Thursday, June 1, 2017

May 2017 Ticker Quote Archive

Robbie's t-shirt shifts again, and suddenly everything makes sense.

"Racing is a sport, so yes, I do play sports!"

“Hm... troubling lack of hot babes here..."

"Mammals are weird"

"Oi, put those down! Those are mine! Order your own damn crackers!"

Compliments, never!


"Work with me here, ocean monsters, work with me!"

A cruel, merciless killer - he eats nothing but meat!

"Please make the painsies go away."

"there's sort of a "no corpse" rule."

"I don't know! I'm a delinquent, I'm uncultured!"

"You suck at this, Grandma"

"Are you practising necromancy without a license?"

"Nah, bro, we just got uh... uhhhhh... Hand Tourettes. Yeah. Very unfortunate."

No skull is sexy enough to distract Effie!

"Get these dinosaurs out of my face! I want a giant gorilla instead!"

"Dolby is officially people"

"Right, off to another planet, love to your mom, bye."

She's too illi... ili...she can't read the darn thing.

Rifa is gasping for air, not gasping in surprise, due to gasping too much.

"he's been with me for years now and has learned everything I taught him"

"It'll be much more nice just to eat you and forget about the whole 'arrest' thing."

"Have you chilled blood on tap? I'll pay extra for a lime."

"Well, after the first round of screaming it wasn't so bad."


Granny Sine

"I'll go in there wearing a bikini and show 'em some fanservice"

"That- I- gggggg! You can't just- I mean it's not- That's not an easy question! I can't just- hrrrgh!"

"If you need things killed instead of kissed, feel free to come back, then?"

...Is it 5,000? I lost count at 16.