Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Addendum to 2020 Plot Post: Deleted Scene

 A thousand pardons! I remembered after I posted the previous write-up about my 2020 plot that there was one more scene that was deleted, because while it was really cool to me, it just seemed really unlikely that y'all would have let it happen. What makes it significant though? I had planned to give someone a heroic sacrifice to destroy Don Karnage and the Cease and Desist to save Olympia: the Fallen Angel Yohane!

Originally, Yohane and Yoshiko were intended to get along more poorly, Yohane thinking it odd to see another of her and Yoshiko annoyed and disappointed that her Prime counterpart wasn't very heroic at all and was instead an out of shape computer nerd. I preferred their dynamic of not being sure how to feel about each other until their heart-to-heart. Somehow she would have actually talked everyone else into leaving the ship (except everyone who was there would be too good to leave Yohane behind). Instead we got the cool scene of Yohane using the Cease and Desist to punch battleships while Yoshiko unlocked the power of a Heart Star.

I had the scene imagined well enough though I wanted to write it out now roughly as it would've been then.


Yohane let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as the sounds of bulkheads slamming shut echoed through the halls, getting tighter and tighter as they sealed themselves tightly. A quick scan showed the Kobbers leaving the Par Seas vessel, making as much noise as they could to distract the enemy. Now the small control huge felt...huge, empty. Lonely except for herself and a laser gun one of the cops had given her to defend herself.

"A-all according to plan," the Fallen Angel muttered nervously as she worked, her fingers flying over her computer at lightning speed.

On one monitor, the starship's main weapon continued to charge, the ship adjusting to account for the damage done to it by Mogera. On another, Yohane scrolled and searched through screen after menu after directory, giving out authentic-sounding orders to charge up the shields. Time was of the essence; she couldn't hide herself if she wanted a chance of success. The enemy HAD to know where she was by now! Any halfway competent operator would be tracing her already; her code would keep the Zonders from bringing down the shields AND powering down the gun. The latter command, at least, was unlikely to be noticed in time.

She shivered when the walls trembled. She hadn't heard anything, but she could guess what was happening: when the pirates couldn't open the doors, they'd begun blowing them open. Well, let them, Yohane decided, hitting the button to execute her program. The display lit up with numerous little chibi Yohanes, each clad with adorable bat wings and fangs, taking off into the battleship's systems. All the Fallen Angel needed to do now was keep watch and occasionally give the program some guidance. It was a task that didn't demand too much attention or effort, but when she needed to watch it, she really needed to.

"This...this is as good a time as any, isn't it?" she asked herself, loading up a new program.

The Fallen Angel Yohane was a very minor internet personality. She had her own little podcast where she talked about the occult, only a few thousand listeners but they were eager fans, her Little Devils. One more broadcast for their sakes - and for her own - as she hacked into the communications systems, managing to connect to Olympia's networks and sending out the call. Maybe five-hundred people were tuning in, obeying the impromptu summons as Yohane reached back and began doing her hair up into the nicest braid she could imagine. She had to look presentable after all as the camera came on, showing her image to the world.

"Good evening, my little demons! Thank you for answering my call. May the blessings of darkness be upon you! Evil has descended upon the fair city of Olympia, so I, YOHANE, have ascended from the underworld to mete our justice as only a Fallen Angel can!"

She gulped as she heard the bulkheads rattling again, clearing her throat and trying not to look afraid. This was the last time people would see her, after all.

"We're going to be doing something a little different for this episode...our last episode," she continued, trying to keep her voice steady. "Although the supernatural world is my first love, I...I also wanted to someday sing opera, so..."

She took a deep breath and sat up straight, holding the gun close to her.

"My name is Yoshiko Tsushima and this is a my application for the Olympia High Opera. I will be performing 'Time to Say Goodbye' by Andrea Bocelli."

There was no music to accompany Yohane as she began to sing. Her terminal could do quite a few things, but she hadn't installed any music in it. She'd never expected to need it.

"When I am alone I sit and dream

And when I dream the words are missing

Yes, I know that in a room so full of light

That all the light is missing

But I don't see you with me, with me

Close up the windows, bring the sun to my room

Through the door you've opened

Close inside of me the light you see

That you met in the darkness"

Some faint percussion cut in behind Yohane as she sung her piece. Closer and closer, the pirates were closing in. She clutched the pistol and nervously looked over her shoulder.

"Time to say goodbye

Horizons are never far

Would I have to find them alone?

Without true light of my own with you

I will go on ships overseas

That I now know

No, they don't exist anymore

It's time to say goodbye"

A few button presses to keep the programs working. The shields were up, the gun was almost charged, and the pirates were almost in. Yohane turned and opened fired, causing the infiltrators to shirk back. Up on the bridge, Don Karnage was screaming to his men to shut something off, ANYTHING. Despite a battle raging on in the auxiliary bridge, the Fallen Angel refused to quit singing, even after taking a hit that almost knocked her over. Sweat dripping down her forehead, blood trickling out of her shoulder, Yohane looked at the camera.

"Thank you...for your...consideration..."

Outside, the Cease and Desist had finally finished charging the weapon, surrounded in a shimmering force field that refused to come down even as the giant gun fired. Energy powerful enough to destroy the floating city and everything around it crashed like a wave into the shield and reflected, being pushed away as the blast continued, bathing the vessel in energy. It was almost a beautiful sight, colors and lights swirling about until the Unstoppable Force/Immovable Object gave out at the same time, the battleship exploding into bits.

Olympia...was safe.


  1. Got goosebumps when Yohane started singing. She may not be the fighter of the two, but I like the plucky little hacker and despite loving a meaningful sacrifice, I'm glad she's still with us.

    1. Neat as this scene is, it was never going to happen. Too many other heroes there to make sure the miracle happened. ;)

  2. Sad end. :<

    I've occasionally contemplated big sacrifice moments in RP as recently as Season 10 (Dr. Twilight was briefly considered for a permadeath before Draco got too attached to her for me to ever go through with it), but ultimately I think it unlikely I'd ever really commit to one all the way, even if it wasn't a cute anime girl getting killed. I'm glad this didn't happen, the meatball deserved life!
