Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Obligatory Parsee Blogpost

parsee is (probably) alive


Explosions! Chaos! Anarchy!

All of these described the movie Parsee was spending Saturday morning watching. Despite having the occasional attack by Middle Class extremists and strange demons, Las Vegas was considerably more boring since "Kobber Season" had ended, giving her plenty of time to catch up on movies people insisted she needed to see. She still wasn't sure what the movie was about but, as the end credits began to roll, she began to wonder how bad the Lost World could be if this Warrior could find a cabal of psychic monks to fix his robotic motorcycle.

She briefly considered asking someone to build her one of those motorcycles, but decided the dump truck with the flamethrower - "Megaweapon" - would be more interesting to drive around.

She soon put the DVD back in its case and went back to planning a birthday party for Cian, Vanessa, Alvin, and any of the other former Sins who happened to be hanging out at the time. She didn't know if it really was their birthday - they probably didn't remember either - but it was a good excuse to have a party.

Then she took a nap. The end.

What? They can't all be about assassinations and space wars.

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