Tuesday, September 1, 2020

August 2020 Ticker Quote Archives


"I'm a human and Zephyrus is a toaster. This is what our lives have become."

Bart grins, nods and reaches for his drink. Incident smoothed over!

Aiko was the Aicoolest.

"Uhhh, can't hear you Mega, being attacked by the booger monster!"

Hooray for solving the patchysaur housing crisis!

"I can't be bothered to keep the names straight, can you?"

"That's two questions." "I know what I said."

She dramatically points forward, gesturing directly at Zero. "I'm gonna fight that."

"Don't kiss Haehyun!"


"I'm so mad this city has turned dinosaurs into pigeons."

“I’m fine, I’m sober, and I love alcohol."

"This is the worst team up of All Time."

"now I'm here pretending to like your cat's tea."

“There are intruders in my bedroom. Hello, bedroom intruders."

Good news: they're actually tasty pizzas.

"Oh shit free knife!"

betty keeps poking the dirt

"Papa told me there were bad people... And I met you."

"I just sucked up all the air."

"Yeah, but there's no way you've got any news for me better than a next gen field exploration vehicle from a rich cat lady."

"you have to hold my hand like a degenerate"

"I just got regular stabbed."

All 200 of them.

a very shirtless Marlow Briggs

"go get yourself a damn body pillow"

ninja vampire gorilla

"He couldn't stand the idea of any other version of him not being a fucking chad"

"stop living up to all my expectations!"

Sine is basically saying "No"