Saturday, February 4, 2017

Are you there, Hakurei Shrine God? It's me, Parsee.

Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo

It was a slow walk down the path, each step feeling as if it would be the last before she turned and ran back to the human village for more tea. The shrine maiden's attitude had been legendary before she'd spent a year as the head of the King of Beasts' security and fighting a multitude of villains had only enhanced her reputation. Yet, as terrifying as that made her, it also made her the perfect person to answer Parsee Mizuhashi's quandary.

And so she continued walking, one hand carrying a small, sealed bundle and the other pulling a rolling suitcase. One step after another, only the birds chirping and the sound of the suitcase clunking across the stone path to break the silence.

Although time seemed to stretch on, it was really only a few minutes. Timey wimey stuff or something.

The shrine maiden was busy doing chores, sweeping off the steps of the shrine so someone could, theoretically, pray to the Hakurei shrine god. Someone must have stopped by, a few coins currently in the donation box. Parsee glanced at it briefly before clearing her throat.

"Just a minute, I'll be there in a second..."

The shrine maiden set the broom aside and began walking over. "How can I help...oh, it's you."

Parsee snorted. "Yeah, yeah. It's me. Hello."

"What do you want?" Reimu asked, reaching for her broom to resume work.

"I just had a question for you," Parsee answered. "If you want, think of it as giving a wayward pilgrim some spiritual guidance. Shrine maidens do that, right?"

It was Reimu's turn to snort. "For people who actually want it."

"What makes you think I don't?"

Reimu glared for a moment and then glanced at Parsee's box. "What's in the box? Is that what you need guidance for?"

Parsee shook her head. "No, it's for you and Yuyu when we're done. Just a quick question, I promise."

Reimu pointed to a bench and sat down. Parsee joined her.

"Alright, ask."

Parsee took a deep breath. "Why do you go resolve incidents?"

Reimu blinked. She wasn't expecting that kind of question.

Parsee stood up and began pacing. "There's no doubt that you're good at it. Best fighter in Gensokyo with your blond buddy probably a close second, but you really don't see the do-gooder type."

"And you don't seem like the type to ask," Reimu countered with a half-lidded stare. "I do it because it's my duty as a shrine maiden. I also do it because I can't have ANY peace and quiet if I wait for someone else to slap the shit out of some smug bastard trying to turn the moon to cheese or actually put alligators in the sewers."

Reimu gets up and grabs her broom. "You didn't come here just to satisfy your own curiosity though, did you? I'd hate to waste my time spiritually guiding someone on an idle whim."

Parsee shook her head. "No, I didn't ask just because I was curious. having some doubts about myself."

"You're not going to make a dragon appear, right?"

"No, no, that was a totally different set of doubts that has definitely been resolved," Parsee answered, waving her hand dismissively. "Ever since...well...I got beat up by that fake Hell Goddess..."

"It wasn't a bad fight," Reimu said, interrupting.

"Eh...not the point. Ever since I lost, I've been wondering if I really need to be doing that kind of hero stuff." Parsee continued. "I mean, there's lots of Kobbers who are good at that stuff and I'm not even leaving Las Vegas."

Reimu sighed. "You didn't stop being a pissed off bridge troll just because I beat you, right?"


"Well, you're underestimating Hot Topic. She's a member of that Planeswarden group. She's a special agent or something; a professional at dealing with shit almost as nasty as what I put up with. You got beat up by someone really tough and now you're moping because you had a new power-up that you used, what, once before?"

Reimu shook her head and went back to sweeping. "Get over yourself, bridge princess. If you don't want to fight, fine, but don't make excuses for it. If you do want to fight, find your own reason for it and get good. I fight for my reasons and you can't have them."

Parsee laughed a bit and walked over to the donation box, throwing some cash into it. She began to walk off, but turned to stand at Reimu's side. "Almost forgot: your gift."

Reimu looked at the package and began unwrapping it. "Oh, right, what is....this?"

Reimu stared at a small plate with two sandwiches on it, burgers loaded with tasty extras and dripping with grease and hot. Once, they were hot and fresh. Now, just warm and fresh-ish.

"What are these?"

Parsee smirked and blushed a bit. "I hunted down the chef from the King of Beasts and asked her to give me the recipe for her signature dish. It's not QUITE a Brgrgr, but it's probably better than what you usually get out here."

Reimu began to reply when one of the knockoffs disappeared, happy squealing filling the air.

"Well, at least she likes it," Reimu noted. "Thank you for your donation. Anything else?"


"Then get lost. You're getting dirt on my clean shrine."

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