Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dracoplot Cut Content

This is going to be presented in the order that I remember it with as many details as I can remember.

These are characters who have been considered for ZFRP by me at some point by cut for a potential variety of reasons.


Name: Viridi
Source: Kid Icarus Uprising
Season: 5, 6

Viridi was considered as part of Deceptiplot. Instead of coming to Earth and Columbia, the Decepticons would have gone either to Sky World, the setting of Kid Icarus Uprising, or a newly-created planet that Viridi was trying to use as basically a giant Bonsai tree, trimming and pruning it for relaxation. She would've gone to Earth to find Pit and/or Pittoo (Dirk) to get one of them to kick the robots off the planet for her.

A Season 6 appearance was considered with a similar plot, except against the Dark Axis (more on them later) instead of Decepticons.

I'd asked SteelKomodo if it'd be alright to use her, but if I remember correctly he indicated a possible desire to use her himself so I cut out the Viridi angle from Deceptiplot, had the 'Cons go to Columbia instead, and Parsee ended up dealing with them.

Name: Koakuma
Source: Touhou
Season: 6

Koakuma's inclusion in my roster was inspired by the way Parsee was introduced: I was making a character for a Pathfinder game and she happened to be the closest image to what I had in mind for my new character...


...but then I remembered that, although it was a brief appearance, Harpy had already RP'd as her and, despite assurances that it'd be alright, I decided to drop her.

She would have left the Scarlet Devil Mansion due to frustration with being saddled with both Sakuya's duties and Patchouli's duties while everyone but here got to leave the house to have fun at the King of Beasts. She would've gone back at the end of each day, but she would've eagerly thrown herself at adventures.

And then I brought Zeldoten in with an original character image I'd found on Danbooru.


Yes, I started this post off with two characters I ended up not RPing because I didn't want to step on any toes. This was solely my decision and not because anyone said "No, don't." I started with them because they're who I remembered first. The order is not intended as commentary of any other kind.


Name: The Dark Axis (as represented by Zapper Zaku)
Source: SD Gundam Force
Season: 5, 6, 7

To begin with, this idea hasn't ENTIRELY been absent: the Zakos from my voting gimmicks in Seasons 4 and 6 were part of this group.

What hasn't appeared is everything else: Zapper Zaku, his allies Grappler Gouf and Destroyer Dom, the horde of Zakos, or anything else. They would have had a plot revolving around them in which they begin an invasion of Earth, starting small by using Bagu Bagu, tiny robots based off the Bigro mobile armor, to begin destroying organic life on the planet, eventually leading to a showdown with their leader, Commander Sazabi. I would've drawn mainly from Season 1 of the SD Gundam Force series, saving Season 2 for future seasons of RP.

I don't remember exactly what else would have happened in their Season 5 appearances, but if they'd been around for Season 6 they would have come into conflict with Viridi (mentioned above), though their first "arc" would've been the previously mentioned Earth invasion. Cutting this plot turned out to be a good idea, because Dracoplot ended up taking most of my available time and Deceptiplot, another plot about evil robot invaders, took up the rest. This plot would've featured Nu Alex in some way since he's a Gundam.

Although Season 7 hasn't occurred, they're already cut content. I briefly considered having them appear again, but as I'm trying to focus on either short miniplots or just one bigger plot, there's already not enough time to develop them as I'd want.

Name: Tengus
Source: OCs/Pathfinder characters
Season: 5

I briefly considered bringing in my Pathfinder Society characters into ZFRP. They would've been Kobber (a sorcerer named for the Kobbers), Comer El-Cuervo (a Bard), Calgon (a Druid) and Allison (his companion), and Wren Savage (a wrestling monk). They would've been friendly adversaries, causing trouble for some reason. I don't remember actually having a purpose for them and the setting was shifting away from the Fantasy setting they would've been more appropriate for.

Name: Bagon
Source: Pokemon
Season: 5

As a dragon-type Pokemon, he was briefly considered for Sealander Squad. He was cut because the Sealanders already had more than six Pokemon.

Then I added Alakawhat, Kyurem, and Arbok anyway. Go figure.

Name: Opal
Source: OC
Season: 5, 6

Not completely cut - she is briefly mentioned by Draco-Chazor during Dracoplot in Season 6. A daughter of Draco-Chazor, she would've come to Las Vegas with her brother Calvin, who appeared in Season 1 as a baby dragon, to establish herself as a baker with the gimmick of dragon fire-baked goods. Her main goal would've been to eventually challenge Celestia to a bake-off in order to avenge Draco-Chazor's loss to Sarah ages ago. Might have tried going on some plots, but mainly would've been around to shove baked goods at people.

Name: Skullmageddon
Source: Double Dragon Neon
Season: 6, 7

My Secret Fiter for the Big Bar Brawl 6. I told myself that if he made it in, he'd stick around for the rest of the season complaining and making bone puns. Maybe he'd try and join the Lightning Bolt Society. He didn't make it in though, so he won't be appearing under my banner.


  1. Aha! Yes, I saw how Koakuma seemed like she was going to be a Season 6 character from you, and then saw her morph into the somewhat similar-looking but really quite different Zeldoten. I'd say it worked out - Koa doesn't have a perfectly normal crab, after all, and where would we be without one of those?

    Celestia is always up to take on competition, whether it's baked goods or theme parks! She's dealt with opposition on both fronts! If any other characters ever want to take her on, she's game.

    1. There would've been a bake off for Gloria's heart if Celestia wasn't so cool with the 'Mame.
