Tuesday, August 2, 2022

July 2022 Ticker Quote Archive


2nd: "That's our final two: Bulked Annie vs Roman Reigns."

3rd: Or else 'you could get lost', and that would Be Bad.

4th: These Kobbers, some of them were awfully cute…

5th: "Sometimes I can barely believe we're both Hibiki Tachibana"

6th: "Ooh, I bet... $1000 that Neptune's hatred of eggplants will finally affect her in the Brawl!"

7th: "Now listen here. That Jaco Sousa's an idiot."

8th: "Cute is justice!"

9th: Biscotti "bebobop" Biscotti

10th: Not even being leader of the USA had gotten Eggerman THESE tickets

11th: "Good. I don't want you to hear me yet. I'm all vulnerable."

12th: "Sounds like the reaction of someone who ain't raised any chickens."

13th: “Okay… Okay. I’ll do my best to get even better! And I’ll learn how to cook clam chowder!”

14th: A giant, angry, talking force of mud? It sounds like it's time for some... INTREPID REPORTERS!

15th: There had been a surprising lack of bars in the Big Bar Brawl

16th: "Try and take her from me, you obsolete rejects of a dead franchise!”


18th: "why are you going through all this effort to be like ME? Besides the money"

19th: "Don't have the heart? Can't say you're wrong. Don't have a heart."

20th: "Shapeshifting into Craig Stadler is cheating"

21st: "Suspicious: The Sequel..."

22nd: Glutton saved the day. Sort of.

23rd: "Instead of finding a way around relying on literal child soldiers, the city decided it was okay"

24th: Green 5 of Fish

25th: "Like I always say, I unlive to serve!" "Since when do you say that?" "Since now!"

26th: "It'll be nice to visit the Bar and not... Not be a villain, but a customer for once."

27th: "I'd rather be excitedly forgotten than passively remembered."


29th: I bet a sudden giant floofy cat trying to climb you like a tree is a great distraction!

30th: Jorrovar be THIIIIIIIIIIIC

31st: "It's not like that!" It was a little like that.