Monday, May 3, 2021

2020-2021 Off-Season Ticker Quote Archive

 Nov 1: "Hey, I can make more than just cup noodle, you know"

Nov 5: Well. Agama doesn't inherently sound right. And neither do the Kobbers.

Nov 6: "I'll make sure to call you, but I won't promise any bail money."

Nov 7: "So she tried pretending to be Tenshi, thinking people would like her if she was like Tenshi.”

Nov 9: "Elvira didn't even let me keep any part of her."

Nov 10: Thinking about the short time he knew the candy man, Hermes arrives at an answer, deciding that, no

Nov 11: "I guess you gotta go now too..." Cirno says to her counterpart. "Yeah, I haven't used the bathroom since we left."

Nov 12: "South America? That's a whole new world of cuisine for me to ruin."

Nov 13: Rachel leans in close and whispers in Mega Drive's ear. "Talk Sega to me, baby."

Nov 15: "Let’s go catch a tropical disease and post about it on our Roostergrams!"

Nov 16: "THERE WE GO!" KP shoots to her feet. "I can help with that!"

Nov 18: "... A waitress-seamstress-security guard combo? Maybe?"

Nov 19: "We’ll have Saturn herself, too. Human capital is valuable!"

Nov 22: Biscotti ("HEY! :I" )

Nov 23: "It's a different kind of work than pretending to be a game console with boobs"

Nov 24: Nostradamsel

Nov 27: SUDDENLY- Not now. Nothing.

Nov 28: A bigger mystery was how lemonade slowly fixed up the cracks in his body. As far as Hazel was concerned though, it just worked.

Nov 29: "I'm never going to get your name right." Easter said

Nov 30: "...Your relationship is infinitely less dysfunctional than mine and you're gonna make her very happy."

Dec 4: "Call me the Che Guevara of the kitchen."

Dec 14: "Oh, trust me," said Jim Dale, accompanied by the heaviest sigh possible. "I'm hardly any more pleased about this than you are."

Dec 20: Why was there a lion in the house? "Was that lion always there?"

Dec 21: "Welcome to the cautious optimism corner. I'm your host, Master System."

Jan 12: "...Swords?" "Yes!"

Jan 16: a man groans as he gets up from his couch. It was getting to be a pretty regular narrative for him

Jan 26: Well, she’d have to get another onion tomorrow.

Jan 27: this onion was powered by the fury

Jan 28: "My full name makes me feel like a wilting old woman."

Feb 1: "I heard from someone that the ocean is the scariest thing around!" "Was it-" "It was me, yes"

Feb 2: "Enjoy your endless nightmare"

Feb 8: owls didn't live in Agama.

Feb 13: Start the clock.

March 6: “It’s a name that you think would just be one guy, but there’s what, three or four?”

March 7: "Nah, just Blooper ink."

March 8: "we have to learn about America and Russia instead of our home!"

March 12: "...You're an idiot, Hippo."

March 13: He was already drunk. She didn't need any fancy technology tricks to discern that.

March 30: it strode through the jungle without a care for it supposedly being impossible for such a large arthropod to exist.

March 31: Futaba Sakura refused to get a desk

April 4: “...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAohmygod I can’t believe I’m not dead.”

April 10: "the case of the Rogue Pizza Oven"

April 13: "Well fuck, Gamecube is pretty much dead."

April 16: Support for Land Of Fantasy has ended.

April 22: "Private schmivate."

April 23: "Evolto, come back, all is forgiven."

April 29: komachi doesn't hug everyone because yukari is also there and she doesn't hug yukari.