Wednesday, June 6, 2018

May 2018 Ticker Quote Archive

"What is the role of The Nevermind?"

She smiled like a shy paper shredder.



"local weirdos blow up a different weirdo"

Pls bring packed lunches. Drinks provided.

Ibuki knew fake crying when she saw it, but that didn’t stop her~

"time to either save or arrest a baby!"

"You can just look away and ignore the inevitable crying if you need to."

"Are there other, enemy hotels and bars out there?"

"...Can you please say that again without"

Ryuji is about to die.

lel disco

"I'd do something but I'm very small and also a cat!"

Yanda, in her heart of hearts, screeches internally

"The only kobbering you'll be doing is in your dumb fanfiction!"

"Excuse me, ma'm, I'm going to see a name tag if you're going to continue laughing maniacally on this course."

"Awww, and here I thought you were gonna say something cute"

"They normally explode nice and clean!"

Instead he's in the middle of a pillow fight. A BODY pillow fight.

"...My ears are melllllltinnnng...."

They have formed a little mob outside the kitchen

You know when you have an itch on your back you just can't quite find the right spot to scratch? It's like that but a skeleton inside of you.

"That's cold, man." "Cold like Jimmy's corpse."

Softly, he says, "I love you, dood,"

"if you die bravely fighting the horrible monsters i'll laugh at you"

"Even if he chokes to death, he'll be fine."

tiny frog pirate adventure

"I don't recall you being very interested in exercise, Nitori."

"I bet ten bucks on this race and I'm gonna reconcile the morality of this AFTER I see it through."

The bar frogs cannot respond, for they are frogs.