Tuesday, May 1, 2018

2017-2018 Offseason Ticker Quote Archive

"Lovely moon to wander aimlessly under, isn't it?"

The Fazfucks promptly kidnap Murdoc. They have such wonderful sights to show him.

"All will fear the warpath of Tiny Tony Kapponi."


"...This isn't a, uh, Hemp farm?"

"I can't go theeeeeeeeeeeeere... I'll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelt..."

Clash was like most of my jerks

"Belphagor, nemesis of the innocent and despoiler of hope wished to book one of the petting zoos for his daughter's seventh birthday."

"Come on, sniff me!”

Extreme Book Club had shown her what she needed to do

“Not like I’m gonna be eating worms for dinner, so why not?”

"By the way, koi? They’re jerks."

"I'm going to dentist school!"

“Could you keep sleeping on a bench? Please? You’d be doing me a huuuuge favor!”

"Why don't you just-" "Because. That's all."

"And the winner will receive a fabulous prize! ...Yes, that sounds good enough."

There was that horrifying 10 minute pause

"She bought TWO UFO pictures"

Carol wasn't sure if that had been Bad Move Number Three

Man, Lady Luck was mean some days.

Maybe because her brain exploded.

"G-g-g-g-g-Gee Pee Ehs?"

"Cease fiddling with your little earth-friend's bits and get to it already, would you?"

Up in a tree amongst the leaves, Scylla didn't see why Eva liked this so much.

<I'm gonna bite you in HAAAAAAAAAAALF!>

"God, his speeches need work!"

She almost ripped with her heart

The cupcake proved too powerful for her

"I will not engage you in paltry conversation. Leave now"

"we just hired Sarah"

The night was proud of her.

the Teapot had long been abandoned

"You need to move the body."

Nobody was sorry.

"You hired the incompetent?!"

The prison was running low on spoons

"Ahh! A talking cat!" Rin exclaimed

"Wow, I'm impressed you got a whole acronym out of that."

"I made you out of my own goat scrapings in a jar, Conrad, and I'll unmake you the same way."

It wasn't much consolation to him, but it was worth mentioning.

she felt famished and unfulfilled, like a VCR reminder next to a DVD player.

"KUWAHAWI It's More Real"

someone inevitibly microwaves styrofoam.

"Who needs to see a dog spliced into a mantis shrimp, anyway?”


"Now, where should I throw you?”

"Bubblesbubblesbubbles," stalled the man, waving a bathing wand and a pistol.

"Our family tree is tangled enough already."

Hell, did he even deserve his four course meal?

"T-tokiko..." Tokiko's headwing drooped.

"I'm still not entirely used to eating with these teeth"

"Wait... which one's the Archon?"

the haze of obnoxious pink, blue and yellow neon

"More fun! You can see the crocodiles.”

"Goodness, the things she could accomplish if she just woke up, or at least drank some coffee."

No. Shut up. Just go away.

"you're gonna eat your words when we go on our kickass pirate cruise (ಠ ∩ಠ)"