th: Bullets! Typically a problem

12th: "Sorry, death is prohibited in this area!"


14th: Ole Miss Chimata, Sat on her wahoonie-ha, Guzzlin' her rainbow hooch. When, "HARK!" screamed a spider-

15th: "uh, actually, I'll be real, I mostly just play the battle royale mode. I'm new to the raid mode."

16th: "This isn't Waluigi Time."

17th: Dorothy is buying the act completely.

18th: Edward Lockhand could easily rent a room.

19th: "Cuddy... cuddy. Cuddy..."

20th: "Don't worry about the details! Just get ready to punch it right in the face!"

21st: "And because I'm a Kobber, I WON'T GET IN TROUBLE FOR IT!"

22nd: "C'mon! It's free. It's booze. Take the free booze!"

23rd: "What if I went kaiju and hurled both of you into the air"

24th: "How's that cultural anthropology degree treating you?"

25th: "Cassandra, your bug taxi has betrayed us all!"

26th: "I need you to understand. If you attack me again, I will have to treat you like an adult."

27th: "'scuse me, I'm not done with my wacky acts today, so kindly step aside?"

28th: "Reinstate your Yay if you so desire."

29th: was it… wormholes?


Saturday, September 3, 2022

August 2022 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: The mochi had done what the banana bread had not.

2nd: "I've always had trouble taking hits to the stomach! It knocks me out flat if you hit me hard enough there!"

3rd: "I am Limbeffigmontarklaikrul, yes."

4th: Xiulan just wants to go "GFKLjflgdfjkl"

5th: Bambietta Basterbine Had Done Nothing Wrong

6th: "Guy hates the outside, and here I am with the face of Mr. Outside."

7th: Miss Bad At Golf

8th: "...You put an idea in her head. Bravo."

9th: "Waluigi is one of my favorites in tennis." She hoped he didn't think she was goofy for saying that

10th: Meanwhile, Miko Toyosatomimi is just kinda... vibing.


12th: "Lady Luck refuses to be at my side at all costs"

13th: Widow Maker wasn't making much noise either, aside from slurping her drink

14th: "Aaah. I hate having to be clever."

15th: "If you're hearing this, you tried to turn off an E.M.M.I. while Chris Yukine was in the area!"

16th: DoomChris

17th: "when Vodka was in charge"

18th: I bet Kotohime has a computer.

19th: "'Oh, fuck' indeed."

20th: "No deal, Coyote Ugly."

21st: "Hopefully you live even longer, enough to see a knight marry the state of North Dakota!"

22nd: Dorothy... accepts Ian's offer?!

23rd: Gaylord, we hardly knew ye!

24th: He's going by basic life rules


26th: getting the Hasbro Indominous Rex figure instead. Clearly, this is humanity's greatest sin.

27th: "I don't think the stairs are a puzzle, guys!"

28th: "Step two is... not to talk to myself out loud in the bar."

29th: "...Huh, I guess I can do speeches after all!"

30th: "I had a card once! It was very different and it sneakily was going to kill me"

31st: Way too salty.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

July 2022 Ticker Quote Archive


2nd: "That's our final two: Bulked Annie vs Roman Reigns."

3rd: Or else 'you could get lost', and that would Be Bad.

4th: These Kobbers, some of them were awfully cute…

5th: "Sometimes I can barely believe we're both Hibiki Tachibana"

6th: "Ooh, I bet... $1000 that Neptune's hatred of eggplants will finally affect her in the Brawl!"

7th: "Now listen here. That Jaco Sousa's an idiot."

8th: "Cute is justice!"

9th: Biscotti "bebobop" Biscotti

10th: Not even being leader of the USA had gotten Eggerman THESE tickets

11th: "Good. I don't want you to hear me yet. I'm all vulnerable."

12th: "Sounds like the reaction of someone who ain't raised any chickens."

13th: “Okay… Okay. I’ll do my best to get even better! And I’ll learn how to cook clam chowder!”

14th: A giant, angry, talking force of mud? It sounds like it's time for some... INTREPID REPORTERS!

15th: There had been a surprising lack of bars in the Big Bar Brawl

16th: "Try and take her from me, you obsolete rejects of a dead franchise!”


18th: "why are you going through all this effort to be like ME? Besides the money"

19th: "Don't have the heart? Can't say you're wrong. Don't have a heart."

20th: "Shapeshifting into Craig Stadler is cheating"

21st: "Suspicious: The Sequel..."

22nd: Glutton saved the day. Sort of.

23rd: "Instead of finding a way around relying on literal child soldiers, the city decided it was okay"

24th: Green 5 of Fish

25th: "Like I always say, I unlive to serve!" "Since when do you say that?" "Since now!"

26th: "It'll be nice to visit the Bar and not... Not be a villain, but a customer for once."

27th: "I'd rather be excitedly forgotten than passively remembered."


29th: I bet a sudden giant floofy cat trying to climb you like a tree is a great distraction!

30th: Jorrovar be THIIIIIIIIIIIC

31st: "It's not like that!" It was a little like that.

Friday, July 1, 2022

June 2022 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: "You said ‘hold on to your britches, buckaroos’ and yeeted us off the side of an airship!"

2nd: "Ibuki Mioda? Yeah, I meet ladies like you for breakfast."

3rd: "my butt silk"


5th: Baby Shimmer, marketable as all hell

6th: Kasen finally puts the keg down and rips off her right arm.

7th: "I named myself The Crawling Blades. Much cooler!"


9th: "an indicator of their worth encourages only the salami-slicing"

10th: "Sounds like a logical and measured approach." Marlow said, immediately assuming for those reasons he was talking to no Kobber.

11th: Mainly her eyes were on Griff, but in her heart she did want to cheer

12th: turning into other things before turning him inside out. Not literally. FRIENDILY!

13th: "This time, we will DESTROY the esoteric!!"

14th: BANG BANG BANG BANG. It now has no torso.

15th: "follow me to my Unholy Marsh, it's nicer than the name sounds..."

16th: Majima Everywhere

17th: Good thing those aren't the bar's plates

18th: it's like trying to crush the average soup can.

19th: "We're going to dump them in Jungle Jack's Jaguar Cafe down the road and then run away as fast as we can."

20th: "you're... you're a nose!"

21st: "...can I get another one of those drinks? That was awesome as shit."

22nd: "what about the pudgy and unathletic Gamecube?"

23rd: She is not prepared for how red it looks. Or tastes.

24th: "Your mom almost choked on an undercooked noodle"

25th: He looks like he expected the entirety of Agama to collectively gasp in shock on hearing him say that. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.


27th: "So I guess Metron's dream was... to be a SPACE VILLAIN?"

28th: "Wow! A live demonstration of how you want to kill me. Nice!"

29th: "Ah hell. I know this is going on my record of 'Dawn always breaks things."

30th: "Right! Eeeeeehhhh!"

Thursday, June 2, 2022

May 2022 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: Shimmer’s words give her something to reflect on, the matter of what history should be licked, who should do the licking, and how much licking they should do consuming her attention.

2nd: "I was out of it afterwards and survived on milk alone"

3rd: "Sweets are justice!"

4th: VICTORY FOR MELBA!!! (With a lot of help from all those other guys)

5th: "Am I boring you, ankler?"

6th: "Deep sound, bro. I felt that in my gut!"

7th: "it wasn’t even an issue to begin with! Jeez, I’m dumb!”

8th: "Not even our pal Shinzo Abe was able to turn things around for us!"

9th: Thanks, dorkasaurus.

10th: "Mayumi must never know you existed!"

11th: "Ah, trouble already. Then again, I doubt I'd want it any other way."

12th: "You're so damn smug, Dean. But this time you outsmuggened yourself."

13th: She'd very much not like to get friendly fired over a pineapple, thanks.

14th: It did taste better than WD-40, she'd give it that.

15th: I'm sure her song has some deep meaning. Maybe.

16th: Emotional T.K.O.

17th: "Dang, I wish the monsters would listen sometimes!"

18th: Don't worry about the person, I assure you he was a real schmuck and no one will miss him.

19th: The queen of her two hunky men, Saturn gleefully commands the two strong men

20th: "Big time." It was a big ol' floppy hug

21st: Adam didn't know about moles, so for now, he stays focused.

22nd: "I hope you're a Kobber, at the least. That I could forgive, even if it irritates me to no end."

23rd: "Well it's not like you schedule evil time!"

24th: Dexter BLEEHHSSS

25th: It's 50 ft of hempen rope! Enjoy!

26th: "We're bankrolled... I... I think?"

27th: A Julia signal.

28th: Wherever or not this counts as friendly fire if the victim wasn’t exactly friendly to begin with is lost

29th: "Don't "Now, Cirral" me, boss! I have opinions about this!"

30th: "It's Kobber Season. Everybody gets a little kidnapped."

31st: "-And here's one for YOU! And here's a heal for you too! Are you okay, 3-Punch? Oh, yeah, you're fine, butguesswhathere'sahealANYWAY!"

Saturday, April 30, 2022

2021-2022 Offseason Ticker Quote Archive

 Nov 1st: it would hopefully just stand there and look nice

Nov 2nd: Do you even WANT Gardenia to visit?!?!

Nov 3rd: It was time to dig a new cave, one that she could defend and keep from having visitors like some sort of... Well, like some sort of dungeon.

Nov 5th: The mere thought of eating corn flakes at a table meant for banquets all alone made her heart sink. It was never an option.

Nov 6th: Virtual Boy can't contain her excitement!

Nov 8th: "Mixing up Halloween and Christmas was a mistake"

Nov 11th: "How could you believe that a force of chaos turned me into a cute anime girl?!?"

Nov 13th: "A lot of poeple ask who Reimu Hakurei is, but not a lot of ask HOW Reimu Hakurei is."

Nov 14th: The Grand Agama Market has seen many things, but is it truly ready for... corporate finance?

Nov 15th :"No, but watching him fall down infinite stairs is way funnier than him being tossed out the window..."

Nov 17th: "You’re looking at an archeologist, some rich girl, some bureaucrat, and me"

Nov 18th: "Can I have nine points instead?"

Nov 19th: "Our space is limited."

Nov 21st: The trio now spend their days kicking ass, cooking and doing things that I can’t describe on this forum.

Nov 23rd: "Miss Lohe? Why are you wiggling?"

Nov 24th: "swap soup? Hell yes."

Nov 26th: "Smooch clowns?"

Nov 27th: (You may assume none of these people are human, just human-looking aliens)


Nov 29th: "Ain't goin' to beat a price of free."

Nov 30th: SPRING [[1997 + 25]]

Dec 23rd: "What a surprise!" "No, it really isn't..." "WHAT A SURPRISE!"

Jan 1st: No, not only was it lame, it was relatable.

Jan 21st: It’s not every day that a campfire crackles on the side of a city street

Jan 22nd: "there's no way I won't be #1!"

Jan 23rd: He remembered 1994.

Jan 28: "Even though she was simply RUDE to not even wait until ONE to strike me"

Jan 31: A single person's attack of conscience should have been easy to brush off.

Feb 1: ...the multiverse [i]will[/i] die.

Feb 14: And with that declaration, Gruntilda Winkybunion shot forward, turned another powerslide and was roaring away before anyone could stop her.

Mar 1: Green King of Organs

Mar 8: "That green lady is snatching them up like they're limited edition trading cards."

Mar 11: Who could grasp the concept of a name, when a name was never needed in the world she lived in?

March 15: How dare she? How dare she just... show up and try to love the Prince THAT MUCH?

March 17: the idol trailed behind Lord Valor with a derpy smile. "YUI! YUI! YUI!"

March 21: they're still active, and they still have guns.

March 27: Look at you, all grown up and gettin' thoughts!

March 28: Lanterby's staring is obvious, but...

March 31: But no one was coming for Blood Falcon.

April 1st: "There's no continuity"

April 9th: "A FINAL BOSS?"

April 10th: "Would you buy that he's a mediocre egg?"

April 13th: It was about bluffing the man upstairs.

April 18th: they can't risk splitting the reward money!

April 23rd: "Tch, of course it was a bad idea! But do you have any better ones?"

April 24th: Érico Castello did not love the new people.

April 29th: "O Heavenly Goddess of Harvests and Rains, One who brought Nuclear Energy to Gensokyo and taught Rinnosuke what a Game Boy was"

An Origin Story (Trigger warning: people getting eaten by a monster.)

 A strange desert land...

The brave hero charged across the desert, pyramids in the background, dodging past the relentless hordes of monsters trying to keep him from rescuing his beloved. Mushrooms and turtles and giant flies all charged towards him. Sphinxes and spear-throwing fairies filled the air with lethal projectiles as the would-be savior ventured into flooded tombs in search of his princess, but every time she was within his grasp, the villains revealed their true forms, taunting the hero as he made his towards the leader of this wretched army of the damned, the one behind this insane invasion of the peaceful desert country.

An alien in a spaceship!

Now at the controls of his airplane, the valiant hero flew towards a final confrontation, destroying the vile cloud that served as the leader's last line of defense. He shot swarms of dive-bombing birds out of the sky, evading an endless stream of evil attacks until the wretched extraterrestrial showed himself at least. The two rivals flew about in an endless series of evasive maneuvers, the air full of their shots. The hero grimaced as the alien's blast grazed his plane, causing it to shrink even as he continued to unleash his own furious barrage. The alien cried out with each hit his vessel took and every exchange of shots brought the duel closer to its ends. Closer and closer and closer and-

The world suddenly went dark.



From the back seat of the Subaru WRX STi, the young girl shrieked as the screen of her Game Boy went dark, the batteries finally dying moments before Mario could defeat the evil alien Tatanga. As the girl tugged angrily on her hair, peels of laughter echoed from the front seat, her mother and father having an earnest chuckle at their daughter's expense.

"Well, I told you you shouldn't have been playing your game before we got in the car," her father suggested, shaking his head as they drove on the quiet mountain road, the night sky lit up around them.

"We'll get you another set of batteries the next time we stop for gas," her mother added reassuringly.

The girl crossed her arms, pouting at the cruel injustice of not being able to play more Super Mario Land as the car gently bumped and bobbed on the road home. Given the chance to reflect, she thought about her family's recent vacation. She knew her parents had spent months saving up for the week-long trip to the city, even after they'd given her the handheld game for her recent birthday. Her lip trembled at the inconvenience, but she smiled and leaned forward.

"Thank you for the trip. I had a lot of fun."

The parents, tired from the long trip, neither looking forward to having to go into their offices in the morning, smiled back at her. Her father took a moment to reach back and ruffle her hair, getting a smile out of her, as if the simple gesture was all the girl needed to know that she would have another chance to be the hero of a story. All was right again, the Game Boy least until the precious batteries could be obtained.

The mother suddenly cried out, prompting the father to slam on the brakes. The girl's seatbelt locked up as the car slammed to a halt, keeping her from danger. The three looked out the window, some large thing in the middle of the road.

"Stay in the car," her father said. "I'll take a look."

The girl began to cry as her fathered exited the car, stepping out and slamming his door shut, stepping out into the darkness to investigate. Tense minutes passed as the two women in the car watched and waited with no sign of the father. A clicking sound drew the girl's attention as her mother began to climb out.

"Everything will be alright," her mother said. "Your father probably just slipped. I'll have to drive home, I'm sure."

She smiled as she climbed out of the car, walking forth into the light from the car's headlights, calling out for her husband. As her legs began to enter the darkness, her shouts were suddenly silenced, the women vanishing from sight completely. The girl's heart started to race at the sight. Were BOTH of her parents now slipped and fallen, unable to drive? Unable to walk? Tense moments passed, the girl's breathing rapid and shallow, wondering if she too should brave the darkness. However, before she could start to leave, she finally saw something.

It wasn't her parents.

A strange, two-legged reptile entered the light, blood dripping from its jaws. It sniffed the air cautiously, looking about for more. The girl began to tremble, trying to hide under a small blanket, but it was too late to hide. As if it could smell her fear, the reptile turned its long nose towards the idling car, stepping towards it with a sickening growl, pressing its snout against the windshield, turning its head to look into the vehicle with a large eye that quickly narrowed its gaze upon the young girl.

She threw the door open and ran moments before the monster lunged forward, smashing through the windshield, sending shards where the girl had just been sitting. She began to run, as fast as she could as the frustrated beast shook its head, loosening bits of glass from the tip of its nose. It turned, snarling, and began to pursue. The girl screamed with pure terror, death approaching quickly, the ground trembling with each long-limbed step.

The air suddenly trembled with a shrill, sonorous cry.

The girl paused. The monster paused. Another massive shape, as fast as a blur, suddenly slammed into the two-legged terror, throwing itself between it and the girl. The child looked up, still afraid, to see a new shape standing before it, with muddy, rock-like skin and a large horn in the center of its stubby, round face.

A large toad stared down at her. It seemed to be...smiling? The toad nodded at the girl and she nodded back as it turned to face the reptile. Another powerful croak echoed across the road as the amphibian-like creature charged into battle, slamming full force into its enemy. The two clawed and slapped at each other, growling and shrieking as they struggled. The earth trembled with each blow, the ground shook as the two monsters battled for supremacy, their cries piercing the air until a loud CRACK rang out.

The lizard fell, its back broken. The girl had been entranced the entire time, too terrified to keep running as the two creatures battled. She could barely see it now in the dim moonlight, the car's headlights having been shut off by the reptile's attack. As the toad approached, the girl squinted as its form seemed to change.

As it approached, the clouds moved in the sky, granting just a hint more light, enough to let the girl see her...protector? She still wasn't sure.

"Hello there!"

The girl blinked, surprised that there was a woman standing before her, clad in purple and wearing a strange hat, and not much taller than she was!

"My name is Suwako Moriya. Are you alright?"

The girl nodded as Suwako Moriya reached out, helping the girl to her feet.

"Good. That's one less Skull Crawler to bother people. I didn't even know they were still around. Eh...maybe we're lucky."

Suwako looked around, briefly removing her hat to rub her head in confusion. 

"This might sound strange, kid...can I call you kid?"

The girl rubbed tears from her eyes. "M-my name's Sanae, Miss. Sanae Kochiya."

"Pleased to meet you, Sanae Kochiya. You wouldn't happen to have seen any gods around here, would you?"

The young girl, Sanae, shook her head as she sniffled.

"Hmm. I heard somebody call me and got here as fast as I could...wait, speaking of here, what are YOU doing here? We're miles from a town."

Her lip trembling, Sanae pointed to the wrecked car, doing her best to hold herself together. The terror of the moment had passed though, allowing the reality of what had happened to come flooding back. Unable to stop herself, Sanae wailed, burying her face into the blonde woman's chest, tears pouring out. Suwako turned towards the car, then back at the Skull Crawler. Her face paled and she wrapped her arms around the distraught child, whispering prayers.

"I'm so sorry, Sanae," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."

As the moments passed, only the sounds of Sanae's grief could be heard. Suwako remained respectfully silent, holding the girl close as a thought snuck into her head. She'd come to this place because she'd heard a call for help, a plea from another god like herself. Could this child be...?


Several days later...

"No aunts or uncles. No grandparents. No family at all..." Suwako muttered.

In the aftermath of the battle between Dinosaur Toad and the Skullcrawler, Suwako had encouraged Sanae to gather up what she could from the car and they would go back to the girl's home and find someone to care for her. For all of Suwako's inquiries, posing as a family friend, she hadn't been able to find a single person who could be responsible for the girl. It had been a long time since she'd spent awhile in the world outside of Gensokyo, but she knew the girl wasn't likely to have a great life with no family. Not to mention...she had a feeling. She paced through the house, quietly listening for any sound of Sanae; the girl had been almost completely silent since they'd returned to the home, quietly grieving.

It had given the God of the Mountain time to think though, time to reflect on what had happened. Gods heard mortal prayers all the time; they normally were pointed specifically at a deity though. Sanae's cry had rung out loud and far, a wide-band cry for help aimed at nobody and everybody. It should have gone unheard, but...Suwako had heard it clear as day. There was only one explanation for it in her mind and it made her sigh.

It would be tough talking Kanako into it, but if her hunch was correct...

"Sanae. Please come down here."

Footsteps slowly approached from on high, gentle footfalls hitting each stair.

"Yes, Miss Moriya?" she asked, her eyes red and puffy.

"I found someone to take you in, a distant relative of yours," Suwako announced.

"You?" Sanae gasped. " said I didn't have any...any family..."

"I was wrong," Suwako answered. "It's me. I'm...your Very Great Grandmother."

Sanae gasped, unsure what to think as the goddess. " can that be? Y-you're..."

The goddess laughed. "So young and beautiful and amazing? Well, you saw what I did before, right? I'm a god and you, young lady, are my descendent. And..." She paused. "You can come live with me."

The girl sniffled and seemed to look optimistic for a moment, but tears quickly formed in her eyes.

"But...I don't want to leave here. It' home!" she sighed.

Suwako grinned and took a step back, hovering above the ground.

"Sanae, you are speaking to the one and only Suwako Moriya, the goddess of the mountain, she who can bend earth and soil to her will! For someone like me, moving this house is as easy as breathing!

Now...hold on tight."

Sanae paused. "Why?"

"Because we're about to take a little trip to my home, a place called Gensokyo."

One moment, a small two-story house sat in the middle of a sleepy town in Japan, the next moment it was gone with the snap of Suwako's finger, leaving little but a hole in the ground where it once stood. Tonight, they would mourn for the deceased. Tomorrow, they would begin making Gensokyo a little girl's new home.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dracoplot 2021 Thoughts

 Before anything else, I'd like to say that peace was always an option. Well, a peaceful resolution to the plot. I really should have written this sooner when the details were fresher in my mind. Oh well. This year's theme was me finally getting to do a giant monster-centric plot as well as getting to drop a whole ton of Fallout stuff into RP that I'd wanted to use because for some reason I still like Fallout 76 despite them not making enough content to keep things very interesting. ANYWAY...enough about video games, let's talk about plots.

Giant Monsters

This plot has its roots back in 2019 when Doctor Bergman was introduced as a member of the Curse. It was a good time to be introducing bad guys, but Olympia was never going to be the setting of a giant monster plot, especially after what happened in the actual plot. I did smaller-scale robot battles and other less-destructive antics for my plot that year and a slightly-more destructive mecha plot the next year, but I think the battle with Zilla and Shin-Godzilla's early form was still a fun event even if I had to make it happen as far away from Olympia as I could. Bergman did a lot that year that wasn't just setting up a giant monster plot though, which I was glad for.

It's a plot I've been wanting to do for awhile because kaiju have been a part of my life for about as long as giant robots. It's really hard to say which came first since I had a lot of Godzillas and Transformers as a kid growing up. I already did Transformers and Mecha though, so the monsters get their time. The anime Big O was a great source of a neat variety of giant critters to throw at the Kobbers that almost nobody would see coming. Chao has seen Big O, so he was probably smugly sitting at his train console having a good kek. Fallout was obviously another big influence on the plot since I drew a lot from Fallout lore regarding The Institute, Synths, and a lot of the smaller creatures and locations I drew upon for plot events.

Cut Content

There's not a lot of cut content this year that I can remember. Some things changed about the plot, but those ideas were mostly still used even if it was in a different form. There were a couple of ideas that I'd had floating around for this since 2019 though.

Because I can never let the Decepticons go apparently, I had a couple of different plans to introduce a team of Decepticon combiners as Doctor Bergman's minions. Pictured above are Monstructor and King Poseidon. Sheep probably would prefer the Monstructor recolor from a Transformers anime, Dinoking, who would have worked just as well I'm sure. King Poseidon's history is that he's the Generation 1 combiner, Piranacon, except renamed and his backstory is only his chest component, Turtler, is a sentient robot and the other parts are mass-produced drones.

Monstructor's gimmick as a Transformers toy is that each of his limbs are Pretenders, Transformers that have monster-like shells that go over their robot modes they can remote control, and they also combine. They would have joined forces with Bergman, who would give them their Pretender shells to go pretend to be monsters while doing her dirty work. They were eventually replaced in the story by Frank Horrigan, Chris Yukine, and Dess Kirika Akatsuki as her henchmen and henchladies.

King Poseidon's role in the plot would have been similar to the Big O kaiju I used, basically an experiment of Bergman's in "cloning" Transformers to give Captain Halfshell's evil-er cousin Turtler his own Seacon team so he could be big and powerful without having to work at a hotel in Kuwahawi. He eventually got replaced with Monstructor because of the "Bergman likes making organic monsters to be her minions" thing, not to mention we already got the better anime Seacons in the form of God Neptune.

I do kind of feel bad that we didn't get Turtler going "KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE" to start combining.

Even though I don't consider him truly cut since he didn't get much if any consideration to begin with, I do feel compelled to talk at least a little bit about this guy, Fallout 76's Flatwoods Monster, named for the legendary Cryptid of Appalachia. He also turned out to be Kauket's dad in Gooper's plot. Mr. Gooper expressed relief that I hadn't tried to fit this guy into my plot because of his own use of the character and I'm glad things worked out. What made it work for Goops is also what made it not work for me: the dude is an outright alien. Fallout 76 recently had an alien invasion event going on and these guys showed up in it. He doesn't fit aesthetically with anything else I had Bergman use, so he was never even considered for events where I had Fallout creatures appear. His big power in the game is to mind control other enemies and buff them too, so he would've sent waves of brainwashed people to fight for him, so...another no.

About halfway through a later section, I remembered an idea I idly had early in the season and decided against: Suika Ibuki, my 2021 Secret Fiter submission for the brawl, was going to fight Gojira at the Battle of Boston event because one of her Touhou powers is size changing. I ended up not going with this idea because her minute Brawl presence kind of put me off of including her in future things and I thought of something much better for Suwako anyway.

One event that did get cut was a fight against Kirika using an experimental Kaiju Symphogear. She got one based on Gigan in the mobile game, Symphogear XDU that is really cool and may someday end up in RP still. It would have taken place after Bergman's attack on the Magitech College's campus. Penny would have learned where Bergman was hiding and gone off on her own to try to get revenge only to be met at the door by Kirika, who would confront her as a member of security while testing her Kaijugear. They would start fighting with Kirika admitting she'd wanted to battle Penny for awhile even if she didn't understand why. Mid-battle, Bergman would have begun testing her new ORCA, which would serve to drive Kirika berserk, activating the Gear's kaiju function to turn Kirika into a 40-meter tall berserker. Kobbers would arrive, beat Kirika, and it wouldn't really have done much besides mark Arktos Pharma as a place of interest, not to mention I couldn't think of a good reason why Kirika would have Gigan powers besides Rule of Cool.

Chris and Kirika were also intended to get access to more of the XDU-exclusive Gears, but it didn't work out as they didn't attend more plots to really get to use them. They would have been developed using data from the Asterisk Bergman had bought.

Sins of the Father

So while the plot's major influences were Fallout and kaiju, I realized at some point that some of the backstory I wrote for these weird robot ladies was going to be convoluted enough to be a Metal Gear plot, so I named it after a Metal Gear Solid 5 song and tried to use as much Metal Gear music as possible. I don't know if I can say I intentionally planned to make it as hokey and silly as some of the old 50s and 60s Godzilla movies, but it certainly turned out that way.

Penny and Pietro Polendina

Ah, poor Penny. Originally slated to be the heroine of the plot, the ditzy, lovable counterpart to Doctor Bergman and valiant protector of the magical college. The majority of her role ended up going to Kirika, however, leaving her mainly with her job as a sort of faculty member of the magical college. She still played a major role in the plot, but outside of it she had a greatly diminished role, serving mainly as a way to get Bergman to find Pietro Polendina, Penny's father/creator back in RWBY, and try to get some very human-like payback on the man. Since he was the creator Penny, a combat android who might as well be Magitech based on how many flying swords she can store in her back, he got to be a member of the mysterious organization, The Institute, as the creator of its Synth infiltration robots and more or less the father of not just Penny but also Kirika and Bergman, someone whose position in a secret society founded by politicians, scientists, and other influential American prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis would have enough knowledge of the mysterious and secretive Agama to run away there when The Institute began its in-fighting.

I'll take this opportunity to explain what Synths and The Institute are. If you know Fallout lore or want to read that instead, go for it. The short version is that The Institute in Fallout is a secret society made of scientists and influential figures who built an advanced bunker under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to escape nuclear war who spent centuries furthering science and technology for basically its own sake by the time Fallout 4 happens. They send Synths to kidnap test subject or replace influential members of Wasteland society for their own ends.

Synths are humanoid robots unlike any other in the series. They wear armor, carry handheld weapons, and are used as The Institute's soldiers and servants. The old ones might have some outer casing that is very obviously not human, but the more advanced ones are supposed to be able to perfectly mimic humans, down to even being able to eat and...other bodily functions, completely indistinguishable from a human until you kill one and find a computer in its brain.

Sadly, I didn't try hard enough to really give Penny things to do outside of my plot, so she mainly ended up being a bit of a foil to Kirika, someone to give the normally-bubbly Dess pause and make her think about her life, which caused her to complain to Bergman about another Synth-like being who got to be cool and have a life outside of being a robot. And not just because Pietro designed Kirika to want to kill other Ultracite/Magicite Synths. (Ultracite's another Fallout 76 thing, a radioactive element that lets the player build Ultracite power armor and special ammunition.) I gave Penny friendship with Constanze and Sucy to give her more ties to the college, but I missed out on having that make her go to the bar more.


I used a huge variety of monsters in this plot. Godzilla, Big O, just about everything from Fallout 76/4, and a few others I think. If I remember correctly, Fallout 76 more or less took every critter from 4 and added a few, and frankly most of them aren't worth discussing in their own sections. I left out were the Yao Guai because that's just a bear, wolves and dogs because they're just wolves and dogs, and a lot of the bugs because you get the idea. Aside from the Grafton Monster, the Fallout critters were chosen mainly to be throwaway mooks that were dangerous and cool but not important.

I picked the Grafton Monster for the initial event of the plot because I think it's one of the more memorable creatures Fallout 76 introduced and, outside of the plot, it gets its own event dedicated to it: Grafton Day, in which you have to fight and kill a Grafton Monster that escaped from its robot handlers during a parade. It's not the weirdest-looking new creature, but it's cool. I like it. He also got to appear in the mine invasion event as a vine-controlled/enhanced monster because there's a chance it will be the final boss of an event focused around a plant creatured called the Strangler Heart.

MOTHMAN! He's really neat and one of the rarest random enemy encounters in all of Fallout 76. Another oddly-important creature in the game because he also has an event dedicated to him, killing a lot of fireflies and giant toads to fire up a lighthouse to summon him. The 10% exp buff he gave during the Arktos Pharma invasion event is a reference to the buff he gives you when you complete the event. Another weird thing that's part of the Fallout 76 mythos is the Cult of Mothman, a cult based out of a real-world Mothman museum. You can encounter them at various parts of the world and they have all kinds of neat shrines to Mothman. Since the one you summon as part of his event is a Wise Mothman, I decided he was smart enough to not get himself killed fighting. He's...really neat.

Titanus Namazu/Hyrus did not get a cool name in the anime. The Big O wiki just calls it the Eel (its original form) and the Hydra (its three-headed form). It was probably the most significant of the three kaiju to appear in Big O as it not only got to be the featured baddie of one episode, but it was actually brought back for the second season as the Hydra. It got to be the first of the Big O kaiju to appear in the plot because I felt its gimmick of absorbing energy and electricity was a good reason to have it actually going into Agama to attack, thus giving y'all a reason to go into the jungle and track it down to get the plot going in earnest. I'm glad that having its official boss fight as the three-headed hydra was able to surprise some folks too.

Perro, the adorable cat and later the adorable giant monster. Much like Nibbles' voice lessons in Season 10 served as foreshadowing towards him later speaking during the Zonder finale, me bringing cats into the bar early in the season was intended to foreshadow Bergman using her own kind of genetically-altered cat to serve as spies and assassins within Agama and, later, a giant cat monster who was meant to destroy the bar from within when the time was right. If only he hadn't become friends with a certain blonde android. While he had his own brief battle with the Kobbers, he later made a full recovery thanks to local Surgeoneer, Doktor DeMonde, and had the genetic triggers to make him grow into a kaiju disabled. He still wears the little suit though.

Daemonseed was the Big O anime's third and most unusual monster, serving as an organic means of enslaving a bunch of poor miners whose entire history will be explained next season, I promise. I had to get creative with this one though because all it does in the anime is grow. Very large. Destructively large. But it didn't attack anyone, it just grew to Godzilla size and then some, causing destruction. I ended up pairing it up with the Strangler Heart, a large plant that has slowly taken over part of Fallout 76's map and can implant its vines into other creatures to control them. Combining a giant tree beast with body-snatching pods made for the perfect organic security system for Bergman's mine. While the Daemonseed was not battled directly as part of the plot, that's okay since that event was more about exploring the mine and finding secrets, including several bits and bobs foreshadowing 2022's Silvania plot.

This is as good a place as any in the blog to discuss...Suwako! Believe it or not, Suwako wasn't originally going to be a giant 120-meter tall death lizard! In the weeks leading up to the Boston event though, I saw some really cool Titanosaurus fanart and decided it was as good an excuse to throw it in. Her planned stand against Gojira was still part of the plan for the Boston event, except it would have been her doing Geokinesis (or whatever you want to call manipulating) to do the giant hand thing and then, as mentioned before, Suika would get summoned by her to have a fist fight with the King of the Monsters. She got to have an increased presence this year because I'd already established her as having connections to giant monsters last year. Her role was originally just going to be focused around teaching Clownpiece to use her own giant monster powers and she eventually got roped into doing various giant monster things, like dealing with Varan and fighting Red. Every so often we joke in chat about the powers wiki entry I found for her with all the crazy abilities; I've adopted some of them for her, but since I abhor trying to RP someone who is all-powerful and perfect, her crazy powers get balanced by her being tired of being involved heavily in mortal affairs. Basically, she's retired from being a goddess and long, LONG retired from being the Alpha Titan of the planet, leaving most of the actual divine stuff to Sanae and Kanako and mostly just providing goddess power for Moriya Shrine miracles. While Titanosaurus is largely-immune to radiation since Suwako is a very mineral-inclined goddess, her human form is less so, making it detrimental to herself to use her full kaiju power. Rest assured, the Kobbers aren't rid of her, Wriggle, or Clownpiece yet. Sorry not sorry.

Frank Horrigan, chief enforcer of Doctor Bergman and one of her earliest experiments. His backstory in ZFRP is largely taken from the source material, a fanatically-loyal Secret Service agent who guarded a president. Since ZFRP doesn't take place in the 2200s though, I made it a real president during the post-WW2 years and made him be experimented on by Doctor Bergman into a loyal soldier brainwashed into thinking he was serving America by carrying out Bergman's bidding. I wanted the battle against him to be something different than just another boss fight, so I accepted Chao's offer to have him as a Card Holder and then compounded it by having an Asterisk user too, combining the card's ability to enhance a being's powers with the Shieldmaster Asterisk to make the ultimate fortress, an enemy that would require someone like Utsuho at full power to overwhelm with brute the expense of everyone else there as well as an Unacceptable amount of collateral damage. So instead of beating him up, I made y'all find alternatives and I'm frankly quite happy with how it turned out, getting his brainwashing removed and having him give up after realizing he was doing naughty things. I deliberately went with the Bravely Second Asterisk Boss theme though to separate him from the Asterisk Users in Chao's plot. He currently hangs out with Big Band in Olympia.

Gojira is an exception to the "I don't want to RP all-powerful beings" rule. He was introduced during the off-season in a series of collaboration blogposts between me and Chao as an excuse to give Kanade her XDU-exclusive Godzilla-themed Symphogear. Not wanting to introduce him as an entity just for that though, I worked him into the plot as a threat that couldn't be beaten. Godzilla is iconic and while I'm fine with Gamera being beaten to a pulp every other Brawl, I felt this idol of mine deserved more respect and presence.

Now I need to pause for a moment to explain some nomenclature, because I remember at least one person got confused by so many Godzillas.

Eldest of the Godzilla family
Represented by Legendary's Godzilla
Millions of years old.

Son of Gojira
Represented by the 80s-90s Godzilla.
Significantly younger and less grumpy.

Godzilla Junior
Represented by Godzilla Junior from the 90s
Godzilla equivalent of a teenager.

Cousin to Godzilla
Represented by the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla
Briefly appeared in the early years of RP

With that out of the way, Gojira was admittedly never intended by me to actually be fought by the Kobbers aside from the fight with Suwako/Titanosaurus in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and in one of the planned endings for the plot, he would have even joined forces with the Kobbers to battle Godzilla Earth. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, a peaceful resolution was always intended as an option to my plot, so when you all actually accepted Bergman's surrender, the plot actually was going to just ended there and then. Fortunately, Harpy had the great idea of fighting Gojira so the second plot day wasn't wasted and Godzilla Earth still got to happen.


Couldn't resist looking up this guy's old Curse codename. Originally appearing in Season 9, Shin Godzilla was always meant to be apart of this plot and served as a way to help introduce Doctor Bergman as a member of the Curse. She needed the Curse's resources to further her ambitions of making a kaiju of her own in order to bring about her plan to restore nature through giant monsters. No, it doesn't make sense but it's also not something I made up myself, admittedly. Shin served as both a prototype for her ideal world-restoring giant monster and a way for her to cover her tracks once she evacuated The Institute in Boston so she couldn't be followed. Shin Godzilla is a very weird monster and one of the most creative ideas the franchise has ever had; viewing concept art and cut ideas for the movie of the same name served as a great source of inspiration for making Shin mutate mid-battle for more peril. While I have promised to never have a plot cause that kind of destruction again, I really enjoyed getting to trot out this amazing beast.

Godzilla Earth
Perfected Godzilla Synth
Represented by Godzilla anime trilogy

While I think Shin Godzilla is one of the best things the Godzilla franchise has ever done, I also think the Godzilla anime movie trilogy is one of the WORST things to come out of it. The CGI done for Godzilla is very stiff and slow and boring. The concept behind its Godzilla, that its body is based on some kind of metallic plant cell or something like that, isn't bad, but a lot of the trilogy's execution is poor, in my opinion. HOWEVER, a 300-meter tall Godzilla being the ultimate endgame of Doctor Bergman's experiments, as pure and powerful a clone as she could possibly make, was too good to pass up as a potential "final boss" and got plenty of hints leading up to the finale. While Gojira technically got to be the actual boss fight, I really enjoyed writing the battle between Gojira and Godzilla Earth and having the kaiju Symphogear girls (including Cordie) teaming up to deliver a killing blow to Bergman's ultimate weapon, using strategy to succeed where raw force wasn't working. Plague's comment about watching Godzillas fight made me chuckle too.

The Battle of Boston

While other plot events can be covered as part of discussing particular creatures or characters, I felt like this one deserves its own section. The single most destructive event I have ever done in RP came about because of an amazing coincidence: Fallout 4's The Institute, which served as Bergman's creators, and the final climactic battle of Godzilla: King of the Monsters both were located in the city of Boston! It was just too good to pass up, making for a serious battle to establish Bergman as a very misguided extremist and a huge threat to the Kobbers. Using her experience as the Curse's monster expert, Bergman made a fully functional version of the ORCA (also from King of the Monsters) to lure monsters in from across the world to dispose of potential competition for her own monsters and to dispose of both Shin Godzilla, her failed test subject that was too tough to simply kill, and The Institute, her base of operations, so nobody could trace anything to where she had moved to. It also served as a tipping point for the friendly antagonists Kirika and Chris, making them realize that their boss was a complete nutjob and was not in fact really going to bring about world peace. It also made me realize that my plots are getting too high in terms of stakes to maintain, so Season 12 at least will have a smaller-scale plot.

Kirika Akatsuki

Dess! Originally intended to bring us one step closer to having all the important Symphogear girls in RP, she eventually became what I feel is the heart of the plot, a way to set into motion the eventual downfall of Bergman. To better squeeze her into the plot, I took inspiration from one of Symphogear XDU's side stories and decided to make her a Synth. In that XDU story, Kirika is an android built by Shirabe. Bright-eyed and bushy tailed, she could partnered with fellow Bergman henchman Chris Yukine in a mission to spy on the Kobbers by hanging out in the bar and helping on plots, with Chris even sacrificing herself during the battle with Synthoid to protect her.

Look, I needed some way to get them to interact with others, okay?

She was eager to do so and experience all these wonderful new things like drinking and partying and Mole Mondays! It gave her a hopeful, happy point of view to counter Chris' jaded, bitter attitude she'd developed. Making her an android really did help her fit in to my zany, convoluted robot spy plot and helped give her connections to her 'sister' Penny. I underutilized her gimmick of being able to rattle off facts and statistics and then not really know what she was saying due to having a Bluetooth connection with an Arktos database; technically the Planetary Scale genius Suwako wishes she could be except she can't control it.

Originally designed as a prototype for a Synth built with magically-rich materials smuggled out of Agama, Pietro Polendina realized her potential for dess-truction was too great and sealed her away out of fear, programming her to be wary of other machines rich in Magicite/Ultracite, leading to some tensions with Penny that were intended to lead to the two of them having an outright fight, but eventually manifested in the milder distrust of Penny and resentment of Pietro. Her real revenge was taking Penny's prominence away. She also got the distinction of being Bergman's least-evil minion and thus was the most horrified when Boston was destroyed, leading her to being a great plot device for getting info on Bergman to the Kobbers.

I'm really happy with Berserker Kirika, both in that dashing artwork and in her execution. She might not have gotten other Gears, but she got an Asterisk of her own thanks to Chris making contingency plans. In addition to being really cool and an interesting alternative to her Symphogear, I just enjoyed being able to reuse the Asterisk that would have otherwise gone abandoned. In the potential ending where Godzilla Earth would have been battled, Kirika would have used the Asterisk combined with Yoshiko's Shin Getter Robot to remove a barrier defending the giant monster so it could be damaged.

I'm looking forward to seeing her again next season. Dess.

Chris Yukine

As Chao can attest, I had about three or four different XDU Symphogears picked out for Chris to use in various plots. Only one of them actually made its way into RP though: the Gamera suit, which is both my favorite and the most relevant, though RP Chris gets Gamera Gauntlets instead of Gamera-themed guns like she did in XDU.

This also seems like the best place to discuss Chris and Kirika's Symphogears, Ichaival and Igalima. Part of Chao's lore for Hibiki and Kanade is that they're the only ones who have legitimate Symphogears, so while I call Chris and Kirika's armored suit Symphogears or Gears in this post, my plan for them was that they would be more like Iron Man's suits, slowly evolving over the season from the Fallout-style power armor they wore in the first plot event with the Grafton Monster to suits they needed help to equip to eventually becoming more like the original Symphogears in that they could summon nanomachines from their pendants with voice-activated command phrases.

And because Ichaival and Igalima were creations of Doctor Bergman's, I asked Gooper to redesign the Gears to be more like suits than the sort of metal swimsuit aesthetic the anime was going for to show that while Bergman was studying various kinds of magic to integrate into her own plans, she was also a lot more practical than most magical girls, giving Chris and Kirika more armor and a Halo-style overshield to give them more protection from attacks, though this defense didn't help against the Berserker Asterisk. Being Magitech also meant that Bergman could install backdoors to deactivate the Gears as a safety precaution.

Fun fact: Chris was originally slated to be Bergman's lone Symphogear minion! Thankfully I threw Kirika in as well, because as written in RP Chris was very dedicated to Bergman's goals because of how they met. Chris' origin story is largely the same as it was in Symphogear with a couple of changes: Symphogear had Chris being abducted following her parents' deaths and being sold into slavery instead of being conscripted as a child soldier and later rescued by the United Nations instead of a villain.

So Chris ended up being more or less raised by Bergman and Horrigan as a pawn in Bergman's professed plan of bringing about world peace so things like her parents being killed and kids like her being conscripted would never happen again. She grew up being taught how to fight and shoot guns and all kinds of neat spy stuff along with a very advanced education in order to one day be the very best assassin she could be, something Bergman found satisfying since that was more or less what her creators had intended for her. Isolated as she was, Chris came out suspicious and untrusting, even knowing that she was being used as a weapon but being satisfied with that life since it was all she had.

And then she and Bergman got a happy, bubbly android out of a forgotten storage unit and she began to finally understand what it was like to have a friend and someone who actually cared about her. When it was just her and Bergman and the brainwashed mutant Horrigan, she could justify and rationalize all the terrible things they did as furthering their goal of world peace through controlling the biggest weapon. Boston she could say was necessary to keep their plans from being found out, but Bergman bullying and threatening a member of their own team, one who was actually a decent person and her only friend? Kirika was the tipping point that got Chris to finally admit she was doing shitty things, and that turned out to be the best reason for Kirika to be in the story, because it was going to be a lot harder to find a realistic way for Chris to turn on Bergman without someone she cared about being threatened, making her slowly realize there were better ways to save the world without burning the village down to save it. She ended up using the power of being paranoid and suspicious to arm Kirika with something she could use to protect herself even without her Gear: the forgotten Berserker Asterisk. I'd briefly considered giving Chris the Bard Asterisk, but she ended up forging a pact with Gamera and getting to use the Gamera Symphogear instead to fight Bergman.

After serving some jail time and helping to save the world from Bergman, Chris legitimately went into being private security with Kirika. S.O.N.G., the name of their company, is blatantly stolen from Symphogear except I made the acronym better, posted here at Gooper's request.

Symphogear: Squad of Nexus Guardians
ZFRP: Security Operations Non Government

Melissa Bergman

Despite Metroid Other M being the bane of Chao's existence, stuff from it sure does keep showing up in RP, doesn't it?

Melissa Bergman, the mastermind behind Godzilla Earth and an ambitious plan to destroy humanity in order to let nature heal itself. I think she's got one of if not the most convoluted backstory of any character I've thrown into RP except maybe Clownpiece. An android built by a shadowy cabal of the USA's most influential politicians, scientists, and other personalities called The Institute to serve as one of many shadowy enforcers in a post-nuclear war America that never came to pass because cooler heads prevailed, unlike in Fallout's universe. An android who watched as this elite group of supposedly-enlightened minds argued and bickered about how best to rebuild the country, a secret society whose members' personality conflicts were slowly growing from the Cold War they sought to escape to the nuclear war they expected to happen. Bergman watched as America's 'best' and 'brightest' wasted resources vying for control of The Institute to the point where her fellow Coursers, an elite model of Synth, were all destroyed by each other. She could tolerate them no longer, using the skills and combat abilities they had given her to accelerate the self-immolation she expected her masters to inflict on each other, except she did it in a way that would preserve their resources for her own use. Now the master of her own fate, she began putting into motion her own plans to save the world from the same human race that had created her kind and then destroyed them. She did all kinds of things to get what she needed, including joining the Curse to get at InGen's technology and spending a ton of money to build a corporation in Agama to cover up her activities.

It's an origin convoluted enough to be from a Metal Gear game, I think.

The driving force of her plan would be theories from her 'mother' suggesting that the presence and energy given off by kaiju would be able to undo the damage humanity had done to Earth, an idea I took from Godzilla: King of the Monsters, where the antagonist sets all of the Titans loose and attempts to control them with the ORCA. Scenes from the movie's credits suggest that, in the Godzilla Legendary universe, this actually works to an extent. It would almost certainly not have worked in ZFRP though. She was a brilliant, ambitious person whose prejudices and ego blinded her to the fact that nobody else would think her plan was actually a good one. In contrast to some of the villains that have appeared though, I also wanted her to be rational enough to at least admit that she could reconsider her plans when confronted about them. She won't admit she's wrong though.

Being a secretive bad guy operating from a secret base did make it difficult to expose her to the heroes though and show them the kind of person they were dealing with. Fortunately, I had the revelation that I could use the "Bergman can transfer her mind between robot bodies" to have her control the Kobbers in the Eel's lair to exchange words without having to expose her to the chance of being captured and thus plot over.

Because I'll admit that if people tried to capture her and she DIDN'T have that ability, I would have had to change a lot of plans because I can only bring myself to railroad y'all so much.

Another thing that caught me by surprise and really shouldn't have was the general reaction to Bergman announcing her plans and then obliterating a major US city. It was very naïve of me to assume you WOULDN'T completely hate Bergman after all of that. I don't know why she wouldn't be reviled. Very silly of me.

I really enjoyed writing scenes for her because I like showing how she thought that being a machine made her superior to organic lifeforms while at the same time displaying all of those awful traits that made her go on a killing spree to begin with. Revenge, hatred, pride, avarice. If Kirika proved that you didn't need to be human to be humane, Bergman got to show that being tormented didn't stop you from being a tormentor yourself.

While I liked there being an air of mystery to Bergman, I did want folks to feel like you were making progress towards defeating her and not just having her endlessly jumping from body to body like she was a cartoon bad guy, so while she did blow up an old body in Regigigas' hand during the Hydra event, I made sure to make it very clear that she only had one body left when she escaped to Isla Sorna.

Well, technically only one body. In one of my ideas for the finale if her surrender hadn't been accepted would have been to have her using the last of her power to transfer her consciousness to Godzilla Earth, awakening it for a final battle. Except instead of being an all-powerful kaiju, she herself would have merely been a passenger aboard it, having designed Godzilla Earth's Synth body to be controlled entirely by its own bio-computer brain and completely resistant to outside influence, including her own. She'd still be able to watch and see if her and her mother's theories were correct about kaiju without being able to affect the world.

Since I'd always intended a surrender or cease fire or something to be part of this plot, the ending was originally going to be a lot different from the one we got. The first idea would have been a confrontation with Bergman in Arktos Pharma with the Kobbers being led to her by Chris under the premise of the doctor preparing to unleashing her ultimate weapon, Godzilla Earth, in the middle of Agama. Upon arrival, there would have been a small army of Synth troopers ready to open fire only for Bergman to have them stand down in favor of trying to work out a deal that would let her keep doing science but somewhere she couldn't hurt anyone. Then two things happened: Kirika before the season started and Boston getting such a "wow Bergman is a monster we need to crush her" reaction that, as stated earlier, I for whatever reason didn't expect. That reaction also nixed an idea I almost proposed to Gooper for Bergman to try meeting with Plague in West Virginia at the Whitespring Resort, a real world location that features prominently in Fallout 76, to tell her side of events and at least try to get him to understand her perspective out of respect for Plague.

So instead we got me continuing to have her appropriate abandoned InGen property by going to Isla Sorna to continue her experiments. Having Dino Riders be there is because dinosaurs wearing power armor was definitely appropriate for the plot AND really fucking awesome. It also gave the finale more flavor than just "Kobbers arrive and oh look it's time to fight a giant monster."

Rest assured: Bergman will never leave prison ever. She had her fun and now she's being punished for it.

For a little Arktos Pharma background, it's a location in Fallout 76. An event that happens there involves an experiment where you protect three modified animals from other predators. It made for a convenient secret villain base for a geneticist.

Silvania and the Accidental Hero

It's finally my turn to RP the beloved bartender and create the bar setting for all of our casual shenanigans! I spent a lot of time trying to come up with a great character to sling drinks in a place that was unlike anything we'd done before, trying to incorporate the concept of a Magitech city into both bar and tender.

We've had giant squids, robots, gnomes, cowboys, and bartenders tending the bar, but nobody I would call an adventurer like the kinds of folks who actually visit the bars we conjure up. I do enjoy the trope of retired adventurers running bars or shops, so that formed the core idea of Silvania: a retired adventurer who cared more about meeting people than actually making money. A good start, but not Magitech enough! She needed some obviously magical bits on her to contrast with the rest of her and some cool-looking prosthetics fit that need perfectly. Peg legs are pretty standard and face plates are pretty common in cyborg characters, so I decided those were cool but giving her robot fingers instead of just a robot hand was special enough. From my notes in the RP Discussion thread leading up to Season 11, I described each of her fingers as having its own built-in magic spell that she can use, a set of cantrip picked out specifically to be useful to a bartender. I threw in things like her pet Owlbear and Polybrigus to give her some extra spice. Polybrigus wasn't intended to be a major thing, but I saw this picture of it and thought it would be a funny joke that Polybrius the game actually existed in the form of a sentient arcade machine that ran away back to Agama and that's why nobody could ever find it.

Maybe it was a bit overstepping, but I also wanted Silvania to be more involved when things were happening inside of the hotel or around it, like the Sintendo Girls plot or things like Agony approaching the bar or Chao's yakuza stuff because those things affected her home and her community. The bartender is supposed to be there to tend bar, but I also wanted to give her a bit more of a connection to RP outside of it. I want to think JRM for indulging me in having Silvania chew out the Sintendo Girls for causing a bit of a ruckus; hopefully I still managed to portray her as being neutral in the arcade contest.

She's got a past written and we'll get to explore it more early on in Season 12 when we do a Silvania-centric short plot I call Scorched Earth. The Daemonseed plot event introduced some crumbs to her past and led to the introduction of a couple of Agaman government officials, Goldlewis and Ningguang, who have history with our current bartender. What could it be though? We'll find out in...uh...about a week, right? Week and a half?

It's no secret that I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy 14 these days and it had a lot of influence on my ideas for a bar. I went to the most Agama-like city in the game, Gridania, and walked around its Inn to get some inspiration. The city-state of Gridania is a very natural-looking place where the city is built in the middle of a huge forest, almost like Agama and its jungles. Final Fantasy 14 also has the Magitech-loving Garlean Empire that opposes the heroes with their hordes of black-armored EVERYTHING. I wanted to combine the aesthetics of the two without just outright taking screenshots of the Carline Canopy and saying "Okay, this is our bar." I worked with an artist friend of mine to bring my ideas of combining nature and technology together, including specific things like the bar, the glowing lines on the pillars, and the holographic Notice Board. The 2021 RP Discussion board has all my notes on designing the bar and hotel if you want a refresher.

Just having natural-looking bar wasn't enough for me though. Aside from having a Cid in every game, one of the most enduring tropes in the Final Fantasy series is the airship. Whether it looks like an actual boat or a futuristic spaceship, pretty much every mainline Final Fantasy game has at least one airship; they're practically needed for a fantasy setting these days. So I made the hotel into a crashed airship called The Silver Tribute, divided it up into hotel-like pieces. It just felt right to have it in the middle of our most Final Fantasy-esque setting to date. We'll get to find out more about it too next season.

Yoshiko Filia Tsushima

My little B Plot for the year. Yoshiko was guaranteed to get to do something when HP made it clear there was going to be a Tsubasa plot in Season 11. I wasn't expecting it to get started so late in the season though or I would have had Yoshiko's martial arts tournament happen much sooner in the year so she could get recognition for her skills before meeting Fudo Kazanari.

After Season 10, Yoshiko spent more time look like Filia from Skullgirls than Yoshiko from Love Live as she slowly worked on coming to terms with having Samson living on her skull fulltime. Their relationship wasn't perfect though and it showed when, in the words of a wise woman, "I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS PLOT MADE YOSHIKO BALD." Yoshiko was a strong fighter, but she couldn't reach her full potential as she was, confronted in the dream world with the fact that she and Samson were on friendly terms but still not united, having to slowly learn to get along and coexist. She'd gotten very close to Tsubasa by the end of the season and that gave her the motivation to try and do better, especially as she slowly pieced together the circumstances of Tsubasa giving up her own dreams to be the Sword of the Kazanari.

I want to thank Pitohui for letting me have that scene where Yoshiko had that sparring match with Fudo. I'd been thinking of something like that for awhile as a way to give Yoshi a chance to meet her new nemesis in the fight for Tsubasa's heart and soul. She used a sword to try and get a measure of Fudo's skill without giving up too many of her own secrets; had it purely stayed a sword fight and without Samson's help, Yoshiko would have easily lost that fight because she's not a sword fighter. She learned enough though, knowing then that just being tough and angry wouldn't be enough to actually defeat Fudo.

Because Yoshiko is my Hot Blooded Super Robot Martial Artist Girl, she had to join a fighting tournament at some point to show off her growth as a fighter and as a person, pitting her against powerful opponents from across Heart Star. It was also a good reason to bring in yet another Touhou, Kasen Ibaraki, who would later go on to do stuff related to Cirno.

An early idea for Yoshiko vs Kasen would have been for Lil Cirno to fall out of Yoshiko pocket during their fight, prompting Kasen to loser her temper and try to smack the doll only for Fumo Swarm to show up and pummel her to foreshadow a connection between the Fumos and Cirnoil. JRM said Lil Cirno was unavailable though, so it just became a battle of wills and ideals.

Yoshiko vs Master Asia was the ultimate display of everything she'd learned during her time with the Kobbers, taking the lessons she'd learned from her friends and applying them to her fighting style, including her deepening connection with Samson. Friendship is Magic and Martial Arts.

I was very fortunate that, while I was on a trip during HP's finale event, I wasn't doing a whole lot that day and could mobile post well enough. I was also EXTREMLY lucky that I could get someone on very short notice to draw the picture of Filia wearing the Gungnir Symphogear that night so it could be ready for the finale. I really enjoyed writing Tsubasa and Yoshiko coming together to deliver the LOVE LOVE SEKIHA TENKYOKEN as a demonstration of their love and admiration for each other.

Filia wearing a Symphogear is really badass and I love that picture to death. She'll be back next season too, though likely in more of a supporting role unless someone really needs to be kicked for being a bad parent.


Momoyo, yet another Touhou girl, was originally just going to be a brief shitpost, appearing when Lego Indiana Jones found where some centipedes live. Now she's involved in the ever-expanding Clownpiece deep lore, appearing in a very ancient mural depicting her fighting a Ghidorah. Maybe someday we'll get to explore her origins and why she's a cute girl sometimes and not always a centipede.


Fumo Swarm

Whoops! Almost forgot I had things to say about them. Thanks to the pandemic, I worked from home for about a year and saved a lot of money on gas, so I decided I'd use that money on an expensive collection instead: the legendary Touhou Fumo dolls. Initially, I was just going to get a Sanae Fumo and call it a day, then I got Tenshi, then Youmu, and yeah. ANYWAY...they originally appeared as mostly a throwaway gag after a Yuyuko Fumo appeared in Mr. Hippo's finale and were originally going to be a Brawl entrant. I got cold feet at the last moment because they weren't a great entrant on their own and were more fun as something Malizza the Swarm Master could summon. As is bound to happen though, I got new ideas for them that would actually matter, particularly in relation to Cirnoil. I don't remember if JRM said Cirno as retiring by that point, but I wanted to have the Fumos do something for Cirnoil to help in her post-Dark Matter life. She'd been beating herself up over her anger issues and guilt over her role in what happened to Heart Star Gensokyo, so for Cirno Day I revealed that the Fumos were the souls of people from Gensokyo (Disclaimer: they weren't the people the Fumos resembled because I can't kill off the alternate versions of peoples' characters.) that had come to ZFRP Prime to forgive Cirnoil and to ask her forgiveness for mistreating her. I know Cirno Day is supposed to be silly, but I thought it would be a good idea to give Cirnoil some closure.


Was there something about Dracoplot 2021 that I missed that you'd like to hear more about? Just leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer your questions. Thanks for taking the time to read these long-overdue thoughts on my plot!