Sunday, April 26, 2020

Big Bar Brawl 9 Ticker Quote Archive

the odd “Robbie Righteous”

Futo wouldn’t be bothered by a runny nose

he had a robe to wipe his nose on

a time-activated boot

“What did you think you were getting into?” Mac asks. “I don’t know, weird Kwanzaa PR or something!"

"White Kwanzaa, Green Kwanzaa… we got a brand thing going here!”

take advantage of Rizzrack’s tree hate

and Grey Moon… shot them.

Car Fu

while it did look pretty cool, it wasn’t what she was going for!

delegating that task to Robbie Righteous who promptly didn’t do it.

“Do that 70 or so more times and this will be a walk in the park!”

okay, she wasn’t calm.

“Stowaways, eh?” he says, drawing a knife nearly as big as he is.

Dana pounds the beast’s head to make it shoot ketchup and mustard at The Conductor

“Good bye my glorious ride,” she says with a sniffle

Hot Dog Monster was getting soggy

his “I never doubted it” not assuaging Taserface’s concerns

It certainly wasn’t a toe tapper

The Conductor falls asleep at the wheel

Toothy’s face was filled with coins

and then Grey Moon drops Mr. Mucus.

“I’m trying to leave this body”

"one Funky Cop without Dick"

The Badass Plague Tank

Over with the Brawl giants, Gunn

He did feel a little neutered with his tail gone now though.

"I’ll just head on over and incinerate him."

While things were nice and harmonious with that trio

Vahni shouts, currently in her princess form

“Is it fite time?”



Metal golf clubs were now firing down into all parts of the arena

Elvis Impersonator just stood on the ground and waited for a chance to contribute

Tressa focuses hard and… Sidesteps! Yup. That’s an ability for her

Wicked Witch of the West was still hassling a group of fiters.

an entire air force of Flying Monkeys


“AHHH! I’M ON FIRE!” Bulk yells because he was, in fact, on fire.

that is something that isn’t actually too strange for a Big Bar Brawl all things considered



“Never underestimate the cute ones,” he says, pulling his other hand back


Hank was no ordinary man.

“ELEANORE! I WILL NOT BE DENIED OUR FATED BATTLE!” Taserface yelled, running towards the group… only to see Eleanore’s smoking legs

Eleanore’s remains were still close enough

Hank really did feel like an unkillable man, even more so than Toothy which is a fun comparison that makes perfect logical sense.

Makes vomit disappear

BK was moving his hole

Half the chatroom assured him he would be, and the other half was mocking him for not killing anyone yet.

“He can’t kill us all. He’s leaving the roots…” she says a little louder

"Thought I’d try to kill one of them, see if that spices things up.”

but BK wasn’t lying.

Steve the Sock (Don’t Tread on Him)

this wasn’t just an attack on Ace’s fashion after all.

“This one is not retreating”

And then Hank happened.


Pitohui stops walking for a second, her nose bleeding and broken… but her smile wider.

“Can I come and play in the cave?”

she tries to whistle like a traffic cop, only to make a wet sputtering noise instead

Heat Miser was immediately feeling ill

"so it falls on someone to do the admittedly easy yet morally dirty work.”

manifesting a guitar club as he heads for the old ladies…

she suddenly was fiting tons of owls on top of the blue aliens

The dog couldn’t dodge every bullet

Earth gnaws on Ren

Borodan didn’t want to admit the plan was flawed

“This is your chance to flee.”

his precious chemicals

Meat Boy still had the Levin Sword.

he saw a strange bulge in Esme’s sock

She takes the grenade, pulls it back… and is immediately tackled by owls

spray their assimilation juice onto the old lady’s face

Meat Boy might as well be holding an ice cream cone instead of a deadly explosive

the dog princess

“This one could have very much liked you if you were not wretched criminal scum,”

"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? Because I’m thinking you’re A DEAD WITCH!”

Pest was being a pest, so at least he was staying on brand

Cerato immediately panicking

Daipenmon’s almost sleepy attitude was stirred by the request

giant sticks that didn’t even have jokes on them now

he pops open to deposit a perfectly fine Patty

the nanomachines in him working to correct the spine damage

When the train hit Chompette… it hadn’t really gained enough speed

“It can’t already be broken!” he laments, popping out of it and hugging it

only Taserface was going out of his way to kill raccoons

“Run ye wee babies, run! This is my Brawl!"

"Did DJ Peck Neck think he could drop in some garish advertising for his cruddy penguin movies?"

“I’m tired of this motherpecking rat on me motherpecking train!”

just because a sock and a booger man can hold their own here doesn’t mean you can.

he wasn’t just killing them for the fun of it either.

“You made your grave. Now sleep in it!”

There was no Catapult DLC set right now though

BK looks up from the Trashopedia to watch his hole.


BK gives up the ghost

Vince and Llarness now found themselves standing alone

“Taserface it is!”

Hellcow did seem like a threat

Ren was now a vampire.

Peko let out an exasperated sigh as she knew this could be a complication

Neeko begs Joy not to give her another gem, Joy hands of the Wind one

After all, Baba HAS Crown

“Anyone seen Futo?” Plague finally asks

Elsewhere, Moltar was on the move

Neptune couldn’t just expose herself to reclaim her weapon though! That kind of stuff should be paid DLC!

“This is victory.” Says a strange voice, and suddenly, Joshy

Gendarmor, on the other hand, couldn’t really continue without a head.


There are many theories behind this, the chaos making it easier to catch them unawares, the identification as a group lessening the self-preservation instinct, the fact it’s easier to write away a bunch of characters dying instead of giving each a personalized dramatic death

Unity waits… but nothing happens. “Super speed.”

Joshy seemed to believe he was now the undisputed winner since the competition was dead

Flying monkey skeletons, Shrapnel skeletons, raccoon skeletons, and even Timbersaw

“Can’t cry for your mom now!” Ostarion laughs. “Actually, he can,”


And begins singing Blue Suede Shoes.

“Holllllly hells, that creature’s gone Godbeast!”

Robbie Rotten as still unaccounted for

"VOLCANO! Isn’t that badass?”

Robbie quickly tosses a net over to cover Moltar, and Plague laughs.

“You’re store lady! The big boob seller!”

But then the lightbulb.

The kratt begins to slide out from underneath him, locking itself to Kaede’s butt


“I listen… I didn’t remember the answers, but I remember the stories.”

Robbie keeping up the tickle until Plague approaches and aims his machine gun

"The heart is the most important piece, isn’t it? It’s what lets us love after all!”

“YO! Why you think I’m holding this boy’s ass in place? Shoot him dead already!”

“Neeko… strong tomato."

“Guess that stuff coming out of you is ketchup then”

A headbutt wouldn’t harm Rennie, but it made Aiko see stars

"So I’m going to help you find out how cool you are!” “By killing her?”

"Well all I need to do then is make the sun come out!” Rainbow Dash says, the clouds above parting to show… the moon.

But it did call mamma hen to roost.

Biscotti creating a hologram of BIG CHUNGUS

“What happened to friendship is magic?” Kisha said, now in her princess form.

Kisha steps back from her kill, moderating her breath to calm down… only for two buxom succubi to sandwich her between them

farewell to BIG CHUNGUS

Almaric had tapped into the wand’s potential to turn its wielder into a magical girl!

suddenly a blast of flying puppies

“Man, I should have really made his death about online trolling,” Biscotti sighs

Wrexer lead the charge.

“Use your toys!” Sue urges the dinosaur

the dinosaur managing to reduce her to meaty chunks before he has to spit her out because of the ashy taste.

“You just got Wrexed.”

The Elvis Impersonator knew what he had to do… he had to eat himself free.

Right as Build dies though, Wrexer begins to choke

“I’ve got a train to hell with all ye names on it!”

She would have to kill cool people to get to first place

Plopping a golf ball to the ground, she brings her club back and slams it into it hard


it’s not like there’s a stand selling Gatorade to pep you up.

Her master really was dead

“PLAGUE SUCKS!” Patty yells from far away.


Kisha. Sonia. Maple. Lily. Morgan.


“That’s not… ninth.” She says, before dropping back dead.

the hideous monster letting out a delicate meow

 It’s got the body of a cat and the face of a cat, and it flies through the air because it has a cat face! Catface!

"Bleeding is just too much effort.”

“Just don’t make my death all weak and shit."

“I’ll have a Blue… Christmas… without you…” “KWANZAA!”


a pillow fort had deterred a shooter.

Blasto makes sure Patty gets all his weapons, the cop laden down with his many holsters

What could kill the reaper?

“You look different without the train.”


If you do something subtly enough, people might not notice you’re doing it at all.

The final fiting cop of the ZFPD slumps down, dropping her weapons and falling before the goddess of death herself, Komachi Onozuka.

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