Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Off-season 2023-2024 Ticker Quote Archive


1st: Boring but considerate.

2nd: "Six months ago, did any of you imagine things would turn out this way? I certainly didn't."

5th: "Your favorite thief came prepared! I didn't just walk into my death!"

6th: "Or we can enlist you into the Planeswardens for 24/7 fun," Juan said with a mischevious grin. "Paperwork included~!"

7th: Raihan hates the cold.

8th: A large kitchen, originally for practicing to humiliate the Kobbers

9th: Pizza V- No, it was something else now

10th: "Ho ho HO! MERRRRRY Whalestrand! HOOOO hoho! Merry WHALEstand!"

11th: And that was when things would go horribly wrong for the both of them.


13th: "If she heads for the arch, we'll just let nature take over. But I think we need to play wingman a little more."

14th: Yes, it had taken a bit of time, but, Mutsumi had found Cornifer

15th: One World. And One Ocean.

16th: He stuck out his tongue at her and she pulled down her eyelid at him, the both of them giggling

18th: Adeleine looked behind her and it finally registered how alone she was. 

19th: “Why can’t we just go to the place in the normal world?” Ghiacco complained. “Because"

21st: “Are you taking a bath inside a coffee mug.”

22nd: IONO used BITE!

23rd: When Dannick touched her elbow she blinked like a surprised cow

24th: Except Loremaster. Heavens forbid Loremaster finds out about this.

25th: "Whalestrand has buses?"

26th: ...and what about the cat?

27th: Life. It was strange. Why not keep it that way?

28th: "Winter without winter! Coming to the world soon, just beyond the mountains!"

29th: "Rolls ain't gettin' warmer, but come tomorrow. That coin and seed will be awaiting you!"

30th: "Hello. I would like to order... a story. And also food."


25th: "Hashtag Love Not Getting Knocked Out By Jerks."

31st: The Scarecrow sought wisdom, and in the form of attacking people for it


3rd: “Not Crim’s son, just Crim”

11th: She had a bad feeling about what had just happened even if she didn't know the specifics...

26th: "Oh- A fun fact. There is no actual difference between Monkeys and Apes"

28th: Hel said, spreading her arms in a T pose.


1st: Despite having moved out and now owning a lair, Violence had never really left

3rd: "...Hmmmmm. A social media feud. A classic. "

12th: Important with a capital I.

17th: "I always have this axe with me."

24th: The drunken monster gurgled, finally understanding, and tried


2nd: "Getting away from here feels normal, does it?"

13th: "Good morning, my large sister."

16th: as usual she wasn't wearing pants.

17th: "Shit's pretty"

18th: That's really everything, but, your honour, she is balling.

26th: "Hey! Listen! I got a lot of cash and my face is on the internet! Follow that boat!"


4th: Some called her The Bitch

10th: "We're lucky this tale's got anything close to a market-friendly happy ending."

18th: “What the fuck happened to you?” Formaggio asked, interrupting a tense game of Uno.

26th: "But I got lots to whine about!" PSP said grumpily

28th: “Kaydence, protest this slander.”

29th: especially considering The Daughter (see: The Daughter)