Tuesday, June 1, 2021

May 2021 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: "Doesn't she know I'm allergic to social interaction without her?"

2nd: "Why, it would be..." Her lip trembled. "Fun."

3rd: "It's that rugged adventuring archaeologist, LEGO Indiana Jones!"

4th: "I'm a Level 5 Blackbird!" (slang for Ashworld magician)

5th: "... Just as I thought. Mediocre."

6th: "no one fite like gas-ton

make new frens like gas-ton

mud a-ttack like gas-ton"

7th: "Step off, Roy G. Bit-"

8th: Even the tattooes of dragons and oceans on her arms seemed half-harted, like the artist couldn't stop complaining about his home life while doing them.

9th: "Well, that's an incident and a half. Maybe even two incidents"


11th: "Do I not terrify you anymore?"

12th: "You look like you lost a bet." He paused. "Or won one."

13th: Goth Police Officer, Nikki!

14th: "I REFUSE to believe that Akira and Ann Kurusu have anything but the most vanilla of intercourse!"

15th: "Truly, the Romans would weep with envy."

16th: "[i]you touched The Orb[/i]"

17th: "I know what will scare him! Death!"

18th: Neither Sonia nor Nekomaru noticed Maya’s breasts.

19th: Two types of cookies? In her pocket? On an expedition? Clearly, this woman was living a life of luxury.

20th: "HA! Who’s laughing now, you fatass goth?”

21st: “Meow meow meow meow meow these are the rest of the lyrics meow meow MEOWWWW...”

22nd: "Oh, uhm, red hair? Freckles? Glasses? Transports herself everywhere by doing arcane butt movements?"

23rd: Hippo Wonderworld

24th: Spider Youkai. Why did it have to be Spider Youkai?

25th: I have no idea how bitcoin works.

26th: adding “working out” as a priority just underneath “learning videogames”

27th: "Comiendo la comida de los colonizadores, Téo. Vergonzoso."

28th: "Yayyyyy! Everybody won!"

"Vodka didn't win."

"Yayyyyy! All the cute girls won!"


30th: "Oh snap! Okay, fight time it is!"

31st: "Someone's armoire got turned into a lemon scent."

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