Sunday, October 3, 2021

September 2021 Ticker Quote Archive

 1st: This ISN'T a total waste of time!

2nd: Good job, kids! Roast grandpa over an open fire!

3rd: "Why haven't we seen this sooner? I don't talk to you, that's probably a big factor"

4th: "I'm so Evil it hurts, mutter mumble"

5th: "It's not just fine, it's Finé!"

6th: "here I am now, as a head."

7th: "I want a turn with the fun trash."




>Exit to Menu"

9th: "Happy Cirno Day girls!" "Happy Cirnoil Day!"

10th: "Reese Witherspoon's right."

11th: "I make you gone forever"/"Ha ha NOPE"

12th: "Have you ever actually laughed at someone slipping on a banana peel though?" "Yes."

13th: "...You know, the yoyo's a weapon."

14th: "WOAH! Blew this cookie stealing case wide open, gotta cuff ya up now!"

15th: He steps over and fires three bullets through Tamashiro's head. "There. All good now, though!"

16th: "Good Salsa" Nacho Nikki takes this moment to strike with her obsession with tortilla chips.

17th: Erasmo jumped in at that. "Classes!"

18th: "If strangling babies helped her achieve her goals faster, she'd invent a baby-strangling machine to do it more efficiently."

19th: A skeleton. An ANIMAL skeleton.

20th: "Ed, if you use that-I can't believe I'm saying this-that-yoyo again"

21st: "Neeko bonk you until you tire of semantics!" "...Neeko, with you, it's ALWAYS some antics."

22nd: "you earned this for even know it exists!"

23rd: It's high-stakes Ratatouille

24th: "ew, moon cakes!"

25th: ksssssh, pppphhhssssshhhh "Oh nooooo!" bwoosh

26th: No, Bao, stop glaring at me! Let me eat my pretzels in peace!

27th: "Fine fine! We'll be heroes!" Angrily

28th: "The Ugly God thought to give me only so many hands."

29th: "of course they wouldn't feed him prime rib!"

30th: Regimelt is given a small pile of ice cream bars. It looks down at them, then back at Annie. "...CEASE."