Monday, May 1, 2023

2022-2023 Off-Season Ticker Quote Archive


1st: There were already fewer regulars in this morning, even accounting for hangovers.

2nd: It's not just a celebration. it's a chance for change.

3rd: "Those guys with the VROP and the VRIP and the VOOPITYDOODAH"

5th: "Do you need me to taste test our new line of juice?!"

6th: She wanted to say, "I raised your son, he's a nerd and he married an alien girl who's just as much of a nerd."

8th: "Someone hasn't been reading the McNews!"

9th: "And hey, maybe I wouldn't be a good housewife, but I'm a pro homebody"

13th: "Damn, you're just a crazy anime protag then! Woo!"

14th: It's Mole Monday! But as you can tell by the topic we're mentioning this in, it's a bit of a special one!

15th: "We'll all be there for you. If we need to absolutely ruin their lives"

16th: "Let's get a globe today and make this happen!"

17th: "It would appear that the estate was promised to the Brume community. I do not intend to rob them"

18th: no makeup (...okay a LITTLE makeup)

19th: Komi in a social setting. That was his moment of weakness

20th: The dang doofy dumbasses (aka Duer, Damien, and David)

21st: "Are we going to peer pressure each other into proposing?"

22nd: What a mess. You can see why Bernard ran away to begin with.

23rd: You forgot about her in that darn coma after all!

24th: "And if you can't move, that's why they invented video games."

25th: Then again, there was no coda in laws for 'had their evil eaten, so all their crimes are rendered moot'.

26th: Why NOT a Nobu?

27th: Boss really didn't want to become the actual boss

28th: The Archchancellor was a curious man. He enjoyed a good Curiosity.

29th: The Lord is still dead.

30th: "You will now kiss the bride." And so they do.


25th: "...What, was I supposed to take my eye out?"


5th: "Hey, wanna say something for the camera?" "What? I- um, well- h-hi mom?"

17th: Florin helpfully contributes by scarfing down a can of fish

24th: Kaydence hated the Tebbies.



1st: Next was spending a couple days in Milwaukee

4th: It's the least energetic trash talk you have ever seen.


21st: Kaydence Roberts, twenty-five, cracker of the Blackwall, destroyer of civilization


2nd: she had discovered a love for the tuber.

8th: "...You mentioned the Kobbers." "Oh no. No way."

17th: "," he added, with a smirk, "I will not let you live that down."

20th: Neo Neos!

21st: “RIDE ‘EM IONO”


5th: "...You don't pay me to watch anime with you." Beck says, before Edgar shoves a couple high-denomination bills at him. "I do now!"

7th: If no one maintained it, this little house would

10th: No need to call me captain, that went down with the ship.

14th: "You know it's haunted, right?" "Of course we do!"

18th: "My calendar has enough on it without this meeting running over its allotted time."

23rd: the Dixie woman had point-blank asked Kaydence if she wasn't some estranged daughter of hers, the end result of some drunken fling on another planet.

29th: dead men don’t get to have opinions.