Monday, October 19, 2020

July 2020 Ticker Quote Archive

 That's spicy, Kouta. REAL spicy.

"I did not think I would see anyone traumatized by my appearance..."

Trapped in a nightmare future where the word of Ego is law

If she was building a power station it would be the best damned power station in the Undercity

Joy was, of course, a Carnivore.

Now THAT'S a Carnivore.

War Face

"Are you… are you drunk?" "WITH EMOTION!"


Eventual Big Bar Brawl 10 Ticker Archive

"Okay, look, Pom Pom was years ago. You can't keep pinning all these muwders on me!"

"Down here. No, further down. By your feet, dammit!"

The absence of the :D is strong here.

"she was a giant bee ghost who implanted mind control bees"

Running... well, walking off at high speed

"It was rated Best Drink To Get Introspective By 2020."

"I didn't say I was a good pacifist!"

"They're chicken empanadas, damn it!"

Certified Therapy Horse (tm)


"They said "ticket" and "Olympia" on them and everything!"

"This is Burt, my husband."

"I'm white trash- from the backwoods of Tenessee"

"Actual Cannibal Koala Princess!"

"So like if Scrooge McDuck could still get it up?"


"hi it’s bad guy"

"It's like candy you can drink. I love sweets"


Blasto had told the Chili's waiter to perform the proper action.

"Yes, but... well, we don't have any precedent for an 'Explosion License'."

Saturday, October 3, 2020

September 2020 Ticker Quote Archive

 "Thank you, Zoobooks Olympia!"


"I promise it's gonna be nice on the other side-HURKPTH"

"Nonsense, I would have felt its effects or noticed its telltale symptoms," he said, not noticing the telltale symptoms or realizing he was feeling the effects.

"Um... I brought your arm."

"We are not going to make a Windows Movie Maker level AMV."

“... Will you permit this old woman to ramble?”

"Oh, and there was a rat skeleton truck too!"

That's no way to boop a snoot!

"I, Death Gun, and my Death Gun will merit out justice - the justice of Death Gun, delivered by the Death Gun's bullets."

"I do NOT appreciate being told that we commit atrocities."

Boomerangs, if thrown well, tend to return

"But you people all hang out here instead of at a statue shop"

the Neo-WWW'd

"This one's going into your shoulder! Guess which one?!"

"I'm already getting some great ideas for stuff you can eat AND stuff you can blow up!"

"Must you be so brash with your kindness?"

"Ooh, free napkins?!"

fukin apocalypse

"Waluigi's Castle..."

Jill watches Peko throw herself out.

“What the fuck is that cape?”

One was an orb, another was a...lumpier orb?

"Oh, whoooooaaaa"


"murder this other guy who's making me do badder things because I have a five billion trillion debt to him!"

Unfortunately, she seems more hung up on the purple Squirtle she saw beforehand

"I, Death Gun, was paid to ensure no threats remained. With the Death Gun."

Of course, as established, Zozo is a family woman.

Who has Kirby's phone number, anyway?