Monday, July 1, 2024

June 2024 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: Well there's the danger!

2nd: "I know my teammates have just gotta be awesome, because I'M awesome. Alright?"

3rd: "Are all hot springs like this? I'd like mine with less wolves"

4th: "Ah. I see." Duriel nodded and lied.

5th: "What a sad creature you are, you ambulatory starfish."

6th: Piyori uses 'weeb' as a term of endearment, you must understand.

7th: Nikki- Goth Therapist

8th: Roman is here

9th: There is a burp as Kaydence realizes she's drunken too much

10th: The owl had made a critical error. It had assumed

11th: But time is of the essence? She'll kick in some doors.

12th: Actual Real The Devil from The Bible

13th: What should one do when confronted by falling meteors in an enclosed space? That's a question to which Isadora has no answer

14th: The Brawl Champion's Mentor. No, the other champ. The Other OTHER champ.

15th: "...why does everything you say sound like a move trailer one-liner?"

16th: "I wasn't aware you had become an expert at identifying Shirabes."

17th: "1 Terrae if he wins." (That's not a typo)

18th: her emotional support landfill

19th: "So, let's go-go-gashadokuro!"

20th: "It was great, even if it does feel weird to tower over a bunch of kids at a party."

21st: "Pukin's a good job mate. It's honest work."

22nd: Lieutenant Farstrike (Shas'vre Vior'la Sha'Vah, if you forced him to be formal)

23rd: "It's to feed uncultured heathens like you!"

24th: Crim's breaking rules and making sure to keep everything away

25th: Given the task of describing Maomao Zheng, one could employ many words. Freckled, for instance.

26th: Blanche is missing her head

27th: "When the whale's away, the Kobbers will play. Or at least order Smurf and Turf."

28th: ♓︎

29th: The FLYING DOOR KNOB TECHNIQUE, greatest of martial arts

30th: "Honestly! I expected better from a Ravensky!" "What, being less dangerous?" "No, being MORE dangerous!"

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