Monday, July 3, 2023

June 2023 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: BG - Before Graveler

2nd: obnoxious (but mandated by restaurant law) birthday song ritual

3rd: ~DANCE~

4th: "Babies don't get idol jobs for a reason."

5th: Silcoon does not move. He does not move.

6th: "What happens when an unstoppable troll meets an immovable edgelord?"

7th: "Right, do saltshakers have gender or an ingrained sense of toxic masculinity ingrained from a distantly patriarchial-"

8th: Pinsir? I hardly-!

9th: an authentic and legitimate Blooper

10th: Snailport Hime. No hard feelings!


12th: "CRIPES this is just WAY too much sugar. I think I gained ten pounds looking at it."

13th: Sacred Ash, imperfect, looking rather like it is an object in a videogame to which the wrong texture had been mistakenly applied

14th: It's a quiet day today.

15th: although as usual she wasn't wearing pants

16th: Your job for now is done, Dr. Blooper.

17th: Big Muscly Arm (with claws)

18th: Darn the inconvenience of being perceived.

19th: "Straight up stinky."

20th: The "and it's not illegal for you to grab" running through her mind, she keeps to herself.

21st: STRANGE PINK MONSTER (Frankenberry)

22nd: "There are maps at the entrance, you poor bug, what are you doing?"

23rd: In the restaurant today, it is Hibiki Tachibana! And Hibiki Tachibana! And ALSO... Hibiki Tachibana!

24th: a fucking ghost-powered lawn mower would be a true thing of beauty.

25th: WARNING: Slight Lewd

26th: Magilou nearly choked. "What?!"

27th: Skeiron in disguise.

28th: "I've still never touched the smurf, though."

29th: She cut off at a loud sound that was either a tornado siren or a Italian man

30th: "Hmmm, wet fire."