Saturday, April 28, 2018

Honor Among Thieves 4: Be Prepared for the Coup of the Week

King of Beasts Hospital...

"For the many times have I explained this, Nurse?"

<Five times, Dede.>

Doktor Lucy DeMonde nodded at her nurse, the tiny Fairie Dragon Teacups. "Thank you, Nurse Teacups."

The doktor then turned towards a police officer with a clipboard and scowled. "As I now explain for the SIXTH time, Officer Earnestine, I have not had contact with Zeldoten in weeks. I have not seen her in that same period of times and, I reassure you for the SIXTH time, I will contact the police if I do." She crossed her arms and looked expectant while Teacups continued to mix things together.

The cop nodded. "So you say, for the sixth time, but you're still preparing a lot of supplies. I notice you have camping gear here, provisions for several days, boat tickets for one of the other islands..."

DeMonde grunted. "Yes, I'm planning to go do house calls on that island for a few days. I often do such a thing because they can't come here and it's this hospital's mission to do so." She stepped forward and looked the officer in the eye. "I often do this, the rest of the staff knows I do this, and they approve of it. I have had this outing scheduled for over a month and this is the first chance I've gotten since then to prepare my things. I don't want to get there and find I've gotten my Moondew or my Saltpeter." She began tapping her foot. Teacups looked up for a moment and set some bandages aside.

"That's all well and good, but we'll need you to stay here for questioning," Officer Earnestine countered.

"Questioning?!" DeMonde growled. "On what charge?"

"Aiding and abetting a-"

A cold, dead feeling ran through the officer, causing her to shiver. DeMonde's expression quickly turned from simmering fury to frigid menace.

"Pick your next words carefully. That's my daughter you're talking about." The words were like frozen lightning, paralyzing the officer for a moment and causing her skin to tingle.

"A...a suspect."

DeMonde's withering stare softened by an infinitesimal degree. "I have given you my statement under oath. You have access to my schedule, both for the boat and while I'm on the trip itself. I even have one of those blasted celluar telephone things. If you want to find me, you can. If you want to get in touch with me, you can. However, if you continue to unlawfully impede my medical profession, I shall be lodging a complaint with the Kobber Division, who SHOULD be here conducting this interview, and your superiors."

The half-elf leaned forward, getting nose-to-nose with the shivering officer. "Criminal or not, Zeldoten is a Brawl Champion. She has no small influence with the Zoofights Corporation and if I let them know there is an investigation into her activities that is being carried out in a biased and unprofessional manner, I wouldn't be surprised if you found yourself needing to bury yourself on one of those islands to hide from the inquisition that follows, understood?"

The officer gulped. "Y-yes, ma'am. Thank you for your statement. If we need anything else, we'll be in touch."

DeMonde sighed as the officer fled the room. "That was tiring."

<And you only had to scrape her soul once.> Teacups thought with a giggle.

"She'll be fine later," the doktor replied. "Now, there's a few more things I need to get before the trip. Let's go."

DeMonde grabbed a list and her purse, motioning for Teacups to follow. The little dragon looked at a collection of flasks, some full, some empty, and a set of tools.

<Don't you need your kit, Dede?>

"Hmm." She looked at the pile. "No, we won't need it for a shopping trip. Besides..."

She smirked.

"I have a feeling someone else will need it more than me soon."


45th Street Pawn Shop, the next morning...

A squad car parked on the curb by a small, worn-out shop. Inside, two police officers interviewed the proprietor, an older gentleman with a small hunch.

"Yes, sir, I found the locks broken when I got in this morning, but there wasn't anything missing except for two things that recently that got dropped off: a rapier, which I registered when I acquired it, and a set of chainmail. They left the electronics, the jewelry, the money...they did leave a note though."

The old man reached into his pocket and handed the officer a note.

"Needed this now, not later. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, you've been robbed by...





P.S: Hu hu hu hu hu!"


Treasure Island, at some point between then and later...

"Hey, Weasel Bandit. Got a message for you."

Weasel Bandit looked up to see Weasel Bandit walking over with the hideout's cordless phone.

"Why aren't you telling Weasel Bandit or Weasel Bandit? They're on duty."

"Weasel Bandit said Weasel Bandit is lost in the basement and Weasel Bandit took Weasel Bandit to a doctor's appointment."

"Dammit. Weasel Bandit is supposed to be doing that stuff today. We have schedules for a reason! We're not animals!"


"Never mind. What's the message?"

"The boss has orders for us."

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