Saturday, February 25, 2017

Kamen Rider Hime Vol. 3

Volume 3 of Kamen Rider Hime was delayed greatly after the artist was injured in a javalina-farming incident. At least one finger was broken, causing the art to look shaky as the artist recovers. Best of luck.


Volume 3 begins as convenience store clerk Parsee greets the antennaed stranger that has entered. He introduces himself as Xavier Cian De Lovouse, a journalist who has recently moved to Bridge City to take over as the food journalist for the local paper. Parsee laughs, cracking a joke about someone actually wanting to live down there. The two spend another page or so bantering before Cian leaves, leaving Parsee alone to her work.

That evening, more fights break out across Bridge City than usual. Arguments erupt over minor occurrences. Police get called to every bar in the city only to begin fighting those they had come to take to the drunk tank.

A customer explodes at Parsee for giving incorrect change, but our cool-headed clerk maintains a professional demeanor, secretly being envious at two people outside who can throw a punch at the moment without risking their jobs.

The ground begins to tremble. Something is walking down the street. Something BIG.

Brawling citizens forget their petty squabbles to flee in terror. Parsee runs outside to see a huge creature, a 20 ft. tall steel-armored creature resembling a cross between a crocodile, a lion fish, and a badger. It wields a club taller than a man and swings it with reckless abandon. Black ichor of some sort seeps from the joints in its armor, splashing it about with each swing.

Parsee briefly wishes there were more Kamen Riders before transforming into Kamen Rider Hime. She summons Envy Driver, her motorcycle, and begins chasing the ogre. The beast appears to be heading towards the outskirts of town, drunkenly clubbing anything that moves or looks like it could move. Kamen Rider Hime revs her engine, driving up the orge's tail so she can deliver her powerful Paru Paru Punch to the base of its neck.

The ogre idly scratches where it was hit, ridding itself of an annoying itch. Kamen Rider Hime narrowly dodges, making a quip about a pain in the neck. She looks about trying to find something she can use to her advantage. She sees one of the bleeding joints and uses a Spell Card, "Midnight Anathema Ritual", to send a flurry of red energy balls into it, eventually causing one of the orge's forearms to flat-out fall off.

Hime prepares to try it again with the other arm when she gets clubbed by the ogre's tail. As she lay on the ground, probably bleeding somewhere, the ogre turns, its attention diverted from its goal and towards its assailant. Kamen Rider Hime rolls quickly out of the way of an incoming club, throwing a couple of energy balls as she gets up and rushes forward. She begins hammering the ogre's midsection relentlessly, trying to break through its armor.

She then rolls between the ogre's legs as it reaches for it, kicking its heel as she rolls to trip it up. The ogre falls on its face, but before Kamen Rider Hime can celebrate, she gets kicked. The ogre looks at her, fury in its eyes as it opens its jaw and sprays steaming hot liquid that melts through the concrete of the street. Hime fires off another Spell Card, "Jealous of the Kind and Lovely", that sends a large green ring blasting off the ogre's other arm. The beast bellows, but is out of bleeding joints to conveniently blast off.

Kamen Rider Hime calls for Envy Driver again, driving down to the next intersection as the ogre jumps and drops onto where she was. She guns the engine as the ogre charges her, both ready to collide at top speed when Hime shouts out a command.

"System Change!"

Envy Driving throws its rider into the air before changing shape, becoming a flame-bladed, rocket-propelled sword for Kamen Rider Hime to use to slice through the ogre even as it belches more burning fluid. Even as her armor sizzles, burning her within it, her blade strikes true, bisecting the ogre at the waist. Its lower half immediately ceases to move, but its top half tries to crawl forward, willing the stumps of its arms to drag it away. Hime watches its last movements with relief, ordering Envy Driver to change again so she can drive home.

The next day, the giant beast is front page news. Police, fire department, and ambulances are all over the damaged street, looking for clues and trying to dispose of the ogre. A certain antennaed journalist grabs a copy of the day's newspaper as he heads for lunch.

In a strange, expansive throne room, a queen sits and watches as five robed knights approach her, bending down on one knee as their leader looks up and speaks.

"My queen, Wrath is dead."

The queen waves dismissively.

"We came here to replace him anyway. He was expendable. But now we know we have an enemy in this city...

...destroy Kamen Rider."


This volume ends with another fun comic:

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