Monday, April 24, 2023

Knocking on Heaven's Door

 Bhava-agra, Heaven - January 2nd...

"I should have gone home. Or back to Hakurei Shrine."

Suwako Moriya, goddess of the mountain of Gensokyo, sighed and tried not to fidget as she waited for yet another hour. She looked about the magnificent hall she was currently sitting in: the famous Dragon Palace, a fantastic building, one of the most famous in all of Heaven, with walls covered top to bottom in beautiful artwork of the heavens, intricate murals and carvings that could very well have predated herself. The Celestials she'd spoken to since coming up to Bhava-agra had been cordial, treating her with the respect due a hard-working god (well, they didn't need to know how hard-working she'd been) but without the deference of one of the lords of Bhava-agra, the council of whom was currently meeting behind closed doors. A native god of Earth might be a god, but they were still of Earth.

"I feel like I ought to be looking down on myself," she muttered to herself.

She SHOULD have been back in Gensokyo. New Year's activities were still going hard. The 'elders' of Gensokyo would be having Battles of Bullets with the younger generations to see if they deserved New Year's money. She'd been at Hakurei Shrine long enough to participate a bit, having battles with her four grandchildren - these days, Suwako counted Marisa and Reimu whether the Shrine Maiden liked it or not - to give out some money to them, gotten a sunbath from Utsuho to give the younger vampire a proper tussle, and watched her peers mingling peacefully for a change.

She hadn't stayed for the whole celebration though, running home long enough to change into something more impressive before coming to Heaven with her concerns. Ghidorahs should have been stepping over each other to get to Clownpiece, but none had made it further than Saturn and she only knew that because she knew what to look for. A god of the Earth had trouble seeing what happened in the stars. So she'd come to Bhava-agra to talk to those who lived amongst the stars. They had listened to her and promised to debate the situation. That, however, was hours ago.

Every so often, a lesser Celestial or one of their messengers would ask if she needed anything. After the third cup of wine, she'd politely refused further offers, wishing she were in her more-casual dress rather than her old Warlord of Moriya getup that was far more impressive. It was also a lot heavier and warmer.

Maybe she could go over to Valhalla - the Norse one - and see if they had a poker-faced bartender who could mix a drink there too. Before she could even consider making a move to leave, the towering double doors to the council's chamber swung open. For a moment, all eyes were on the doors - except Suwako's, who would wait until someone approached her to look up. The doors shut just as quickly and the courtiers continued about their business.

"Pardon me, Lady Moriya," a messenger said, approaching. "I have been tasked with delivering you a notice from the Celestial Lords."

Suwako looked up at the formal, respectful address towards the speaker. She vaguely recognized the purple-haired woman and her flowing attire.

"Iku Nagae, right?" Suwako said, looking up. "The Hinanawi Eldest Daughter's babysitter?"

Face turning red for a moment, Iku nodded. "Attendant to the Eldest Daughter, yes, though her stay on Earth means I have been fortu-...I have been assigned to other duties. Though I have not actively participated in the Kobbers in years, the Council has appointed me to collaborate on Kobber activities, such as the invasion of Agama last year."

"Ah. My apologies," Suwako said, nodding. "Has the Council made a decision?"

Iku nodded back. "They have made a decision."

"Just one?"

Iku nodded apologetically, bowing slightly before continuing her report.

"Just one for now. They have heard your report and your concerns. They looked into the stars beyond our world for the danger you believe exists out there and...what they saw fit your suspicions."

Suwako stared for a moment in surprise. "So there IS something out there."

"And approaching Earth," Iku added. "Lord Hinanawi confirmed that there are bits and pieces of roiling energy, leftovers of powerful beings not unlike Clownpiece Lapislazuli. But they were fading quickly. In their wake was something...potent."

"So...something's killing Ghidorahs..." Suwako whispered. "Those jesters brought something worse to our doorstep."

"Maybe. Maybe not. This force is destroying evil creatures," Iku interjected to Suwako's annoyance. "The decision the Council has made is to attempt communication and ascertain this entity's intentions and to either welcome it to Earth or prepare some kind of defense."

Suwako looked up and frowned. "And how do they tell if it ISN'T friendly? If it's killing planet-ravaging space dragons for NOT-benevolent reasons, how is a messenger coming back?"

"I will figure that out when I get there." Iku's answer stunned the goddess for a moment. "You are a Kobber and you have brought this to our attention. Therefore, it is my responsibility to investigate. Lord Hinanawi himself ordered it."

Suwako looked away and adjusted her hat. It was a concerning situation, but if she'd had the clout to get a spaceship to go look herself, she would never have never have come to Heaven. She sighed, looked up at the murals once more, and turned to leave.

"Well, if there's anything I can do to help..."

"Just reserve copies of the newest Agatha Chris Q. novel so I can read them when I get back."

"You got it."

Suwako and Iku bowed respectfully to each other and went their separate ways. As Iku, righteously annoyed at having to go to space, disappeared from Heaven, the goddess of Moriya shrine sighed and jumped from the palace grounds back home. If she hurried, she'd make it back in time for drinks. She'd done what she could to investigate the phantom menace; now she could drink until she stopped worrying about being unable to do more.