Saturday, April 30, 2022

2021-2022 Offseason Ticker Quote Archive

 Nov 1st: it would hopefully just stand there and look nice

Nov 2nd: Do you even WANT Gardenia to visit?!?!

Nov 3rd: It was time to dig a new cave, one that she could defend and keep from having visitors like some sort of... Well, like some sort of dungeon.

Nov 5th: The mere thought of eating corn flakes at a table meant for banquets all alone made her heart sink. It was never an option.

Nov 6th: Virtual Boy can't contain her excitement!

Nov 8th: "Mixing up Halloween and Christmas was a mistake"

Nov 11th: "How could you believe that a force of chaos turned me into a cute anime girl?!?"

Nov 13th: "A lot of poeple ask who Reimu Hakurei is, but not a lot of ask HOW Reimu Hakurei is."

Nov 14th: The Grand Agama Market has seen many things, but is it truly ready for... corporate finance?

Nov 15th :"No, but watching him fall down infinite stairs is way funnier than him being tossed out the window..."

Nov 17th: "You’re looking at an archeologist, some rich girl, some bureaucrat, and me"

Nov 18th: "Can I have nine points instead?"

Nov 19th: "Our space is limited."

Nov 21st: The trio now spend their days kicking ass, cooking and doing things that I can’t describe on this forum.

Nov 23rd: "Miss Lohe? Why are you wiggling?"

Nov 24th: "swap soup? Hell yes."

Nov 26th: "Smooch clowns?"

Nov 27th: (You may assume none of these people are human, just human-looking aliens)


Nov 29th: "Ain't goin' to beat a price of free."

Nov 30th: SPRING [[1997 + 25]]

Dec 23rd: "What a surprise!" "No, it really isn't..." "WHAT A SURPRISE!"

Jan 1st: No, not only was it lame, it was relatable.

Jan 21st: It’s not every day that a campfire crackles on the side of a city street

Jan 22nd: "there's no way I won't be #1!"

Jan 23rd: He remembered 1994.

Jan 28: "Even though she was simply RUDE to not even wait until ONE to strike me"

Jan 31: A single person's attack of conscience should have been easy to brush off.

Feb 1: ...the multiverse [i]will[/i] die.

Feb 14: And with that declaration, Gruntilda Winkybunion shot forward, turned another powerslide and was roaring away before anyone could stop her.

Mar 1: Green King of Organs

Mar 8: "That green lady is snatching them up like they're limited edition trading cards."

Mar 11: Who could grasp the concept of a name, when a name was never needed in the world she lived in?

March 15: How dare she? How dare she just... show up and try to love the Prince THAT MUCH?

March 17: the idol trailed behind Lord Valor with a derpy smile. "YUI! YUI! YUI!"

March 21: they're still active, and they still have guns.

March 27: Look at you, all grown up and gettin' thoughts!

March 28: Lanterby's staring is obvious, but...

March 31: But no one was coming for Blood Falcon.

April 1st: "There's no continuity"

April 9th: "A FINAL BOSS?"

April 10th: "Would you buy that he's a mediocre egg?"

April 13th: It was about bluffing the man upstairs.

April 18th: they can't risk splitting the reward money!

April 23rd: "Tch, of course it was a bad idea! But do you have any better ones?"

April 24th: Érico Castello did not love the new people.

April 29th: "O Heavenly Goddess of Harvests and Rains, One who brought Nuclear Energy to Gensokyo and taught Rinnosuke what a Game Boy was"

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