Monday, August 7, 2023

July 2023 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: "For a slap fight between two women who ought to have known better, it was a nasty tussle."

2nd: " that poor ostrich died for nothing then."


4th: "Well, well, well! It all circles back to torch that resides in our hearts, or the lack of light and warmth, perhaps, very likely; possessing behind our eyes a need for capitalism."

5th: "Rev up those fryers."

6th: War of the Ratses (and bugs too, I guess)

7th: "...BARBEQUE."


9th: Don't worry people at home though: the bear totally has it coming!

10th: They then promptly cheer harder at his immensely heroic act of killing a woman who had sausages and a stick.

11th: "Has everyone been eating well? Did you handle the order load okay? Did we receive any complaints? Lanterby didn't injure anyone did she? Is smurf and turf still on the menu?"

12th: "Don't you fucking dare try to tell me this is a coincidence."

13th: "N' thaf KIF FOME AFF!"

14th: "Nice score, Beckett! But I'll SPARE you the details!" she giggles. "Wow, every pin! But I'll SPARE you the details!" she tries again on the next spare. "SPARE me the details..."

15th: Clownpiece was the hero the world needed as she had a Juicy Juice to spare!

16th: Stephen (Insertlastnameherelater)

17th: "Why are you still running?! Stop drop and roll, you dipwad!"

18th: "This is MY house, I don't NEED pants! Now shut up and pay attention to me!"

19th: "Your secret love of disco is safe with me."

20th: "...oops." "OOPS?!"

21st: His rigging is powerful

22nd: "Not to be rude, but are you making any money yourself?"

23rd: "Any plan should have more birds"

24th: "Hit him again."

25th: "If someone lost a red and green pinwheel striped umbrella, they found it in their washroom."

26th: Circe T-posed

27th: Unto who would fall the task of updating Krakenspine's Wikipedia entry?

28th: Both gin AND tonic

29th: Saccharae swipes March's card. THE CONTRACT IS SEALED.

30th: hoppingu (Japanese for pogo stick)

31st: "Okay, chat- OH GOD MY BACK. A-anyway."