Sunday, June 28, 2015

What might have been if Parsee hadn't been jealous...

This post is a non-canon What If story:

What apocalypses in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Suite 16

Parsee was busy watching some educational program on TV when out of nowhere, out of the blue, seemingly at random, she felt...big. Not like a Las Vegas big shot or someone really tall, just....heavy. Aside from forcing herself to eat an extra portion the last time she'd taken food to Cian's manor though, she didn't eat much. She couldn't help but feel as if she'd put on some weight though; maybe she was getting sick? With a little difficulty, she rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom to see if she was pale. As she flicked on a light, she recoiled from the sight in the mirror.

The face in the mirror wasn't hers. Well, with a little closer examination, it DID look like her face except...her hair was black, she had some extra padding on her face, and her eyes were....BLUE? To add the oddness, her ears weren't even pointed.

It wasn't just her head that had changes though; she was a few inches taller upon closer inspection and her was...well, she didn't need to be delicate with herself...fat. Wider hips, pudgy thighs, actual breasts, wasn't a fat stomach, she looked pregnant.

Then...then came the whispers. Children's voices, men and women she felt she ought to know, a home she lived in and yet had never once been to. Memories pouring in like a flood of someone else's life. More than Parsee could handle. She shrieked, calling out for Cian and tried to fly to his manor.

Instead of leaving the ground and soaring into the heavens though, she fell flat on her face.

"Okay, okay, okay, this is all a bad dream," Parsee told herself. "I'll just talk myself down and...and...where am I?!"

Parsee summoned all of her magic and will, but her mirror image refused to manifest. Frustration and fear mounting, she tried to blow a hole in the wall just to see if she could.

No danmaku formed.

The memories though....they kept coming.

A shorter, thinner, younger Parsee walking down a rustic road to find a young man kissing another woman. HER man kissing another woman. For a moment, she felt like running and crying, to try and figure out where she'd gone wrong in pleasing the man, but in an instant she felt rage swell up and make her confront her lover and his new mistress. He begged for another chance, but she cut him off, removed him from her life and found her happiness in a productive job and a new lover, with whom she eventually built a family.

It was in this moment Parsee realized she was looking at her own life. Or rather, what her life would have been if she'd reacted to finding her love's indiscretion's with rage instead of jealousy. She'd never have been a hashihime, never have been trapped on Satori's bridge. She instead would've found joy and love and family.

It was a keen pain she felt stab into her heart as the changes went away and Parsee was her normal self again. She frantically rubbed her stomach, her face, her hair, wishing that all of those changes would come back, wishing that she could in fact go back in time and be the black-haired family woman instead of the Green-eyed Monster.

"Why have you done this?" Parsee asked the mysterious force that had shown her what could have been. "Why do you torment me so?"

But the world refused to listen.


Back in canon ZFRP, Parsee was reading a book when I Am did his thing. She thought she felt something off, but nothing appeared different...although she could've sworn she was reading a cook book and not Garfield. Oh, wait, she was. She didn't know why she thought she was holding a Garfield book for a moment.