Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vina and Rebecca in "Hog Hunting Pt 1"

“Madams Vina and Rebecca"

Aboard the tramp freighter Ivory Port, Vina Sealander and her partner-in-crime/wife Rebecca looked at the massive crate with interest. Aside from the note written by Gluttony, there was not a scrap of paper to be found on the container's exterior. Even the courier who delivered the thing didn't even have an invoice or shipping manifest to give to them. Vina briefly thought about getting into a suit of power armor as the couple's pet Deino, Shaggy, pawed at its side.

"I still think we should throw it into space and just go to 264," she decided.

"Oh, come on! Where's the fun in that?" Rebecca protested, grabbing a crow bar. "I want to see what inside."

"Even though the box clearly scans as containing explosive?" Vina asked.

"BECAUSE it clearly scans as containing explosives!" Rebecca countered. "The note even says it has guns in it."

Before Vina could protest any futher, Rebecca had already pried the top off of the box and dove in. The various "ooh" and "aah" sounds attracted the notice of Flutters, the Sealanders' other pet Pokemon, a Noibat, who looked into the box and almost fell off as Rebecca popped out hefting a large weapon.

"Check it out! A light machine gun, a bundle of RPGs, and even a big ass bazooka!"

Rebecca dove back into the crate, examining the contents even as Flutters hopped in. The Noibat squealed happily as he flew back out wearing a pair of goggles.

"Come back! The goggles...they do something!" Rebecca shouted, finally pulling herself out.

Vina casually continued to watch her partner wallow in a pile of unarmed explosives and armor-piercing ammunition. By this time, Shaggy had scampered off to play in the galley or the escape pod or the reactor core...Vina was never sure where the little Pokemon got to.

"I hope you realize that you just volunteered to inventory those bullets you're so happily scattering," she said at last.

That put an end to Rebecca's shenanigans at least. Probably temporarily, but oh well.

"Alright, alright, I'll count the bullets later," Rebecca conceded. "Does this mean we're going to Sector 246?"

Vina nodded. "It's half of Gluttony's gift after all. So thoughtful of him even though we barely know him."

Vina then spun around on her heel, heading off to find Shaggy as a steady "1...2...3..." echoed behind her.

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