Monday, June 10, 2019

May 2019 Ticker Quote Archive

Baba has not yet been judged by society.

The most advanced killing machine to come from Solis curled up instead to catnap.

Cyberpunk Mariachi Music

"Are ya telling me to be disappointing?"

"I'm Jill, that girl who just gave the donuts to the hungry elf"

“I will have your sexiest drink”


"Think I'll head there instead since I'm gonna die in a few hours."

A wild goth appears!



Nasty Crimeson

"Hope you have a great dayARGH"

"Does she even know what dates are? Or kissing?"

"This is our day, horses!"

Val knew nothing of the nonsense that was regular and very real here.

"that's the fourth wall that fell down today."

(I didn't pick the name.)

"Get back inside or I'll come over there and murder you to death!"

"Guess I gotta go fuck myself."

"Take it from someone who scant minutes ago intended to cut you open and see what you truly were made of"

Pizza Pasta

Impulse buys. What're ya gonna do?

they could hear her barking happily over the screaming and thumping.

"One of these days they’re going to overdo it and make Theodore or Denise or someone cry.”

"also there's an old man who talks in riddles and doesn't eat pizza."

you would be forgiven for thinking Sonic Man was here.

One of the troopers prods his afro to make sure he didn't die.

"It’s what we are. A nice, normal town full of nice, normal humans."

"Within the next couple weeks you should be able to eat your own head!"

A raccoon sat on a toilet.